Manually Initiate Screening Services

You can manually initiate screening services without having to move candidates in the candidate selection process.

Before you start

You need the privilege Manually Trigger Screening Packages (IRC_MANUALLY_TRIGGER_SCREENING_PACKAGES).
Note: Your administrator may have configured the candidate selection process so that a screening service is initiated automatically when a job application reaches a specific state in the candidate selection process. If you do decide to manually initiate a request that's already been automatically requested, this request and the ones requested automatically will all be initiated right away. You won't have to wait for the scheduled process to be completed, which is recommended to be run every 10 minutes.

Here's what to do

  1. Open a candidate a job application.
  2. Click the Screening tab.
  3. In the Actions menu, select Initiate Request.
  4. For background check or assessment categories, you can select the screening service package you want to initiate. You can select one or multiple packages. You can't select packages in status Completed and In Progress. For tax credits, there is no package selection because multiple packages aren't supported.
  5. Click OK.

What to do next

If later on you want to cancel a screening service, use the Stop Request action.