Preview a Job Offer Letter

You can use the Preview Offer action to see the job offer letter online just like the candidate will see it. You can also download a PDF version of the candidate's offer letter.

You can use the Preview Offer action at any point in the offer's lifecycle to view the offer letter with its current values. This can be after you created a draft of the offer letter, or after the candidate declined the offer, or after the candidate was hired.

There are security restrictions to preview an offer letter. Depending on your privileges, you might not see the values of the job offer salary or the other compensation values, even if these fields are configured in the selected offer letter template.

When you preview the offer letter, you see:

  • Text and buttons in the language used by the candidate when applying for the job.

  • Tokens replaced with current values for each field in the offer letter template, using your security privileges.

  • Name of offer attachments that the candidate needs to review. Note that you can't click these links when you preview the offer letter.

  • Media files configured in the requisition to display in the offer.

  • A simplified version of the branding matching the career site where the candidate applied for the job.

  • Link to download a PDF version of the candidate's offer letter with its current values, using your security privileges. This can be useful if you want for instance to send a paper copy to the candidate.

  • The newest version of the offer letter template, regardless of the current status of the job offer itself.

The Preview Offer page displays the job offer letter in HTML format. There might be some differences when you view the job offer letter in the Preview Offer page (the letter is displayed in HTML format) versus when you view it as a PDF or Word format. For example, the HTML format supports only bulleted and numbered lists, whereas in Word, bulleted, numbered, and multilevel lists are supported. If you want more information on these differences, refer to the documented Differences Between Preview Offer and RTF or PDF File available on My Oracle Support (Doc ID 2747108.1).

If you realize that the offer letter isn't appropriate for the candidate, you can use the Edit Offer action (if the offer is in the Draft state) and select another offer letter if your organization created more than one offer letter template to meet their business needs. If the offer is still draft and you have the appropriate privileges, you could also change some of the text in the offer letter to adjust the content to that specific candidate.