7Employee Management Administration

Employee Management Administration

Employee Reconcile Feature

The employee reconcile feature is offered as a service through Taleo Connect Client where two employee records can be merged.

The employee reconcile feature allows for data elements that exist in two records for a single person to be merged into a single, surviving record in the system. This feature addresses limitations in reconciling duplicate records that may exist in the system for candidates, users and employees. It eliminates duplicate entries for employees by allowing for the system to merge data from one employee record to another employee record. In cases where there is duplicate candidate data, the system allows for the candidate data to be replaced.

This feature is leveraged exclusively through integration and does not have a user interface component.

The typical scenario for using this feature would be to recover from an employee import mistake that has occurred. The reconciliation could also be used to merge an existing candidate record with an employee record imported from an HRIS system. It is not expected to have duplicate employees in the system for which we have both engaged processes. For example, it is not likely that one record has a series of goals and another record for the same person is included in a succession plan and has had multiple reviews.

Working with Team Management

Team Management

Team Management provides managers with a self-service tool for performing employee changes and maintaining information about their employee-manager relationships.

In the Talent Browser, a manager can request a change for members of his team. The manager can either take an individual he sees on his team and request that he be managed by someone else, or request that someone who is not shown on his team be added to his direct reports. As part of this process, the manager can also update data about the employee.

Depending on the standard field configuration for team management, the manager can have the ability to edit an employee's manager, current job role, location and organization. These changes can be configured to require approval. In such cases, the approval workflow must also be specified as part of the configuration.

In the event that a manager would like to remove a direct report from his team but does not know the name of the new manager, he can simply leave the manager name blank. The HR administrator will be required to assign the employee a new manager in order to approve the request.

Following is a list of possible team management actions:
  • Add an employee from another team

  • Add a matrix manager

  • Change an employee's manager, thus moving the employee to another team

  • Change an employee's organization

  • Change an employee's location

  • Change an employee's job field

Each type of change can be set to require approval, but a justification is always required for a change to be processed.

All requested or rejected changes are indicated on the employee's card in the Talent Browser.

Enabling Team Management

Enabling Team Management gives authorized users the possibility of performing employee change requests.

Configuration > [Performance] Settings

  1. In the Product Settings page, find and select the setting Enable Team Management.

  2. In the Enable Team Management page, click Edit.

  3. In the editor page, in the Value section, select Yes.

    By default, Team Management is set to No, thus disabled.

  4. Click Save.

When enabled, Team Management is available to HR administrators via the Navigation bar's HR Administration dropdown.

Once enabled, Team Management functions can be disabled again if needed.

Defining the Job Position Behavior

Defining the job position behavior consists in specifying how the job position will be handled when an employee is moved from one manager to another.

Configuration > [Performance] Settings

  1. In the Product Settings page, find and select the setting Job Position Configuration.

  2. In the Job Position Configuration page, click Edit.

  3. In the Editor - Job Position Configuration page, in the Value section, select the desired behavior to be applied to the job position when an employee is moved from one manager to another.

    • Move also the job position if applicable - When an employee move is requested and approved, the job position will also be moved.

    By default, the job position of an employee remains with the current manager.

  4. Click Save.

Depending on the selection behavior, when an employee move is performed in Performance, the job position will either be moved to the new manager or remain with the current manager. The employee move might even not be allowed.

Configuring Team Management

Configuring Team Management allows system administrators to select the information that can be changed by authorized users when approving employee change requests and to define the applicable approval workflow.

Configuration > [Performance] Administration > [Employee Management] Team Management Configuration

  1. In the Team Management Configuration page, click Edit next to Standard Fields.

  2. In the Standard Field Availability Editor page, determine which information can be edited and if editable, indicate if approval is required.

    If approval is not required, any employee change that is requested will be applied automatically.

  3. Click Save.

  4. Back to the Team Management Configuration page, click Edit next Approval Workflow.

  5. In the Approval Workflow Editor page, select from the available user roles the ones to which you want to grand approver rights and click Add.

    You can also select a specific user to be part of the approval workflow by clicking Add Users.

  6. To define the order in which the approval is to be performed, sort the approvers sequentially by using the up and down arrows.

  7. Click Save.

The Team Management Configuration page will show the information as it was defined.

Matrix Management

Matrix management provides the ability to assign employees, for a specific period, to matrix or proxy managers that can participate in reviews, goals and any other tasks on behalf of the primary manager.

Matrix management is a technique of managing an organization (or, more commonly, part of an organization) through a series of dual-reporting relationships instead of a more traditional linear management structure. In its simplest form, a matrix configuration may be known as a cross-functional work team, which brings together individuals who report to different parts of the company in order to complete a particular project or task. Another example would be an employee who is managed by multiple supervisors, where the primary manager has named matrix managers for his employees. In all such cases, the matrix managers need to participate in the tasks related to the employees they were assigned, whether that be to write a performance review, approve a goal plan or even to assign development activities.

The matrix management feature provides important management functions:
  • Allows managers to share their work responsibilities and administrative tasks with matrix managers who may act on their behalf.

  • Allows managers or HR administrators to appoint temporary resource managers. In case that a primary manager is unavailable or on a leave, their tasks and performance management functions may be conducted by the matrix manager.

  • Allows matrix managers to participate in performance management functions of employees who work in cross functional teams. It is important to note that to be entitled to participate in a review, matrix managers must also be made review collaborators.

Matrix managers are also added to the security relationships as matrix managers. In other words, matrix managers have both ownership and matrix manager security access.

A matrix manager can participate in various performance management processes such as reviews, goals, development plans, and succession plans. They may participate by conducting the tasks and actions of the primary manager or by directly providing input to these processes. However, for a matrix manager to edit or write an employee review, it must also be assigned as a review collaborator.

In Performance, matrix management is performed via the Talent Browser and provides the following capabilities:
  • Delegated Employee View - This view of the organizational chart allows a matrix manager to view all employees that have been delegated to him, indicated by a dotted line. The delegated employee performance card indicates also the number of matrix managers each has.

  • Manage Matrix Management Relationships - Via the “Manage Matrix Manager” action, a user can appoint a matrix manager to all or some of his employees and assign his tasks. When managing matrix managers, managers can add or remove matrix managers they have assigned as well as view a list of the employees they have delegated to each matrix managers.

  • Task Delegation - When a manager chooses to delegate his tasks to the matrix manager, the tasks that would normally go to the primary manager are also be sent to the matrix manager, and therefore show in both the primary manager and the matrix manager's task list. The tasks that are delegated are those that are in relation to the delegated employees; for instance, tasks like network invitation sent to the primary manager would not be delegated to the matrix manager. Once the task is completed by either the original manager or one of the matrix managers, the task is considered complete and it is deleted from the task list.

  • Matrix Manager as Review Approvers - A matrix manager may be selected as an approver type in a review's approval workflow. In such a scenario, the matrix manager will be notified when a review reaches the approval stage in the workflow and will be able to approve/reject the review as desired.

  • Searching Amongst Delegated Employees - A user that has been named matrix manager can use the People Selector to search for people amongst their delegated employees.

There are various tasks and actions that a matrix manager may perform. In order for the matrix manager to receive tasks and complete the associated actions, the primary manager must have also delegated his tasks to matrix manager. Following is a table listing all the actions than can be performed by matrix managers versus those allowed to review collaborators.

Task or Action Tasks that can be done by a collaborator Tasks that can be done by a matrix manager*
Write Employee Review (initial, rejected or restarted review) Yes No
Submit for Approval No Yes
Reopen for Approval No Yes
Decide on Approval No No (unless the matrix manager is defined as an approver in the review workflow or the original approver has delegated his tasks to this matrix manager)
Release Employee Review No Yes
Request Acknowledgment No Yes
Acknowledgment No No

The matrix manager cannot acknowledge the review on behalf of the employee even if the "Allow manager to override employee acknowledgment" setting is active in review process definition.

Send Review Back to Employee No Yes
Cancel Review No No
Transfer Review No No
Manager Review Collaborators No No
Notified of task 'Write Employee Review' or 'Reopen for Approval' via Task List Yes Yes
Notified of task 'Submit for Approval', 'Release' , 'Request Acknowledgment' or 'Close' via Task List No Yes

*Note that if a matrix relationship is created before review generation, the matrix manager is automatically added as a review collaborator and therefore be able to perform the tasks allowed to collaborators.

Like the primary manager, the matrix manager is entitled to send a review back to an employee under the following conditions:
  • As long as the review is in a Draft status and not yet submitted for approval, and

  • If the review request configuration indicates that this action is possible (via the setting 'Allow Manager to Restart Review Workflow'

HR administrators are can configure matrix management options as follows:
  • View, edit, and delete matrix management relationships created by managers, for any coverage area.

  • Create new matrix management relationships on behalf of managers, for any coverage area. The managers are in turn entitled to view, edit, and delete those matrix relationships created by the HR administrator.


Matrix management functions are optional and must be configured with the proper settings and user permissions.

Settings from Configuration > [SmartOrg] Settings
Setting Name Setting Description Possible Values Security Level Setting Category
Matrix Management Enabled Enables matrix management functionalities allowing a manager to delegate his tasks to another manager.
  • Yes

  • No (default)

Public Matrix Management
Extended Matrix Management Indicates if matrix manager relationships also apply to the direct reports of delegated employees.
  • Yes

  • No (default)

Public Matrix Management
Maximum Number of Matrix Managers Indicates the maximum number of matrix manager relationships that can be set for an employee.
  • 5 (default)

Public Matrix Management
Maximum Number of Matrix Management Requests Indicates the maximum number of matrix management requests a manager can have at the same time.
  • 5 (default)

Public Matrix Management
Employee Change Matrix Management Behavior Indicates how matrix manager relationships are handled when an employee changes manager.
  • Keep matrix managers

  • Remove matrix managers (default)

Public Matrix Management

In addition to the configuration settings, users need to have specific permissions granted to be allowed to perform matrix management functions.

Permissions Configuration > [SmartOrg] Administration > [Users] User Accounts
Permission Name Setting Description
Performance > Team Management > Access Talent Browser This permission grants the user access to the Talent Browser. This permission must be granted in conjunction with the appropriate View/Manage permission listed below.

If a user has this permission, he will be entitled to perform matrix management requests; however, to perform delegated tasks, he will need, for each context, to have the View - If the user is a matrix manager or the Manager - If the user is a matrix manager permission.

**If an organization wants to let the managers perform matrix management requests but not any employee change requests, the administrator needs to disable the editability of all Team Management Standard Fields (such as the manager, organization, location, and job role).

Performance > Performance Reviews > View - If the user is a matrix manager

Performance > Performance Reviews > Manage - If the user is a matrix manager

This permission allows the user to view and/or manage performance reviews if designated as a matrix manager.

Performance > Goal Plans > View - If the user is a matrix manager

Performance > Goal Plans > Manage - If the user is a matrix manager

This permission allows the user to view and/or manage goal plans if designated as a matrix manager.

Performance > Career Plans > View - If the user is a matrix manager

Performance > Career Plans > Manage - If the user is a matrix manager

This permission allows the user to view and/or manage career plans if designated as a matrix manager.

Performance > Development Plans > View - If the user is a matrix manager

Performance > Development Plans > Manage - If the user is a matrix manager

This permission allows the user to view and/or manage development plans if designated as a matrix manager.

Performance > Employee Metrics > View - If the user is a matrix manager

Performance > Employee Metrics > Manage - If the user is a matrix manager

This permission allows the user to view and/or manage employee metrics if designated as a matrix manager.

Performance > Employee Profile > View - If the user is a matrix manager

Performance > Employee Profile > Manage - If the user is a matrix manager

This permission allows the user to view and/or manage talent profiles if designated as a matrix manager.
Performance > Team Management > Access administration tools This permission grants the user access to the HR Administration Tools.

This permission, in conjunction with 'View as another employee' is required to allow an HR administrator to manage (create, view, edit, delete) matrix management relationships.

Performance > Team Management > Access Manage Matrix Manager This permission is required for the logged in user to have the option available from their card in the Talent Browser.

Aside from the configuration settings and permission, the matrix manager role has been added to the list of available roles in the Role Selector when setting the approvers of a review definition. Furthermore, the matrix manager can also be designated as a calibrator.

Team Management Fields

Fields related to team management in Performance Administration are presented in the following table. Each entry in the table includes a field or button, a description, possible values (when they are predefined), the part of the application to which the field applies and the field's section header.

Field Description Applicable to Header
Add Users Link opening the User Selector to choose specific users to include in the approval workflow. Team Management Approval Workflow
Approval Workflow Shows the defined roles responsible for the approval of team management changes, in the applicable order. Team Management Approval Workflow
Approval Workflow Box that lists all selected roles to be part of the approval workflow for team management changes. In Edit mode, the roles can be reordered as desired using the up and down arrows. Team Management Approval Workflow
Assignment Correspondence Field that indicates the message template to use when an approval task is assigned. Team Management Approval Workflow
Available Approval Roles Box that lists all the roles that are available for approving team management changes. Team Management Approval Workflow
Completion Correspondence - Approval Field that indicates the message template to use when an approval process is completed by an approval. Team Management Approval Workflow
Completion Correspondence - Rejection Field that indicates the message template to use when an approval process is completed by a rejection. Team Management Approval Workflow
Completion Correspondence - Termination Field that indicates the message template to use when an approval process is terminated. Team Management Approval Workflow
Current Job Field used to change the current job of an employee. Team Management Standard Fields
Editable Option that indicates whether the field is editable or read-only. Team Management Standard Fields
Location Field used to change the location of an employee. Team Management Standard Fields
Manager Field used to change the manager of an employee. Team Management Standard Fields
Name Column heading showing the name of standard fields where changes can be made Team Management Standard Fields
Organization Field used to change the organization of an employee. Team Management Standard Fields
Requires Approval Option that indicates whether a change to the value of the field needs to be approved. Team Management Standard Fields

Employee Metrics Permissions Configuration

Employee metrics represent employee information that can be used for analysis or calibration purposes or to show summary information about an employee.

The employee metrics that are configured to be displayed and/or edited are reflected in various locations:
  • in the Talent Profile

  • in the employee's performance card and summary profile

  • in the Employee Details window, available from the performance card

  • in the Talent Snapshot

Employee metrics can also be used as dimension types for the X and Y axes in matrices. This can affect which people are automatically rated on a matrix and which people can have their metrics updated. Users with fewer employee metric user permissions will typically see a larger unrated population.

If configured to be editable, the employee metrics under the Metrics section of the Talent Profile will be editable by the authorized users.

Users need to have the proper user type permissions to be entitled to view and/or edit the employee metrics.

The Potential, Promotability Readiness, Reassignment Candidate, Risk of Loss, and Impact of Loss employee metrics can also be customized to have values that better represent your company's terminology and use of these metrics.

Please refer to the list of employee metrics to see which metric can be displayed or available where.


The metrics are by default not displayed and not editable.

Metric configuration is performed via the following:

Location Description
Configuration > [Taleo Performance] Administration > [Employee Management] Metrics Configuration This section allows to define which metrics are to be displayed and which ones are to be editable. Metrics can only be edited via the Talent Profile.

Permissions and settings:

Permissions: Configuration > [SmartOrg] Administration > [Users] User Accounts
Permission Name Setting Description
Performance > Employee Metrics > View This permission grants the user read-only access to metrics configured to be displayed.
Performance > Employee Metrics > Manage This permission grants the user write access to metrics configured to be editable.
Compensation > Compensation Data > View compensation history This permission grants the user read-only access to compensation history information. If the user does not have this permission, no compensation metrics will be seen.

Showing Rating Metrics as Real Values

Metrics related to ratings can be configured to display as the actual values of the rating model instead of as the normalized values used for calculations and updates.

Various metrics are used in the application to display ratings on the employee. However, for some of these metrics, the only information available is the normalized rating, that is a calculation of the actual rating expressed as a value between 0% and 100%. As this percentage value does not provide significant meaning to the customer, settings are offered to provide the possibility for customers to display the ratings as their actual values.

Note that those real ratings will only apply for displaying the metric values; the normalized ratings will still be used for all calculations and updates on the values.


N=Normalized Rating Value

C=Current Rating Numerical Value

L= Lowest Rating Numerical Value

H=Highest Rating Numerical Value

Normalized Value Current Value
N=(C - L) / (H - L) C=(N * (H - L)) + L

For the system to display the current metric ratings, a new service has been developed to retrieve the normalized value. This service then uses a setting and the rating dimension configured for this metric to determine the way to display the rating.

The ratings that can be shown as the actual values, and not normalized, are the following:
  • Review - Current Review Status

  • Review - Last Focal Review Rating

  • Employee - Review Rating

  • Employee - Competency Rating

  • Employee - Goal Rating


The following settings provide the ability to configure ratings to show as real values. It is important to note that these settings do not affect the performance review itself but just the employee metrics related to ratings.

Configuration > [General Configuration] Settings
Setting Name Setting Description Possible Values Security Level Setting Category
Metric Rating Display Indicates the display format of rating values, based on a set of predefined formats.
  • As a percentage - Rating displayed as a normalized value (e.g. 70%)

  • In numeric format (default) - Rating displayed as a rounded numerical value (e.g. 4)

  • In numeric format with rating scale - Rating displayed as a rounded numerical value with the applicable rating scale (e.g. 4 [1,5])

  • In text format - Rating displayed as a textual rating (e.g. Excellent)

  • In text and numeric format - Rating displayed as a textual rating and a rounded numerical value (e.g. Excellent (4))

Public General Settings
Metric Rating Model Rounding Indicates the rounding percentage used to determine the rating value corresponding to a given score. Any chosen value between 1 and 100. Public General Settings
"Review Rating" Metric Rating Model Indicates the rating model used to determine the available values for the "Employee – Review Rating" metric. Any active rating model Public General Settings
"Goal Rating" Metric Rating Model Indicates the rating model used to determine the available values for the "Employee - Goal Rating" metric. Any active rating model Public General Settings
"Competency Rating" Metric Rating Model Indicates the rating model used to determine the available values for the "Employee - Competency Rating" metric. Any active rating model Public General Settings

Ratings Displayed as Actual Values

Ratings that can be displayed as actual values

Available in the Metrics section of the Talent Profile

Available on the Performance Card

Available on the Employee Details window

Review - Current Review Status

Talent Profile - Metrics section



Review - Last Focal Review Rating

Talent Profile - Metrics section



Employee - Review Rating

Talent Profile - Metrics section



Employee - Competency Rating

Talent Profile - Metrics section



Employee - Goal Rating

Talent Profile - Metrics section



Configuring Employee Metrics Permissions

Configuration > [Taleo Performance] Administration > [Employee Management] Metrics Configuration

  1. Click Edit.

  2. In the Display column, select the checkbox for the metrics you want users to see.

  3. In the Edit column, select the checkbox beside the metrics you want users to be able to modify in the Talent Profile.

    Not all metrics can be made editable.

Selected metrics are displayed in a user's talent profile.

Employee Metrics Permissions Fields

All of these fields can be enabled and disabled for your system as required, but only the employee metrics (in the Employee section) can be edited in the Talent Profile, as indicated in the table. The * indicates the metrics are configurable and may not have the default values.

Metrics Available Available in the Metrics section of the Talent Profile Available on Performance Card Available on Employee Details Can be set to be editable (in the Talent Profile only) Always available in matrices Always available in charts, for analysis and calibration
Position - Critical Yes Yes Yes No No Yes
Succession - Number of Successors Yes No Yes No No No
Succession - Interim Replacement Yes Yes Yes No No No
Succession - Replacement Name Yes Yes Yes No No No
Succession - Bench Strength Yes Yes Yes No No No
Succession - Number of Succession Plans Yes No No No No No
Career - Number of Career Scenarios Yes Yes Yes No No No
Career - Job Role in Career Plan No. This metric was added for calibration purposes. No. This metric was added for calibration purposes. No. This metric was added for calibration purposes. No No No
Goal - Status Yes Yes Yes No No No
Goal - Average Progress Yes Yes Yes No No Yes
Goal - Last Update Yes Yes Yes No No No
Review - Current Review Status Yes Yes Yes No No No
Review - Last Focal Review Rating Yes Yes Yes No No No
Review - Current Review Rating No. This metric was added for review calibration purposes. No. This metric was added for review calibration purposes. No. This metric was added for review calibration purposes. Not applicable. No Yes
Review - Current Review Section Rating No. This metric was added for review calibration purposes. No. This metric was added for review calibration purposes. No. This metric was added for review calibration purposes. Not applicable. No Yes
Employee - Review Rating Yes No No Yes Yes Yes
Employee - Competency Rating Yes No No Yes Yes Yes
Employee - Goal Rating Yes No No Yes Yes Yes
Employee - Potential* Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Employee - Risk of Loss* Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Employee - Impact of Loss* Yes Yes Yes Yes No No
Employee - Reassignment Candidate* Yes No No Yes No No
Employee - Promotability Readiness* Yes No No Yes Yes Yes
Employee - Gap Analysis Score Yes No No No No No
Employee - Years in Industry Not applicable. This information always shows in the Job Preferences section. Not applicable. Not applicable. Not applicable. Yes Yes
Employee - Years in Management Not applicable. This information always shows in the Job Preferences section. Not applicable. Not applicable. Not applicable. Yes Yes
Development - Number of Activities Yes Yes Yes No No No
Development - Development Overall Progress Yes Yes Yes No No Yes
Development - Has Development Plan Yes No No No No No
Compensation - Current Salary Yes Yes Yes No No No
Compensation - Salary Increase Yes Yes Yes No No No
Compensation - Target Bonus Yes Yes Yes No No No
Compensation - Non-vested Stock Yes Yes Yes No No No

Importing Employee Metrics via TCC

You can use Taleo Connect Client (TCC) to import some employee metrics, which can then be viewed in the Talent Profile.

In TCC you can complete an import (both update and merge) of the following EmployeeMetrics fields: LastReviewScore, EmployeePotential, and EmployeeRiskOfLoss.

Only these metrics can currently be imported via TCC.

Example TCC file structure for updating employee metrics:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<load:load productCode="SO1006" model="http://www.taleo.com/ws/so800/2009/01" root="Employee" operation="update" locale="en" header="true" delimiter="," quote="&quot;" xmlns:load="http://www.taleo.com/ws/integration/load">
        <load:column parameter="1" type="DATA" path="TalentUser,ArUser,EmployeeID" searchType="SEARCH" searchTarget="../.." localeType="NONE"/>
        <load:column parameter="1" type="DATA" path="EmployeeMetrics,LastReviewScore" ignoreEmpty="true" localeType="NONE"/>
        <load:column parameter="1" type="DATA" path="EmployeeMetrics,EmployeePotential,Code" searchType="SEARCH" searchTarget="." ignoreEmpty="true" localeType="NONE"/>
        <load:column parameter="1" type="DATA" path="EmployeeMetrics,EmployeeRiskOfLoss,Code" searchType="SEARCH" searchTarget="." ignoreEmpty="true" localeType="NONE"/>

Customizable Employee Metrics

The Potential, Promotability Readiness, Reassignment Candidate, Risk of Loss, and Impact of Loss employee metrics can be configured to use customized values, enabling them to better represent your HR processes and terminology.

The customizable employee metrics are available in the Talent Profile and Talent Snapshot, and in matrices and charts used with Performance Reviews, Succession Plans, and Talent Pools. They are also displayed when you use filters in the Review Calibrations, Talent Pools, Nomination Slates, and Talent Browser. Only Potential and Risk of Loss are available with facets in People Search. The delivered Taleo values are used with these customizable metrics, until you choose to change them. Your customized values can use any alphanumeric characters in their Code and Name.

Renaming a Customizable Metric Value versus Adding, Removing, Activating and Deactivating.

When only the name of an existing metric value is changed in the configuration, that change is immediately reflected in Performance screens. If customized metric values are added, removed, activated, or deactivated, the changes will only impact metric values used in existing employee records when those values are subsequently changed. This is because the configuration of the customized values are associated with the metrics themselves, and those values applied to employee records are stored in separate tables in the system.

For example, when Julia Savard's Potential metric was initially set to High, the available delivered values were High, Medium, Low. Later, those values were deactivated and the new custom values Good, Average and Poor were created and activated. Since the value associated with Julia is High, her manager would need to edit her metrics in the Talent Profile and select Good from the drop-down list. This would ensure the most up to date customized value is associated with Julia's Potential metric. If only the names of the original values were changed, her manager would not need to update the employee records.

Customizable Metrics Use with Matrices and Charts

Some customizable employee metrics are available for use in matrices and charts used with Performance Reviews, Succession Plans, and Talent Pools.

When using customized metrics values with matrices and charts, only those metric values that are active can be used. If an employee in a chart or matrix cell is associated with a legacy value that is no longer active, the employee can remain there and the legacy value is displayed. Other employees cannot be moved into a cell with the inactive legacy value. If all of the custom values used in a chart or matrix have been replaced, the entire matrix may no longer be usable.

There are additional specific behaviors to be aware of when working with matrices that have customizable metrics values for dimension types:
  • One metric value must map to one division/cell (use only one-to-one mappings) when setting up matrix and chart cells.

  • As matrices can have custom labels, it is possible the labels and cell values do not match.

To prevent these issues from occurring, you should ensure in the Configuration that only properly formatted matrices and charts with active custom metric values are used with the Performance Review Template, Default Succession Plan Template, and Talent Pool Template. When changes are made to customizable metrics, they do not automatically get applied to matrices and charts.

Migrating Promotability Readiness for Use in Matrices and Charts

In Performance Management Feature Pack 12C the Promotability Readiness metric is delivered with these values: Ready Now, Ready in under 1 year, Ready in 1-2 years, Ready in 2+ years. If you are currently using the Promotability Readiness metric in a prior release with different metric values than these, are upgrading to release 12C, and want to continue using your prior metric values in matrices and charts, then you will need to map to the previous values used in 12B with the Taleo Connect Client (TCC).

For example, consider the case of a matrix called All Metrics - Potential and Promotability, where the values for Promotability Readiness are as follows:

Division Name Label 12B Value 12C Delivered Value
Division 1 Low Above 30 months Ready in 2+ years
Division 2 Medium 15-30 months Ready in 2+ years
Division 3 High 0.0 to 15 months Ready in 1-2 years

While updating, the system uses the later number in the 12B values to select and replace the corresponding configurable metric value delivered with 12C. In this case the delivered metric value Ready in 2+ years is used for both the previous Low and Medium values. As a result, employee records previously using the values 15-30 months and Above 30 months will all display in the UI as Ready in 2+ years. The matrix will generate error messages because the values have to map on a one-to-one basis. If you want to return back to using your prior metric values the administrator will need to migrate them back using TCC.

Maximum Number of Divisions for Customizable Metrics Used in Matrices and Charts

The maximum number of divisions for customized metrics for use in matrices and charts is as follows:

Customizable Metric Name Matrix Chart
Potential 5 5
Promotability Readiness 5 5
Risk of Loss 5 5
Impact of Loss 0 0

Customizable Employee Metrics Use in the Talent Profile

Only activated employee metric values are available in the Talent Profile's selection lists. However, the metric values previously used in employee records are not automatically changed even though certain values may be deactivated in Configuration.

Users can view metrics history in the Talent Profile by clicking the More Actions button at the top of the Metrics section. The actions list provides the following options:
  • Nominate for Position

  • Show History

  • Create Report

When the user selects the Show History option, the Metrics History dialog provides options for the following employee metrics:
  • Review Rating

  • Potential

  • Risk of Loss

  • Promotability Readiness

  • Reassignment Candidate

  • Competency Rating

  • Goal Rating

  • Impact of Loss

Potential, risk of loss and promotability readiness are customizable.

Customizable Metrics Use in the Talent Snapshot

The following metrics are displayed in the Talent Snapshot, all four of which are customizable:
  • Potential

  • Risk of Loss

  • Impact of Loss

  • Promotability Readiness

Customizable Metrics Use in the Talent Browser

The following metrics are displayed in the Talent Browser when Metrics is selected from the General selector, all three of which are customizable:
  • Potential

  • Promotability Readiness

  • Risk of Loss

Customizable Metrics Use in Filters

Employees can be filtered based on customizable metrics in the following contexts:
  • Review Calibrations

  • Talent Pool

  • Talent Browser

  • Nomination Slate

Customizable Metrics Use in Searches

Only the Potential and Risk of Loss customizable metrics are available with facets in People Search.

When metric values are made inactive they are not searchable. Only active values show up in facets.

Customizable Metrics Use in Calibration

Customizable metrics can be calibrated from the following contexts:
  • Talent Pool, Matrix mode

  • Talent Pool, Chart mode

  • Performance Reviews Hub, Matrix mode

  • Performance Reviews Hub, Chart mode

  • Succession Plan, Matrix mode

Features Removed

The following predefined searches are removed from succession plans: Search for Top Employees, Search for Above Average Fit Employees, and Search for Fit Employees.

On the Talent Pool pages, the Update Metrics option is removed from the More Actions dropdown list, and now displays directly on the toolbar on its own, where applicable. In some instances the More Actions dropdown list is removed from the toolbar.

On the Talent Browser, the Metrics section is removed from the Team Summary page.


The following configuration setting is used for customizing the values of the employee metrics Potential, Promotability Readiness, Reassignment Candidate, Risk of Loss, and Impact of Loss.

Note: Impact of Loss is a new metric as of Feature Pack 12C.

User Type Permission
Name Location
Configurable Metrics Configuration > [SmartOrg] Administration > [Users] Configurable Metrics[Metric Management]

Delivered Values for Customizable Metrics

The delivered values for the customizable metrics are as follows:
  • Potential: Low, Medium, High, Not Specified.

  • Promotability Readiness: Ready Now, Ready in under 1 year, Ready in 1-2 years, Ready in 2+ years.

  • Reassignment Candidate: Yes, No.

  • Risk of Loss: Low, Medium, High, Not Specified.

  • Impact of Loss: Low, Medium, High.

Not Specified is only delivered as a metric value for Potential and Risk of Loss. If you want Not Specified as a value in the other customizable metrics for your implementation, your system administrator must define it in Configuration.
  • Even though not delivered in Configuration, and not initially selectable from dropdown lists, the Not Specified value will appear in certain employee records at first for Impact of Loss, Reassignment Candidate and Promotability Readiness. This will occur in records where there are no migrated values to fill the field. The database will populate such records with Not Specified rather than using a null value.

  • To add Not Specified as a valid value on the dropdown lists your system administrator must add it in Configuration.

  • To change an employee record from Not Specified to some other value, the value must first be configured and available to display on the dropdown lists.

The best practice at startup or beginning migration is to make sure each customizable metric has the full set of values you want to use, and that one of the values for each metric is set as the default.

Customizable Metrics Configuration Considerations

  • When configuring employee metric values you can create new values or edit existing ones. Editable properties for metric values include reordering the location they display on dropdown lists; editing the names, codes and icons; activating or deactivating the custom values; and setting a default value.

  • When creating a metric value, you may give it an alphanumeric name and represent it with an icon. You can also edit the name and icon for existing metrics. The image can be a maximum of 16 x 16 pixels, must be in .gif, .jpeg or .png format, and have a transparent background.

  • You can activate a custom metric value for use in the system, and deactivate any delivered or custom values you no longer want to use. Deactivated (inactive) values will still be displayed for any employee, matrix, or chart that is using the custom metric, but they will not be available for selection from dropdown lists for any new employee records, matrices or charts.

To Customize Metric Values

Configuration > [SmartOrg] Administration > [Users] Configurable Metrics > [Metrics Management]
  1. Click on the Code label of the employee metric whose values you want to customize.

    The Metric Type screen opens providing you the options to Create, Edit, Activate/Deactivate and Reorder the values for the selected metric.
  2. To reorder the sequence in which the metric values display in dropdown lists in the application; click Reorder in the Configurable Metrics section.

    1. Highlight an existing metric value name and use the arrows to change its order in the list.

    2. Then click Save.

  3. To create a new metric value; click Create in the Configurable Metrics section.

    1. Enter an alphanumeric Code and Name.

    2. Select Default Value if you want this to be a default setting.

    3. Click Browse if you want the metric value to be represented by an icon, and navigate to select the image file off a local machine. Then select Change Picture.

      The image can be a maximum of 16 x 16 pixels, must be in .gif, .jpeg or .png format, and have a transparent background.
    4. Click Save.

  4. To edit an existing metric value; click Edit in the Actions section.

    1. Edit the alphanumeric Code or Name.

    2. Select Default Value if you want this to be a default setting.

    3. Click Browse if you want to change the icon used to represent the metric value, and navigate to select the image file off a local machine. Then select Change Picture.

      The image can be a maximum of 16 x 16 pixels and must be in .gif, .jpeg or .png format, and have a transparent background.
    4. Click Remove if you want to remove the icon used to represent the metric value.

    5. Click Save.

  5. To activate or deactivate the existing metric value; click the appropriate button in the Actions section.

    1. Click Save.

  • The customized values are now available to be used with the employee metric.

  • For any custom values you deactivated, the old values will still be displayed for any employee record, matrix, or chart that is using the custom metric, but they will not be available for any new employee records, matrices or charts.

  • If any changes need to be made to an employee's records containing existing custom metrics, the deactivated values will not be available for selection.

  • When custom values are changed in the Configuration module, the history of those changes are tracked. The history includes the person who made the change, the customized metric values, and the context from where the value is changed.

  • You can configure matrices and charts to use the customizable metrics as dimension types. Only one-to-one mappings are allowed when setting up matrix and chart cells.

Talent Profile Configuration

The Talent Profile Management configuration allows system administrators to define what information is displayed and/or editable on an employee's talent profile. The configuration tools consolidate the settings for each section of the Talent Profile, allowing the administrator to configure the layout of the entire profile from a single location.

The overall properties and layout of the Talent Profile, and those of its component sections, are highly configurable. This allows you to match the information in the Talent Profile to your business needs. You can also create and configure new custom sections, subsections and user-defined fields; decide which fields to include in each section (including metrics); and neatly organize section order in the user interface.

The Talent Profile Management configuration section provides the following groups of configuration options:
  • Talent Profile Properties - Manage global talent profile configuration properties.

  • Talent Profile Section Visibility Groups - Manage talent profile section visibility and availability groups.

  • Talent Profile Layout - Configure talent profile section order and layout, and apply visibility groups to control user access.

The Talent Profile Management configuration section is located at Configuration > [Performance] Administration.


These settings are included in the Talent Profile configuration.

Name Description
Talent Profile Properties Allows a system administrator to edit the following global properties of the Talent Profile: Maximum Number of Historical Reviews; Allow File Attachments; Allow Employees to Upload Photos; and two API keys for LinkedIn Integration.
Talent Profile Visibility Groups Allows a system administrator to define employee visibility and availability groups, based on criteria such as organization or location or job role. These can be used to control access to Talent Profile sections for particular groups of employees.
Talent Profile Layout Allows a system administrator to perform layout changes and customizations to all sections of the Talent Profile, from one location in Configuration. The page displays links providing quick access to supporting pages which group together all the functionality for configuring a particular Talent Profile section.

Configuring Talent Profile Properties

The Talent Profile Properties configuration section allows administrators to edit Talent Profile global properties.

These include:
  • Maximum Number of Historical Reviews

  • Allow File Attachments

  • Allow Employee to Upload Photo

  • LinkedIn Integration - API Key

  • LinkedIn Integration - API Secret

Also see the Employee Photo Upload section for more details about this feature.

LinkedIn Integration Configuration

The Talent Profile can be integrated with LinkedIn to allow an employee's LinkedIn profile information to be imported to and used in the Work Experience, Education and Certification sections of their Talent Profile.


The LinkedIn Integration feature uses LinkedIn's public interfaces (API's)to allow a LinkedIn user to access their LinkedIn profile information and transfer it to their Talent Profile.

Business Process Flow

The top-level business process flow for setting up and using the Talent Profile's LinkedIn integration feature is as follows:
  1. Customer sends request form to LinkedIn for the two needed API keys.

  2. Customer requests Taleo Support activate the Enable LinkedIn Integration setting for Performance.

  3. Taleo Support turns on the Enable LinkedIn Integration configuration setting (Value=yes). This is a Protected setting.

  4. Customer administrator configures Talent Profile Properties with two needed API keys provided by LinkedIn.

  5. User accesses their Talent Profile and sees Import from LinkedIn button at header level for the Work Experience, Education and Certifications sections.

  6. User clicks Import from LinkedIn button for a section (e.g. Work Experience).

  7. User logs into LinkedIn; views a legal disclaimer; and uses Add dialog to review section profile information available from LinkedIn.

  8. User selects profile information they want to import from LinkedIn to the Talent Profile section they are in, and clicks Add button to initiate the import.

  9. LinkedIn information is transferred to the user's applicable Talent Profile section.

Talent Profile LinkedIn Integration Configuration

Configuring the Talent Profile LinkedIn integration involves the two following settings:

Name Description Location
Enable LinkedIn Integration
  • Is new in FP 13B

  • Enables users to retrieve profile data from the LinkedIn system and import into their Talent Profile.

  • Is a Protected setting.

  • Default value is No (Off).

Configuration > [Taleo Performance] Settings > [Product Settings] > [Refine By] Keyword=Linked > Enable LinkedIn Integration.
Talent Profile Properties
  • Was introduced in FP 13A, then updated in FP 13B with new LinkedIn Integration section.

  • Enables administrators to configure the integration by entering the API keys from LinkedIn.

  • LinkedIn Integration section displays on this page only when the Enable LinkedIn Integration setting is enabled.

Configuration > [Taleo Performance] Administration > [Talent Profile Management] Talent Profile Properties
Talent Profile Properties Configuration Settings

Setting Description
Maximum Number of Historical Reviews Sets the maximum number of historical reviews that can display in the Performance Reviews section of the Talent Profile.
Allow File Attachments Allows for file attachments in the Talent Profile.
Allow Employee to Upload Photo Allows employees to upload a personal photo from the Talent Profile.
API Key (also named Consumer Key or Dev Key) Enter key provided by LinkedIn. Used to access their API services. The LinkedIn Integration section displays only when the Enable LinkedIn Integration setting is configured to Yes.
API Secret Enter key provided by LinkedIn. Used to sign their service requests. The LinkedIn Integration section displays only when the Enable LinkedIn Integration setting is configured to Yes.
Configuring the Talent Profile Properties
  • The Enable LinkedIn Integration setting must be enabled by Support, if your organization wants to use LinkedIn Integration in the Talent Profile.

  • User must have administrator access for this following task.

Configuration > [Performance] Administration > [Talent Profile Management] > Talent Profile Properties
  1. Review current Talent Profile Global Properties.

  2. Click Edit to change the properties settings.

  3. Configure the settings as needed for Maximum Number of Historical Reviews, Allow File Attachments, and/or Allow Employee to Upload Photo.

  4. If LinkedIn Integration is to be used, enter the two API keys provided by LinkedIn for access to their services.

  5. Click Save.

The changes made in configuration will be reflected in the Talent Profile user interface.

Make any changes needed to the Talent Profile section layout using the Talent Profile Layout settings pages.

Configuring Talent Profile Visibility Groups

Visibility and availability groups are user-defined employee groups, based on such criteria as organization or job role, that can be used to control access to Talent Profile sections. This feature allows administrators to configure new or edit existing visibility and availability groups. Administrators can control visibility on each section of the Talent Profile, customize the profile by population, and take advantage of the user types, groups, OLF they have already configured.

Section Visibility and Availability

Visibility groups are user-defined employee groups, based on such criteria as organization or job role, that can be used to control access to Talent Profile sections. Administrators configure visibility groups, selectively apply them to Talent Profile sections, and as a result control the profile sections to be visible or available to those particular groups of employees. A visibility group is simply a subset of the employees in your organization. For example, you might want to define a group for American senior executives. The visibility group would be defined using Location equals USA, and Job Level equals Senior Executives.

The Visibility and Availability Groups feature provides a second tier of security at the Talent Profile section level. Visibility groups work in addition to the User Type permissions security, which takes precedence. There are several Talent Profile related user type functional domains:
  • Employee Metrics: Access to employee metrics and user-defined employee metrics and access to General section.

  • Employee Profile: Access to Talent Profile standard and custom sections.

  • Performance Review: Access to Review History and General Sections.

  • Compensation: Access to Compensation and General Sections.

The visibility group configurations allow an administrator to further restrict access to talent profile sections. Sub-sections inherit the section security. Visibility groups can be applied in all Talent Profile section configurations, with exceptions for General and Competencies:
  • The General section has no section level availability configuration, as it is always available. It also does not support the control of section visibility, nor does it have field level visibility configuration.

  • The Competencies section does have section level availability configuration, but not section visibility control. Competencies does have role-based, field level visibility configuration.

Business Process Flow:
  1. Administrators create visibility groups using the Talent Profile Visibility Groups pages.

  2. Administrators apply visibility groups to sections as needed, using the Talent Profile Layout pages.

  3. End-users view and/or edit only those Talent Profile sections their user type permissions and visibility group settings allow them to.

Talent Profile Visibility and Availability Groups Creation

Administrators use the Talent Profile Visibility Groups pages to create groups of employees whose access to Talent Profile sections should be controlled in a like manner. (Navigation: Configuration > [Taleo Performance] Administration > [Talent Profile Management] Talent Profile Section Visibility Groups.) History is tracked when visibility groups are created, modified or deleted.

Talent Profile Section Visibility Groups Page

Use this page to view read-only information about the section visibility groups, and follow links to create, duplicate or deactivate groups. The visibility groups can later be applied to configurable Talent Profile sections, other than General. User-interface (UI) elements on this page include the following:

UI Element
Name Description
Refine By A list of existing visibility groups displays on the page. If the list is longer than the viewable area use Refine By to pare down the list or search for a particular group, by keyword or status.
Create Use to open the Talent Profile Section Visibility Group Editor page.
[Group] Name Use to open the Talent Profile Section Visibility Group - [Group Name] page, to configure the group.
Deactivate Use to deactivate an existing visibility group, so its status is inactive.
Duplicate Use to duplicate (make a copy of) an existing visibility group for the purpose of using the copy as a template for a new group.

Talent Profile Section Visibility Group Editor Page

Use this page when first creating a visibility group, or when modifying an existing group. UI elements on this page include the following:

UI Element
Name Description
Code Use to enter a Code for the group.
Name Use to enter a Name for the group.
Status Status will display as Draft until the group properties are entered and saved. Afterwards the status can register as Active or Inactive.
Description Use to enter a Description for the group.
Save Use to Save the new group to the database.
Cancel Use to Cancel any unsaved changes.

Talent Profile Section Visibility Group - Group Name Page

Use this page to configure the selected visibility group. UI elements on this page include the following:

UI Element
Name Description
Properties Displays the Code, Name, Status and Description of the visibility group.
Edit Use to modify the properties.
[Categories] Use the categories provided for defining the employee sets to be included in the visibility group: Organizations, Locations, Job Fields, Job Levels, user Groups and User Roles.
[Categories] User Groups The User Groups values come from SmartOrg security, user type permissions configuration (e.g. Administration).
Add Use to open the [Context] Selector page, where you can select from among the available valid values for the context (e.g. Location=France.)

The following is an example of how visibility and availability groups can be used to control access to a Talent Profile section.

The scenario:
  • A custom "Bonus" section has been created for all the executive personnel, and only for them.

  • You want to configure security so the executive personnel can view the new Bonus section in their own Talent Profile.

  • And so their peers cannot see each other's Bonus section.

  • And so HR administrators can view and edit the Bonus section of all executives.

The solution:

Step One - Create these 3 Visibility Groups:
  1. Employee - based on User Role=Employee.

  2. HR Admin - based on User Role=HR Administrator.

  3. Executive Personnel - based on Job Level=VP and above.

Step Two - In the Talent Profile Layout - "Bonus" section configuration, set up these availability controls:
  • This Section will apply to the following profiles (Availability)=Specific Groups Profiles.

  • Group Name=Executive Personnel; Include=selected; Exclude=not selected.

Step Three - In the Talent Profile Layout 'Bonus' section configuration, set up these visibility controls:
  • Allow the following groups to view and edit this section (Visibility) = Specific Groups.

  • Group Name=HR Administrator; Include=Read and write; Exclude=not selected.

  • Group Name=Employee; Include=Read and write; Exclude=not selected.

In order to block the peers from viewing each others' bonus, the proper security has to be set at Employee Profile security domain level. The section visibility configuration is inheriting the Employee Profile domain security.

The following configuration settings control the creation and use of visibility and availability groups:

Name Location Description

Talent Profile Visibility Groups

Configuration > [Taleo Performance] Administration > [Talent Profile Management]

Use to create and modify visibility and availability groups.

Talent Profile Layout

Configuration > [Taleo Performance] Administration > [Talent Profile Management]

Use to apply the visibility and availability groups to Talent Profile sections.

To Create a Visibility Group
Configuration > [Performance] Administration > [Talent Profile Management] Talent Profile Section Visibility Groups
  1. Click Create.

  2. On the Talent Profile Section Visibility Group Editor page, enter a Code, Name and Description for the group.

  3. Click Save.

    The Talent Profile Section Visibility Group - [Group Name] page opens with the group identifying information displaying, and the status as Draft.
  4. For each applicable group selection criteria (e.g. Organization, Location, Job Level) click Add, use the selection page to select the identifying criteria, and click the Select button.

  5. Click Activate to save the changes and activate the group.

The new group is created and its status is Active.

Use the visibility group to configure access control to Talent Profile sections in the Talent Profile Layout pages.

To Edit a Visibility Group
Configuration > [Performance] Administration > [Talent Profile Management] Talent Profile Section Visibility Groups
  1. On the Talent Profile Section Visibility Groups page, in the Section Visibility Groups grid, click the linked group name for the group you want to modify.

  2. On the Talent Profile Section Visibility Group - [Group Name] page make any needed edits.

    • Optional. Next to Properties, click Edit to access the Talent Profile Section Visibility Group Editor page. Edit the Code, Name and Description for the group as needed. Click Save or Cancel to return to the Talent Profile Section Visibility Group - [Group Name] page.

    • Optional. Next to each of the needed selection criteria categories, click Add or Remove to modify the selection criteria.

    • Optional. At the top of the Talent Profile Section Visibility Group - [Group Name] page you can also select from the Duplicate, Activate and Delete actions.

The selected group is modified.

Use the visibility group to configure access control to Talent Profile sections in the Talent Profile Layout pages.

Configuring Talent Profile Layout

The Talent Profile Layout page allows administrators to perform layout changes and customizations to all sections of the Talent Profile, from one location in Configuration. The page displays links providing quick access to supporting pages which group together all the functionality for configuring a particular Talent Profile section.

The Talent Profile Layout page provides Details links to editor pages for the following profile sections:
  • General

  • Metrics

  • Review History

  • Compensation

  • Competencies

  • Employee Information

  • Education

  • Work Experience

  • Certifications

  • Job Preferences

  • Attachments

The Talent Profile Layout configuration options include adding custom sections, reordering the appearance of sections in the Talent Profile, activating or deactivating sections, and viewing and editing the display details of fields in each section.

General Section

The administrator can use the Talent Profile Layout configuration settings to:
  • Cannot deactivate section.

  • Specify language availability and base language.

  • Edit properties.

  • Add fields of the following types: Employee Information UDF, Employee Metric, Employee Metric UDF and Standard. Fields may only be added below the gray line.

  • Edit fields to turn on and off read only display. Cannot set to write.

  • Configure single record fields, multi-record fields and user-defined fields (UDFs).

  • Delete fields. Except Current Job, only those below gray line.

  • Reorder fields. Only those below gray line.

Metrics Section

The administrator can use the Talent Profile Layout configuration settings to:
  • Deactivate section.

  • Set 50/50 Split option.

  • Specify language availability and base language.

  • Edit properties.

  • Add fields of the following types: Employee Information UDF, Employee Metric, Employee Metric UDF and Standard. Fields may only be added below the gray line.

  • Edit fields to turn on and off read only display. Cannot set to write.

  • Configure single record fields, multi-record fields and user-defined fields (UDFs).

  • Delete fields. Except Current Job, only those below gray line.

  • Reorder fields. Only those below gray line.

  • Add, edit, delete subsections.

  • Configure section availability and visibility based on groups.

Review History Section

The administrator can use the Talent Profile Layout configuration settings to:
  • Deactivate section.

  • Specify language availability and base language.

  • Edit properties.

  • Edit fields to turn on and off read only display. Default setting for all fields is on. Cannot set to write.

  • Configure section availability and visibility based on groups.

Compensation Section

The administrator can use the Talent Profile Layout configuration settings to:
  • Deactivate section.

  • Specify language availability and base language.

  • Edit properties.

  • Configure section availability and visibility based on groups.

Compensation history data can be configured to display within Performance.

The talent model includes compensation data elements so that compensation data may be displayed within the Performance application. This compensation data can come from Compensation or from an external HRMS/ERP system.

The compensation history data is displayed according to metric configuration, availability, and user security access in the following areas:
  • Talent Profile - Displays compensation history data.

  • Performance Snapshot Card - Displays compensation data in the Compensation section of the snapshot card.

  • Talent Browser - Displays salary, bonus, and stock information for employees.

When compensation history data is available, and the related metric has been configured to display, the following information is provided in Performance, when available:
  • Employee's current salary

  • Employee's salary increase, new salary and effective date

  • Employee's bonus amount, bonus plan, target bonus amount and effective date

  • Employee's stock grant amount, total non-vested stock and grant date

Compensation history is available from Compensation through an integration. If Compensation is activated in the zone and the integration is configured, the system will automatically transfer all compensation history data into SmartOrg on a daily basis. If Compensation is not activated, the client can use the standard integration tools to transfer the data from an outside ERP system.

Competencies Section

The administrator can use the Talent Profile Layout configuration settings to:
  • Deactivate section.

  • Specify language availability and base language.

  • Edit properties.

  • Edit fields to turn on and off read/write display.

  • Configure section availability based on groups, but not visibility.

  • Specify whether or not competency section is displayed to role.

  • Specify whether the user can add or remove competencies.

For more details see Configuring Talent Profile Competencies.

Employee Information Section

The administrator can use the Talent Profile Layout configuration settings to:
  • Deactivate section.

  • Specify language availability and base language.

  • Edit properties.

  • Set 50/50 Split option.

  • Add fields of the following types: Employee Information UDF, Employee Metric, Employee Metric UDF and Standard. Fields may only be added below the gray line.

  • Edit fields to turn on and off read and write display.

  • Configure single record fields, multi-record fields and user-defined fields (UDFs).

  • Delete fields.

  • Reorder fields.

  • Add, edit, delete subsections.

  • Configure section availability and visibility based on groups.

Job Preferences Section

The administrator can use the Talent Profile Layout configuration settings to:
  • Deactivate section.

  • Specify language availability and base language.

  • Edit properties.

  • Set 50/50 Split option.

  • Add fields of the following types: Employee Information UDF, Employee Metric, Employee Metric UDF and Standard. Fields may only be added below the gray line.

  • Edit fields to turn on and off read and write display.

  • Configure single record fields, multi-record fields and user-defined fields (UDFs).

  • Delete fields.

  • Reorder fields.

  • Add, edit, delete subsections.

  • Configure section availability and visibility based on groups.

Education Section

The administrator can use the Talent Profile Layout configuration settings to:
  • Deactivate section.

  • Specify language availability and base language.

  • Edit properties.

  • Edit fields to turn on and off read and write display.

  • Configure section availability and visibility based on groups.

Work Experience Section

The administrator can use the Talent Profile Layout configuration settings to:
  • Deactivate section.

  • Specify language availability and base language.

  • Edit properties.

  • Edit fields to turn on and off read and write display.

  • Configure section availability and visibility based on groups.

Certification Section

The administrator can use the Talent Profile Layout configuration settings to:
  • Deactivate section.

  • Specify language availability and base language.

  • Edit properties.

  • Edit fields to turn on and off read and write display.

  • Configure section availability and visibility based on groups.

Attachments Section

The administrator can use the Talent Profile Layout configuration settings to:
  • Deactivate section.

  • Specify language availability and base language.

  • Edit properties.

  • Configure section availability and visibility based on groups.

Talent Profile Layout Settings

UI Element Description Applicable to... Opens Page...
Add Custom Section Allows you to modify the top-level properties of a talent profile section or create a new one. Talent Profile Layout page group. Talent Profile Section Editor.
Reorder Sections Allows you to reorder the sequence Talent Profile sections will display in the user interface. Talent Profile Layout page group Reorder Talent Profile Sections.
Languages/Refresh Allows you to set the display language to a Talent Profile section. Talent Profile Layout page group n/a
Refine By Allows you to refine the list of Talent Profile sections that appears on the Talent Profile Layout page. Talent Profile Layout page group n/a
Show/Hide Allows you to toggle on and off a view-only display of the current layout fields and settings for a Talent Profile section. Talent Profile Layout page group n/a
Details Allows you to edit the display properties for a selected Talent Profile section. Talent Profile Layout page group Talent Profile Section - [Section Name]
Activate/Deactivate Allows you to Activate or Deactivate a section in the Talent Profile. Talent Profile Layout page group n/a
Split 50/50 Allows you to turn on and off the Split 50/50 (two column) layout property for a selected Talent Profile section. Talent Profile Layout page group n/a
To Configure Talent Profile Section Layouts

User must have administrator access for this task.

Configuration > [Performance] Administration > [Talent Profile Management] Talent Profile Layout
  1. Optional. To change the language used for display of the section in the profile, select a new language and click Refresh.

  2. Talent Profile sections are listed in the order they would appear in the Talent Profile user interface.

  3. Optional. To narrow (shorten) the list of Talent Profile sections on this page (to reduce scrolling for example), use the Refine By selector, choose an option and then click Refresh.

    This does not change the appearance of the sections in the Talent Profile.
  4. You can edit the list of sections, and consequently the appearance of the sections on the Talent Profile by adding custom sections, reordering the sections, renaming them, editing their details, or activating/deactivating them.

    • Click Add Custom Section to create a custom section.

    • Click Reorder Sections to change the sequence in which sections display in the Talent Profile user interface.

    • Click Show or Hide to the right of a section name in the list to toggle a view-only display of the section's fields and properties.

    • Click Details for a section in the list to edit its top-level properties, such as rename it.

    • Click Activate/Deactivate to the right of a section name in the list to display or remove it from the Talent Profile page.
      Note: The General section of the Talent Profile cannot be deactivated.
    • Select Split 50/50 to utilize a split layout for the section.

  5. Save your changes.

The selected sections of the Talent Profile are configured to meet the requirements of your organization, and the results are displayed in the profile.

Configuring Talent Profile Section Visibility

Visibility and availability groups are user-defined employee groups, based on such criteria as organization or job role, that can be used to control access to Talent Profile sections.

Talent Profile Section Configuration Using Visibility and Availability Groups

Administrators use the Talent Profile Layout pages to view and apply visibility groups to Talent Profile sections, for the purpose of controlling which employees can see or edit the sections. (Navigation: Configuration > [Taleo Performance] Administration > [Talent Profile Management] Talent Profile Layout.)

Talent Profile Layout Page

Use this page to view information about section visibility and availability settings, and field level visibility and read/write settings. Also use it to obtain edit access for modifying the settings. You can hide or show the information. UI elements on this page relevant to visibility groups include the following:

UI Element
Name Description
[Sections List] Use to view a list of the existing sections available for your organization's implementation of the Talent Profile.
[Sections List] Show / Hide Use to Show (view) or Hide the configuration properties for a list of the existing field level display properties, as well as any applicable visibility and availability settings, for a section.
[Sections List] Details Use to access the Talent Profile - [Name] page for a particular section, where you can configure field level display properties, as well as any applicable visibility and availability settings, for the section.

Talent Profile Section - [Name].

Use this page to configure field level display properties, as well as any applicable visibility and availability settings, for a selected Talent Profile section. History is tracked when adding or removing visibility groups in a section. UI elements on this page relevant to visibility groups include the following:

UI Element
Name Description
[This section will apply to the following profiles:] This setting controls section availability (i.e. whether or not a section is available to a group of employees.)
  • If it is available, it still might be configured to be either visible or not visible to the group.

  • If it is not available to a group it cannot be visible to the group at all.

  • This setting is controlled by two radio buttons: All Employee Profiles and Specific Groups Profiles.

  • This set of availability configuration fields will appear on all section configuration pages except for the General section.

[Allow the following group(s) to view and edit this section:] This setting controls section visibility (i.e. whether or not a section is visible to a group of employees.)
  • To be visible to a group the section must first be available to the group.

  • This setting is controlled by two radio buttons: All Employee Profiles and Specific Groups Profiles.

  • This set of availability configuration fields will appear on all section configuration pages except for the General and Competencies sections.

All Employees Profiles This is the default configuration setting for availability of a section. When selected it means all employees will have this Talent Profile setting available to them; subject to other visibility group and user type permission settings.
Specific Groups Profiles Use this setting to make a Talent Profile section available to only specific groups, subject to other visibility group and user type permission settings. When this option is selected the Include and Exclude Groups links activate. Depending on your business needs you can use either of both to further filter your groups of employees.
Include / Exclude Groups links Use to display a list of all visibility and availability groups you have defined (except the security user groups). You can choose which groups to further specifically include or exclude.
  • When you specify a group has Include Groups permission, it means the employees in the group have read/write permissions to the Talent Profile section.

  • When you specify a group has Exclude Groups permission, it means the employees in the group have neither read nor write permissions to the Talent Profile section.

  • You can also use Edit for Include Groups, to remove the write permission for the group. You can't do this for Exclude Groups since they are already excluded from read/write.

Here is an example of how visibility and availability groups can be used to control access to a Talent Profile section.

The scenario:
  • A custom "Bonus" section has been created for all the executive personnel, and only for them.

  • You want to configure security so the executive personnel can view the new Bonus section in their own Talent Profile.

  • And so their peers cannot see each other's Bonus section.

  • And so HR administrators can view and edit the Bonus section of all executives.

The solution:

Step One - Create these 3 Visibility Groups:
  1. Employee - based on User Role=Employee.

  2. HR Admin - based on User Role=HR Administrator.

  3. Executive Personnel - based on Job Level=VP and above.

Step Two - In the Talent Profile Layout - "Bonus" section configuration, set up these availability controls:
  • This Section will be on=Specific Groups Profiles.

  • Group Name=Executive Personnel; Include=selected; Exclude=not selected.

Step Three - In the Talent Profile Layout 'Bonus' section configuration, set up these visibility controls:
  • This section will be viewable and editable by=Specific Groups.

  • Group Name=HR Administrator; Include=Read and write; Exclude=not selected.

  • Group Name=Employee; Include=Read and write; Exclude=not selected.

In order to block the peers from viewing each others' bonus, the proper security has to be set at Employee Profile security domain level. The section visibility configuration is inheriting the Employee Profile domain security.
To Configure Talent Profile Section Visibility

The Visibility Groups you want to work with are already created.

Configuration > [Performance] Administration > [Talent Profile Management] Talent Profile Layout
  1. On the Talent Profile Layout page, click Details next to the Talent Profile section name you want to set visibility and availability rules for.

  2. On the Talent Profile Section - [Section Name] page, choose an option for "This section will be on".

    This setting controls section availability (i.e. whether or not a section is available to a group of employees.) If it is available, it still might be configured to be either visible or not visible to the group. If it is not available to a group it cannot be visible to the group at all. This setting is controlled by two radio buttons:
    • All Employee Profiles - this section is available to all employees.

    • Specific Groups Profiles - this section is available to specific visibility groups.

    This set of availability configuration fields will appear on all section configuration pages except for the General section.
  3. On the Talent Profile Section - [Section Name] page, choose an option for "This section will be viewable and editable by".

    This setting controls section visibility (i.e. whether or not a section is visible to a group of employees.) If it is visible, it still might be configured to be either visible or not visible to the group. If it is not available to a group it cannot be visible to the group at all. This setting is controlled by two radio buttons:
    • All Employees based on Profile Permissions - this section is available to all employees.

    • Specific Groups - this section is available to specific visibility groups.

    This set of availability configuration fields will appear on all section configuration pages except for the General section.
    When the Specific Groups option is selected, the Include and Exclude Groups links activate. You can choose which groups to further specifically include or exclude.
    • When you specify a group has Include Groups permission, it means the employees in the group have read/write permissions to the Talent Profile section.

    • When you specify a group has Exclude Groups permission, it means the employees in the group have neither read nor write permissions to the Talent Profile section.

    • You can also use Edit for Include Groups, to remove either read or write permission for the group. You can't do this for Exclude Groups since they are already excluded from read/write..

Availability and visibility rules for the selected group(s) are set for the selected Talent Profile Section(s).

Configuring Talent Profile General Section

Beginning with Feature Pack 13B the Talent Profile's General section is now partially configurable, you can now customize six of the fields that appear in the General section. The following describes the details of the General section configuration.

General Section

The Talent Profile's General section is a partially configurable section, similar to the profile's several other composite sections. The General section is unique in that it is divided into two regions by a horizontal, thin gray line. The region above the line contains elements which are not configurable (i.e. Employee Name, and Current Job). Icons are no longer displayed in the upper, non-configurable region of the General section. Only text labels are used. The region below the line contains elements which are configurable. None of the fields in the General section are editable by the user.

General Section Configuration

Use the Talent Profile Section--General page to configure the lower region of the General section:
  • The two regions combined may have a maximum of up to 7 fields.

  • 1 field, Current Job, displays above the gray line, cannot be removed, and can be hidden if desired.

  • The remaining up to 6 fields appear below the gray line and are display only. They do not support editing.

  • The 6 fields may be removed, or added from a list of Standard fields (single-value) and Metric fields, or UDF fields (non-text, single value).

  • One of the standard field options combines Work Phone and Extension into a single field.

  • The Add Fields link is only available when there are less than 7 fields on the section. When the section has 7 fields the link display changes to Edit Fields.

  • You may reorder fields in the lower region of the General section.

  • The configurable region is always 50/50 split into two columns. This is not a configurable attribute.

  • Section level visibility and availability configuration is not provided. Field level visibility configuration is not provided. The General section is available and visible for all employees.

  • Add Sub Section is not supported.

  • The section cannot be deactivated.

Reorder Talent Profile Section Page

Use this page to reorder the up to 6 fields appearing in the configurable region of the General section. the Current Job field does not show up in the reorder screen because its position is fixed.

Field Selector Page

Use this page to select and add up to 6 fields to appear in the configurable region of the General section. The system gives an error message when you try to add more than 7 fields to the General section. The fields allowed in the General section are:

Field Type Fields / Comment
Standard Single value fields only
  • Current Job (always in the section, cannot be removed, can be hidden)

  • Email Address

  • Ext.

  • Interest in International Assignment

  • Location

  • Manager

  • Organization

  • Willing to Relocate

  • Work Phone Number

  • Work Phone Number and Extension

  • Years in Industry

  • Years in Management

Metric All
User Defined Non-text, single value fields only

Work Phone Number and Extension Field

The Work Phone Number and Extension field combines the content of the two fields: Work Phone Number, and Extension (e.g. "877.394.5644 Ext: 7856"). It can be used to display the content of both on the same line. This field is also available to the other composite sections of the Talent Profile. The recommended configuration path for migrating existing customers is as follows:

Existing Configuration Prior to Feature Pack 13B Recommended Configuration Feature Pack 13B
"Work Phone Number "=Visible and "Ext." = Visible "Work Phone Number and Extension"=Visible
"Work Phone Number "=Visible and "Ext."=Not Visible "Work Phone Number "=Visible and "Ext."=Not Visible
"Work Phone Number "=Not Visible and "Ext." = Visible "Work Phone Number "=Not Visible and "Ext." = Visible
"Work Phone Number "=Not Visible and "Ext."=Not Visible "Work Phone Number "=Not Visible and "Ext."=Not Visible

Talent Profile configuration options for these enhancements are available in the following location in the system:

Configuration Settings
Name Location
General section configuration pages. Configuration > [Taleo Performance] Administration > [Talent Profile Management] Talent Profile Layout.

Adding Custom Sections

To add and configure properties for custom sections in the Talent Profile, from the Talent Profile Layout page click the Add Custom Section link. This opens the Talent Profile Section Editor page.

Use the Talent Profile Section Editor to create a custom section and edit its properties: Name, Code, active and base languages, Split 50/50 and Profile Field Label Placement.

Administrators can determine how the field names and field values in custom sections and sub-sections display on the Talent Profile. There are 3 configuration options:

  • Default: The field labels and their values display as they always have prior to 15B.

  • Above: The field labels display above the field values.

  • Inline: The field labels display next to, or on the same line as the field values.

Add Custom Sections Settings

UI Element Description Applicable to Header
Language The selector displays any active languages for the section, including the base language. Talent Profile Layout Talent Profile Section Editor
Configure Follow the Configure link to define the section's active and base languages. Talent Profile Layout Language Configuration page.
Code Give the custom section a code (e.g. CUSTOM_PERF_SECT). Talent Profile Layout Talent Profile Section Editor
Name Give the custom section a name (e.g. Custom Performance). Talent Profile Layout Talent Profile Section Editor
Split 50/50 Use the Split 50/50 option to allow fields to be displayed in 50/50 layout within a section or subsection.
Note: 50/50 split is allowed for single record sections only, such as: General, Metrics, Job Preferences, or custom sections. It is not allowed for multiple record sections.
Talent Profile Layout Talent Profile Section Editor
Profile Field Label Placement Determines how the field names and field values in custom sections and sub-sections display on the Talent Profile. Talent Profile Layout Talent Profile Section Editor
To Add a Custom Section

User must be an administrator to perform this task.

Configuration > [Performance] Administration > [Talent Profile Management] > Talent Profile Layout > Add Custom Sections > Talent Profile Section Editor
  1. Optional. The Language selector displays the current base language. Click the Configure link to open the Language Configuration page. Edit the base and active language as needed.

  2. Create a custom section by giving it a Code and Name.

  3. Optional. Select Split 50/50 if you want to use that display mode for fields in the section.

  4. Save your changes.

The properties for the custom section are defined.

Use the Talent Profile Layout page's features to edit other properties for the section.

Reordering Sections

From the Reorder Talent Profile Sections page you can view and edit the order in which sections appear to users of the Talent Profile.

Reorder Sections Settings

UI Element Description Applicable to Header
Talent Profile Sections This text view area lists the activated Talent Profile Sections in the order they are currently set to appear on the Talent Profile user interface. Click on a section name to select and highlight it. Talent Profile Layout. Reorder Talent Profile Sections.
Up and down arrows. Use the up and down arrows to move a selected section in the list, reordering the section display sequence as a result. Talent Profile Layout. Reorder Talent Profile Sections.
To Reorder Sections

User must be an administrator to perform this task.

Configuration > [Performance] Administration > [Talent Profile Management] > Talent Profile Layout > Reorder Sections > Reorder Talent Profile Sections
  1. The page displays the names of all activated sections, in the order of their display sequence, in the Talent Profile Sections text view area.

  2. Click on a section name in the list to select and highlight it.

  3. Use the up and down arrows to move the section name to its new location in the list.

  4. Save your changes.

The display sequence for the sections of the Talent Profile is changed in Configuration and in the Talent Profile user interface.

Viewing and Editing Talent Profile Section Details

Talent Profile section names are listed directly on the Talent Profile Layout page. Generally each section name has a Show/Hide link and a Details button located to the right. An administrator can view a section's layout detail settings using the Show/Hide. They can edit the layout details for a section by using the Details button. The Details button opens the Talent Profile Section - Section Name page, where detailed editing of the section fields and properties can be done.

Viewing Talent Profile Section Details

For information on viewing a Talent Profile section's layout details directly on the Talent Profile Layout page, see To View Section Layout Detail Settings.

Editing Talent Profile Section Details

On the Talent Profile Layout page, when you click on a section's Details button, the Talent Profile - [Section Name] page opens. It provides editing and customization capability for the fields and properties of the section. You can modify each section in different ways:
  • Deactivate the section.

  • Define the active languages and base language.

  • Change the section name.

  • Add a subsection.

  • Add fields from a field selector: Standard fields, Employee Metrics, Employee Metrics UDFs, Employee UDFs.

  • Delete fields.

  • Define whether fields are displayed or editable.

  • Reorder fields within the section.

  • Reorder subsection will take all fields within that subsection with it.

  • Save changes to layout.

  • View History of changes to sections.

  • For UDF fields define the UI types, UI components and number of lines.

Note: The same field cannot be selected twice in a section.

Upon saving your edits, the section and field displayed in the user interface reflects the new settings entered in the configuration. If no fields are configured as displayable for a given section, the section does not display in the Talent Profile.

To View Section Layout Detail Settings

User must be an administrator to perform this task.

Configuration > [Performance] Administration > [Talent Profile Management] > Talent Profile Layout
  1. A list of Talent Profile sections displays on the page.

  2. For a desired section, click the Show/Hide link to the right of the section name to toggle a view-only display of the section's fields and their properties.

This is a view-only display and is not editable.

To make edits to the properties for a given section, click the Details link to the right of the section name.

To Edit Talent Profile Section Details
Configuration > [Performance] Administration > [Talent Profile Management] Talent Profile Layout
  1. A list of the Talent Profile sections is displayed on the page. Click the Details button to the right of the name of a section you want to edit.

    The Talent Profile Section - [Section Name] page opens, displaying the page title, relevant fields and properties for the selected section. For example, for the Employee Information section configuration the page name is Talent Profile Section - Employee Information.
  2. Make any desired edits to the section.

    • Use Deactivate to the right of the page name to deactivate the section from the Talent Profile display.

    • Use Deactivate and Configure to the right of Language to edit the active and base languages.

    • Use Edit to the right of Properties to edit the properties of the section: Code, Name and Split 50/50.

    • Use Add Fields to include new fields to the section layout.

    • Use Add Sub Section to include a new sub section to the section layout.

    • Use Edit Fields to edit the properties for the existing fields in the section.

    • Use Reorder Fields to edit the display order of the fields in the section.

    • Use Delete to remove a field from the section.

  3. Save your changes.

  • The edited and saved changes are displayed in the Talent Profile user interface.

  • If no fields in a section have been selected, that section is not displayed in the Talent Profile.

Talent Profile Section Configuration Fields

Standard and Employee Metric type fields configurable for display in Taleo Performance's Talent Profile are presented in the following table, by alphabetical order of field name. Entries in the table include the name of the interface element (field), and a description. Many of the fields are available to be configured into more than one of the Talent Profile sections. The display of sections and fields in the Talent Profile are highly configurable. The fields you actually see are subject to your organization's implementation. Some fields have different names in the talent profile display and are indicated as such.

Name Description
Achievements Free-form text box indicating additional tasks and achievements. Tasks and Achievements in Performance.
Anticipated Graduation Date Flag indicating that the anticipated graduation date is in the future.
Bench Strength Metric that represents an enumeration value based on the number of successors in the succession plan for the position. Possible values are: None (no succession plan exists), Poor (no successor has been defined on the existing succession plan for the position), Average (there is 1 successor) and Good (there are 2 or more successors). This value is not editable in the Talent Profile.
Bonus Amount and/or percentage of the bonus.
Bonus Plan Name of the bonus plan.
Can we Contact the Supervisor Flag that indicates whether it is possible to communicate with the supervisor to get further information.
Certification Name of the certification. When adding a new certification, it must be selected from the Certification Selector.
Certifications Section of the Talent Profile that presents the certifications of the employee.
Competencies Sub-section of the Competencies section that lists behavioral competencies.
Competency Rating Metric that indicates the competency rating on the last closed review, based on the review section configured to provide the basis for this rating.
Competency Rating Review rating score for only the Competency section of the review. It is possible this value could be empty, while there is still an overall score. The value is based on the final goal score, which uses the 'Competency Rating' Metric Rating Model setting to determine the available values. It is formatted based on the Metric Rating Display setting.
Critical Metric that indicates whether the position occupied by the employee is critical or not. This value comes from the Job Position’ s Criticality field in SmartOrg and is not editable in the Talent Profile. The position is considered critical when the Criticality field value in SmartOrg is 5; all other Criticality field values (1 to 4) represent a non-critical position.
Current Position Current position of the employee, as defined in the employee's user account in SmartOrg.
Current Review Status The status of the employee's current review, such as draft or complete.
Current Salary Annual salary of the employee.
Custom Metrics Section of the Talent Profile that shows any user-defined metric field.
Development Activities Activities the employee engages in to develop their job skills.
Development Overall Progress The overall progress of the employee's development plan, indicated as a percentage.
Development Overall Progress The overall progress of the employee's development plan, indicated as a percentage.
Education Section of the Talent Profile that presents education information about the employee.
Education Level Level of education attained, selected from a list of defined levels.
Education Level Education level preferred by the employee.
Effective Date Date on which the new salary starts.
Effective Date Date on which the bonus is being paid.
Effective Date The date on which the review was closed and the score added to the historical review table.
Email Email address of the employee at his current position.
Employee Information Section of the Talent Profile that presents custom employee information.
Employee Status Employee status preferred by the employee.
Employee's Rating Rating given by the employee for the competency in the last focal review, that displays in the Talent Profile when the review is closed and the Update Talent Profile option is selected. The text value however is derived from the rating model associated to the specific behavioral competency. The display of this dimension in the Competencies section of the Talent Profile is based on a setting defined in the administration application. The rating can be edited if so configured in the administration application.
Employer Name of the employer. When adding a new work experience, the employer must be selected from the Employer Selector.
End Date End date for the job function.
Experience Number of years of experience in the particular competency, which can only be defined and edited by the employee. The display of this dimension in the Competencies section of the Talent Profile is based on a setting defined in the administration application. The rating can be edited if so configured in the administration application.
Expiration Date Date the certification expires.
Ext. Phone extension of the employee at his/her current position.
Gap Analysis Score The difference between the recommended rating for each competency in a job role and the rating the employee has for each competency.
General Section of the Talent Profile that presents general information about the employee.
Goal Rating Metric that indicates the goal rating on the last closed review, based on the review section configured to provide the basis for this rating.
Goal Rating Review rating score for only the Goal section of the review. It is possible this value could be empty, while there is still an overall score. The value is based on the final goal score, which uses the 'Goal Rating' Metric Rating Model setting to determine the available values. It is formatted based on the Metric Rating Display setting.
GPA Field that indicates the Grade Point Average, that is the mathematical calculation of where an average of the grades falls on a defined scale. For example, the value could be 3.44 out of 5.
Graduation Date Date the education was completed and the employee graduated.
Grant Date Date on which the stocks will be vested.
Grant Type Type of stock.
Has Development Plan Metric that indicates whether the employee has a development plan or not.
Impact of Loss Metric that indicates how important the employee is in their job function.
Increase Amount and/or percentage of the salary increase.
Increase Type Type of salary increase.
Incumbent - Succession Plan List table The name of the person currently in the position. If vacant, this is blank. This value comes from the Succession Plan of the employee and is not editable in the Talent Profile.
Institution Name of the educational institution. When adding a new education, the institution must be selected from the Institution Selector.
Interest Level of interest in the particular competency, which can only be defined and edited by the employee. The display of this dimension in the Competencies section of the Talent Profile is based on a setting defined in the administration application. The rating can be edited if so configured in the administration application.
Interest in International Assignment Willingness to work abroad.
Interim Replacement Metric that indicates if an interim replacement has been set for the position occupied by the employee. This value comes from the Succession Plan of the employee and is not editable in the Talent Profile.
Interim Replacement - Succession Plan List table Whether or not this employee is the interim replacement named for the position. This value comes from the Succession Plan of the employee and is not editable in the Talent Profile.
Issue Date Date the certification was issued.
Job Fields Job fields of interest, including category, function and specialty.
Job Function Name of the job function. When adding a new work experience, the job function must be selected from the Job Field Selector.
Job Level Job level preferred by the employee.
Job Position - Succession Plan List table Position within a Succession Plan that the employee is denoted as a possible successor. This value comes from the Succession Plan of the employee and is not editable in the Talent Profile.
Job Preferences Section of the Talent Profile that presents the employee's work preferences. These preferences are defined by the employee and can later be used by managers to find successors according to preferences via the Advanced Search options.
Job Type Job type preferred by the employee.
Languages Sub-section of the Competencies section that lists language competencies.
Last Review Rating Overall rating of the employee's last completed performance review.
Last Update The date when the employee last made a change to their goal plan.
Last Used Indication of the last time the particular competency was used, which can only be defined and edited by the employee. The display of this dimension in the Competencies section of the Talent Profile is based on a setting defined in the administration application. The rating can be edited if so configured in the administration application.
Location Location of the work place of the employee, as defined in the employee's user account in SmartOrg.
Locations Locations of interest, including country, state/province, region and city.
Manager Name of the employee's direct manager, as defined in the employee's user account in SmartOrg.
Manager The name of the manager who owns the review.
Manager's Rating Rating given by the manager for the competency in the last focal review, that displays in the Talent Profile when the review is closed and the Update Talent Profile options is selected. The text value however is derived from the rating model associated to the specific behavioral competency. The display of this dimension in the Competencies section of the Talent Profile is based on a setting defined in the administration application. The rating can be edited if so configured in the administration application.
May we contact the supervisor? Flag that indicates whether it is possible to communicate with the supervisor to get further information.
Metrics Section of the Talent Profile that presents employee metrics. This section is only seen by managers for their direct reports.
Name Name of the competency that can be added by the employee or drawn from the employee's last focal review when the Update Talent Profile option is selected.
New Salary Amount of the new salary, that is the current salary plus the increase.
Number of Activities The number of development activities in the employee's development plan.
Number of Career Scenarios Number of career scenarios the employee has in their career plan.
Number of Succession Plans This metric indicates the number of succession plan this person is part of.
Number of Successors Number of successors included in the succession plan for the employee.
Number/ID Course number or ID associated with the certification.
Organization Name of the organization responsible for providing the certification.
Organization Organization where the employee works, as defined in the employee's user account in SmartOrg.
Organizations Organizations of interest, including company, section, department and division.
Other Certification Field used to specify a certification that is not in the list provided in the Certification Selector.
Other Employer Field used to specify an employer that is not in the list provided in the Employer Selector.
Other Institution Field used to specify an education institution that is not in the list provided in the Institution Selector.
Other Job Function Field used to specify a job function that is not in the list provided in the Job Field Selector.
Other Program Field used to specify an education program that is not in the list provided in the Program Selector.
Overall Progress The overall completion percentage for each of the goals in the employee's goal plan.
Phone Phone number of the employee at their current position.
Potential Metric that indicates the potential of an employee, that is editable by the manager and not visible to the employee.
Preferred Job Preferred job fields of the employee, selected from those available within the organization. Includes category, function and specialty.
Preferred Location Preferred locations of the employee, including country, state/province, region and city.
Preferred Organization Preferred organizations of the employee, including company, section, department and division.
Proficiency Level of expertise an employee has in regards to a particular competency. The display of this dimension in the Competencies section of the Talent Profile is based on a setting defined in the administration application. The rating can be edited if so configured in the administration application.
Program Name of the education program. When adding a new education, the program must be selected from the Program Selector.
Promotability Readiness Metric that indicates how much time is required for the employee to be ready for a promotion, that is editable by the manager and not visible to the employee.
Readiness Value used to indicate when the employee will be ready to be placed into a job position in a Succession Plan. This value comes from the Succession Plan of the employee and is not editable in the Talent Profile.
Reassignment Candidate Metric that indicates if the employee is available for reassignment, that is editable by the manager and not visible to the employee.
Replacement Name When there is an interim replacement for the employee, this metric shows the name of the replacement.
Review Rating Metric that indicates the review rating the employee received on the last closed performance review.
Review Rating Overall review rating score given by the manager for the review. The value is based on the final score of the review, which uses the 'Review Rating' Metric Rating Model setting to determine the available values. It is formatted based on the Metric Rating Display setting.
Review Status
Risk of Loss Metric that indicates the probable risk level of losing the employee, that is editable by the manager and not visible to the employee.
Schedule Work schedule preferred by the employee.
Show Field that provides the ability to select the competency information type to be displayed. You can choose to display General information (such as Proficiency, Experience, Last Used, Interest) or Rating information (that being the Manager and/or the Employee's Rating).
Skills Sub-section of the Competencies section that lists technical competencies.
Start Date Date the education started.
Start Date Date the job function started.
Status Overall status of the employee's current goals.
Still in Position Flag that indicates that the employee in still working in the related position. Most commonly, this flag is used when the end date is not specified.
Stock Grant Number of stocks.
Supervisor's Email Email of the supervisor for the related job function.
Supervisor's Name Name of the supervisor for the related job function.
Supervisor's Phone Phone number of the supervisor for the related job function.
Supervisor's Title Title of the supervisor for the related job function.
Target Bonus Amount and/or percentage of the bonus that was targeted.
Tasks and Achievements Free-form text box indicating any other task and achievement.
Total Not-vested Stock Total number of stocks that are not yet vested.
Willing to Relocate Employee's willingness to move to a different location.
Willing to Travel Percentage of time an employee is willing to travel for their job.
Work Experience Section of the Talent Profile that presents information about the work experience of the employee.
Work Experience Section of the Talent Profile that presents the employee's work experience.
Work Phone Number Phone number of the employee at their current position.
Work Phone Number and Extension Phone number and extension of the employee at their current position, in a single field.
Work Experience Section of the Talent Profile that presents the employee's work experience.
Years in Industry Number of years of experience in the same industry, for the current position.
Years in Industry Number of years of experience in the same industry, for the current position. Same value as the one presented in the Job Preferences section.
Years in Management Number of years of management experience.
Years in Management Number of years of management experience. Same value as the one presented in the Job Preferences section.
Talent Profile Custom Section Fields
Selectors for adding custom fields to sections allow the selection of "single record" fields only, not multi-record fields. Selectable fields during section configuration are available for the following types:
  • Standard fields

  • Metric fields

  • UDF fields

The available fields for each type are as follows:

Type Fields
  • Current Job

  • Education Level

  • Email address

  • Employee Status

  • Job Level

  • Job Type

  • Interest in International Assignment

  • Preferred Job

  • Preferred Location

  • Preferred Organization

  • Location

  • Manager

  • Organization

  • Schedule

  • Willing to Relocate

  • Willing to Travel

  • Work Phone Number

  • Work Phone Extension

  • Years in Industry

  • Years in Management

  • All the existing fields in the Metrics

  • All the fields defined through the employee Metrics UDFs

UDF All the fields defined through the employee UDFs

Talent Profile Competency Configuration

Users can view, add, remove and rate competencies for themselves and for other employees directly in the Talent Profile user interface, depending on how the system is configured in Talent Profile Layout.

User Type Security

The ability to access and edit employee talent profile competencies can be configured separately for seven different user types:
  1. Employee

  2. Manager

  3. High-level Manager

  4. Matrix Manager

  5. Mentor

  6. HR Administrator

  7. Other

The user type relates to the talent profile that is viewed. The same user will have different user type access to employee competency settings, depending on that user's relationship to the user who's talent profile they wish to view. It is important to note that the user types do not relate directly to the standard user types as defined in SmartOrg.

When Michael Decker views his own talent profile, he is accessing it as an employee and the competency settings for an employee user type apply. When he views the talent profile of Renee Washington, who is one of his direct reports, he is accessing it as a manager and the competency settings for a manager user type apply. Chris Baker reports directly to Renee Washington, so if Michael Decker was to view his talent profile it would be as a high level manger and the corresponding competency settings are applied.

Visibility Groups

The Competencies section of the Talent Profile has field level visibility, and section level availability configuration, but not section level visibility configuration. (Other sections except for Competencies and General have both section level visibility and availability).

Setting Talent Profile Competency Access

By default different settings are enabled for each user role.

Configuration > [Talent Performance] Administration > [Talent Profile Management] Talent Profile Layout > Competencies > Details > Talent Profile Section - Competencies
  1. Click Edit beside the user role you want to configure.

  2. Select the desired Displayed and/or Editable check boxes beside the relevant Competency Rating to set the read/write access.

  3. Select User Can Add Competencies and/or User Can Remove competencies if the user requires the ability to change the competencies associated with an employee.

  4. Select Display Competency Section in Talent Profile if you want the section to be displayed for that user role.

  5. Click Save when complete.

The competencies are displayed as configured for that specific user role.

Repeat the procedure to configure other user roles.

Talent Profile Competency Fields

These settings can be configured differently for each user roles.

Configuration > [Performance] Administration > [Talent Profile Management] Talent Profile Layout > Talent Profile Section - Competencies
UI Element Description
Competency Rating This refers to the different ratings that can be displayed in the Talent Profile for each of competencies.
  • Proficiency

  • Experience

  • Interest

  • Last used

  • Performance Rating (Employee)

  • Performance Rating (Manager)

Displayed Indicates whether the user has read access to the rating.
Editable Indicates whether the user has write access to the rating.
User Can Add Competencies This setting provides the ability to add competencies from the Talent Profile.
User Can Remove Competencies This setting provides the ability to remove competencies from the Talent Profile.
Display Competency Section in Talent Profile This indicates whether the section is displayed in the Talent Profile.
Deleting Rated Competencies

Typically employees or managers cannot delete a competency from the Talent Profile once it has been rated, but HR Administrators are able to do so. The correct user type permissions are required and certain administration settings must be enabled.


The table shows permissions for deleting a competency from the Talent Profile.

User Type Permission
Name Description
Performance > Employee Profile > View & Manage High level view and manage permissions are required to be able to select and delete competencies in the Talent Profile.
Performance > Team Management > Access administration tools This permission is required to indicate the user is an HR administrator.

These settings must be enabled.

Configuration > [Performance] Administration > [Talent Profile Management] Talent Profile Layout > Talent Profile Section - Competencies
Name Description
Remove competencies This setting is required to display the Minus icon.
Display competency section in Talent Profile This setting is required for the Competencies section to be displayed in the Talent Profile.

Configuring User-Defined Fields for the Talent Profile

Users-defined fields can be displayed in the Talent Profile.

If you want additional custom information, you can create employee user-defined fields and employee metrics user-defined fields. These can then be activated and included in the talent profile. When included on a talent profile you can decide in which order the fields should be displayed and whether they can be edited.

Creating a User-Defined Field

Creating a user-defined field allows an organization to create and define company specific information that can later be added to various contexts, according to the context for which it was created.

Configuration > [Performance] Administration > [Performance Reviews] User-defined Fields

Configuration > [Performance] Administration > [Goals Management] Employee Goal User-defined Fields

Configuration > [Performance] Administration > [Goals Management] Competency Goal User-defined Fields

Configuration > [Performance] Administration > [Employee Management] Employee Information User-Defined Fields

Configuration > [Performance] Administration > [Employee Management] Employee Metrics User-Defined Fields

  1. In the User-Defined Field page of the selected context, click Create next to the User-Defined Fields header.

  2. In the New User-Defined Field page, specify the properties of the new field.

    Note that once created and saved, only the name can be edited.

    Also, if more than one language has been configured, a name will be required for each language before saving is allowed.

  3. Click Save.

The new field displays in the list of User-Defined Fields and is available for selection.

Once created, the user-defined field can be added to a review's custom section, to a goal plan or development plan template or to the Talent Profile form, depending on the type of field created.

Creating a User-Defined Selection List

Creating a user-defined selection list allows system administrators to create additional selection lists having a set of user-defined values (or elements.) The selection list may be later used to define a user-defined field. This functionality can be used in performance reviews, goals plans, development plans or in the employee management section of the Talent Profile.

Configuration > [Performance] Administration > [Global Configurations] User-defined Selections

Configuration > [Performance] Selection Lists

  1. In the User-Defined Selections page, click Create next to Selections.

  2. In the New User-Defined Selection page, specify the properties for the new selection.

  3. Click Save.

  4. In User-Defined Selection page, click Create next to Elements to define the elements of the list.

  5. In the New Element page, specify the properties of the new element.

  6. Repeat steps 4 and 5 for each element composing the selection list.

The new selection list name displays and is available for use in the list of domain fields when creating user-defined fields.

Once the properties are created, you must activate at least one value (element) to then activate the selection for the newly created selection list to be available as a user-defined field to be added in custom sections of performance reviews, goal plans, development plans and the employee management section of the Talent Profile.

Adding a User-Defined Field to the Talent Profile

Adding a user-defined field to a section of the Talent Profile allows system administrators to display additional information on the Talent Profile.

  • For a field to be available for selection to add it to the Talent Profile, it needs to have been previously created and defined as an Employee Information User-Defined Field or as an Employee Metric User-Defined Field.

  • User-Defined Fields can be added to Metrics, Employee Information, and Custom sections.

Configuration > [Performance] Administration > Talent Profile Layout > > Details > Talent Profile Section - [Section Name]

  1. In the Content section click Add Fields to open the Field Selector.

  2. In the Field Selector page, navigate to and select the checkbox for the fields that you wish to add to the Talent Profile.

  3. Click Select to add the field(s) to the section and return to the previous Talent Profile Section - [Section Name] page.

The fields are automatically added to the Content list and therefore, will be displayed on the Talent Profile form when applicable.

Once added, the fields can be reordered and display properties set as needed.

Editing a Talent Profile User-Defined Field

Editing a Talent Profile user-defined field consists of configuring if the field will be editable and how the values of the field will be presented on the Talent Profile.

  • For a field to be available for selection to add it to the Talent Profile, it needs to have been previously created and defined as an Employee Information User-Defined Field or as an Employee Metric User-Defined Field.

  • User-Defined Fields can be edited in Metrics, Employee Information, and Custom sections.

Configuration > [Performance] Administration > Talent Profile Layout > > Details > Talent Profile Section - [Section Name]

  1. In the Content section click Edit Fields to open the Talent Profile Section Field Editor.

  2. In the Field Editor page, edit the UI Component or Display properties as needed.

  3. Click Save. The application returns you to the previous Talent Profile Section - [Section Name] page.

The fields properties are updated, the fields remain displayed in the Content list, and will be displayed on the Talent Profile form with their new properties.

Removing a User-Defined Field from the Talent Profile

Removing a user-defined field from a Talent Profile is done from the Talent Profile Layout configuration.

  • For a field to be available for selection to add it to the Talent Profile, it needs to have been previously created and defined as an Employee Information User-Defined Field or as an Employee Metric User-Defined Field.

  • User-Defined Fields can be removed from Metrics, Employee Information, and Custom sections.

Configuration > [Performance] Administration > Talent Profile Layout > > Details > Talent Profile Section - [Section Name]

  1. In the Content section click the Delete button on the right side of the row for the field you want to remove.

  2. Click OK to the confirmation message.

  3. The field is removed from the Content list.

  4. Repeat as needed to delete all the fields you want remove from the list.

The fields are automatically removed from the Content list, and will not be displayed on the Talent Profile form.

Employee Photo Upload

Instead of having to use the Configuration module or Taleo Connect Client for uploading photos, employees can upload a photo for themselves.

Larger Photo Image in the Talent Profile

A large size employee photo image (256 x 256 pixels) can be displayed in the Talent Profile's General section. The larger photo image is also used in the header section of Native Reports. Elsewhere in the system, such as on the Talent Card, the photo is resized to a smaller image (48 x 48 pixels).

At migration the system will not automatically display photos from implementations prior to Feature Pack 12C. By default the larger photo will be shown as a silhouette, as photos from earlier implementations are smaller in size. In this case employee photos will need to be re-imported in order to have them display on the General section.

Note: There are several ways to get the larger employee photo images to display on the General section:
  • Manually update a photo within the user's General section.

  • Update a photo through the user's SmartOrg account.

  • Use the Taleo Connect Client (TCC) to batch load employee photos.

Employee Upload of Photo Image

From the Talent Profile General section, an option is available to browse to a photo in your local network and upload it to Performance. You can upload .gif, jpg, and .png files. In instances where a photo isn't a passport style photo, and you upload a portrait orientated photo, the system will attempt to crop the top part of the photo and display it, while with a landscape photo it will crop the center of the photo and display it.


Requires one Talent Profile setting and ensuring that the correct user type permissions are enabled.

Configuration > [Performance] Administration > [Talent Profile Management] > Talent Profile Properties
Name Description
Allow Employee to Upload Photo This is required to have the Change Photo option available when you hover over an employee photo. Whether you can change your photo, or other employee's photos, depends on you user permissions.

Configuration > [SmartOrg] Administration
Name Description
[Users]User AccountsSelect a User Type and AccountEmployee Information sectionEdit An administrator can upload an employee photo from this setting.
[Users] User TypesFunctional Domain=PerformanceEmployee Profile Edit Permissions=Manage You can assign Manage access for different types of users, and this permission is required to see the Change Photo option and be able to upload a photo.

Talent Search

Talent Search provides a consistent, user-focused, robust method for finding employees and candidates. It consists of a persistent keyword search box for keyword searches and an advanced search, which combines keywords and employee parameters. Faceted search enhances the existing search capabilities of Performance providing users with dynamic and refined search results. Facets guide the user through a search providing continuous available search options and results.

Note: When customizable employee metrics are made inactive they are not searchable; only active values show up in facets.

Configuring Talent Search

Typically features are enabled with a product setting, but talent search and faceted search results are also configured via user permissions.

There are also search criteria settings which control which fields can be used when doing an advanced search and a setting for displaying the fit column in search results.

Configuring Talent Search

Access to the Configuration Module.

  1. Enable the Performance > Team Management user type permission for search.

    Access centralized search - This permission provides access to the talent search box displayed at the top of each screen and advanced search. It also provides access to the central talent search page where results are displayed and advanced searches are run and modified.

  2. Set the Performance user type permissions, which control who the person conducting the search can see when they use employee metric fields as search criteria.

    Employee Metrics > View - This permission enables search results to be limited to certain groups of employees, such as direct reports or those in the same group, when searches include employee metrics and user-defined employee metrics fields. The employee metrics are Potential, Promotability, Review Ratings, Reassignment Candidate, and Risk of Loss. This permission is also required to use Secure Facets.

  3. Set Performance > Succession Plan and Common > Pools permissions to enable users to add people to those modules.

  4. Set Configuration > [Performance] Settings > Employee Job Role Advanced Search Field Configuration, which adds the employee job role as criteria for advanced searches. By default it is set to Yes.

  5. Select which search criteria will be available via the Customize option in Advanced Search.

  6. Set the Performance rating settings, which are used for the Ratings facet, along with the Talent Profile metric Employee - Rating.

    Review Rating Metric Rating Model - Indicates the rating model used to determine the available values for the Employee – Review Rating metric.

    Metric Rating Model Rounding - Defines what value the employee ratings are rounded to.

    Metric Rating Display - Defines how the rating scale is displayed; as percentage, numeric, text, and so on.

  7. Edit Configuration > [Performance] Settings > Show the 'Fit' Column in Person Search Results, to change the default behavior and to display the Fit column in search results.

    The search results will still be listed by fit percentage, even if the Fit column is not displayed.

Talent Search is available in your system for users and groups with the Access centralized search permission.

Talent Search Configuration Settings

The following settings control the criteria available via the Customize option in Advanced Search. They are also used for controlling which criteria can be used when running an advanced search in Talent Pools and Succession Plans. Note the Enable Advanced Search setting for Succession Plans and Talent Pools must be enabled to use advanced search with those modules.

Configuration > [Performance] Settings
Setting Name Setting Description Possible Values Setting Category
City Advanced Search Field Configuration Indicates if the city field criterion is available in the advanced search.
  • Yes

  • No (default)

Person Search
Competencies Advanced Search Field Configuration Indicates if the "Competencies" section is available in the advanced search.
  • Yes

  • No (default)

Country Advanced Search Field Configuration Indicates whether the country field criterion is available in the advanced search.
  • Yes

  • No (default)

Person Search
Employee Job Field Advanced Search Field Configuration Indicates if the "Employee Job Field" criterion is available in the advanced search.
  • Yes

  • No (default)

Person Search
Employee Job Role Advanced Search Field Configuration Indicates if the "Employee Job Role" criterion is available in the advanced search.
  • Yes (default)

  • No

Person Search
Employee Location Advanced Search Field Configuration Indicates whether the employee location field criterion is available in the advanced search.
  • Yes

  • No (default)

Person Search
Employee Metrics User-defined Fields in Advanced Search Field Configuration Indicates if the section "Employee Metrics User-defined Fields" is available in the advanced search.
  • Yes

  • No (default)

Person Search
Employee Manager Name Advanced Search Field Configuration Indicates whether the employee manager name field criterion is available in the advanced search.
  • Yes

  • No (default)

Person Search
Employee Organization Advanced Search Field Configuration Indicates whether the employee organization field criterion is available in the advanced search.
  • Yes

  • No (default)

Person Search
Employee Potential Advanced Search Field Configuration Indicates if the "Potential" field is available in the advanced search. This field is restricted.
  • Yes

  • No (default)

Person Search
Employee Readiness For Promotion Advanced Search Field Configuration Indicates if the "Readiness" field is available in the advanced search. This field is restricted.
  • Yes

  • No (default)

Person Search
Employee Review Rating Advanced Search Field Configuration Indicates if the "Employee Review Rating" criterion is available in the advanced search.
  • Yes

  • No (default)

Person Search
Employee Risk Of Loss Advanced Search Field Configuration Indicates if the "Risk of Loss" field is available in the advanced search. This field is restricted.
  • Yes

  • No (default)

Person Search
Employee User-defined Fields in Advanced Search Field Configuration Indicates if the section "Employee User-defined Fields" is available in the advanced search.
  • Yes

  • No (default)

Person Search
Interest In International Advanced Search Field Configuration Indicates if the "Interest in International Assignment" field is available in the advanced search.
  • Yes

  • No (default)

Person Search
Job Title Advanced Search Field Configuration Indicates whether the job title field is available in the advanced Search.
  • Yes

  • No (default)

Person Search
Management Experience Advanced Search Field Configuration Indicates if the "Management Experience" field is available in the advanced search.
  • Yes

  • No (default)

Person Search
Show the 'Fit' Column in Person Search Result Indicates whether to show the 'Fit' column on the results page of a person search.
  • Yes

  • No (default)

Person Search
Reassignment Candidate Advanced Search Field Configuration Indicates if the "Reassignment Candidate" field is available in the advanced search. This field is restricted.
  • Yes

  • No (default)

Person Search
State Advanced Search Field Configuration Indicates whether the state field criterion is available in the advanced search.
  • Yes

  • No (default)

Person Search
Willing To Relocate Advanced Search Field Configuration Indicates if the "Willing To Relocate" field is available in the advanced search.
  • Yes

  • No (default)

Person Search
Willing To Travel Advanced Search Field Configuration Indicates if the "Willing to Travel" field is available in the advanced search.
  • Yes

  • No (default)

Person Search
Years In Industry Advanced Search Field Configuration Indicates if the "Years in Industry" field is available in the advanced search.
  • Yes

  • No (default)

Person Search
Zip/Postal Code Advanced Search Field Configuration Indicates if the ZIP/Postal Code field is available in the advanced Search.
  • Yes

  • No (default)

Person Search

Talent Browser

The talent browser provides managers and executives with a flexible, real-time view into their organization.

Some of the talent browser's functionality includes:
  • viewing multiple levels with panning, zooming and a mini-organization chart map, for easy navigation

  • using the scope options, for viewing multiple levels or just direct reports

  • drilling down into the org chart layers, for focusing on specific business units and groups

  • filtering by general information, customizable employee metrics, and goal association, for highlighting employees that meet specific criteria

  • accessing an employee's snapshot, to have instant access to their key data

  • organizational summary card, providing a roll-up view into the metrics for an entire business unit

Customizable Metrics Use in the Talent Browser

The following metrics are displayed in the Talent Browser when Metrics is selected from the General selector, all three of which are customizable:
  • Potential

  • Promotability Readiness

  • Risk of Loss


By default, all users should have access to the Talent Browser.

Configuration > [Performance] Settings
Name Description
Maximum Number of Nodes in the Talent Browser Controls how many employee cards can be displayed at one time, between 50 and 200. The default is 100.

User Type Permission
Name Description
Performance > Team Management > Access... Controls access to More Actions > Team Summary. This prevents employees from seeing organizational information for levels above their place in the organizational hierarchy.

To configure the Talent Browser

Configuration > [Performance] Settings
  1. To set which employee metrics can be displayed in the Team Summary, go to Configuration > [Performance] Administration > [Employee Management] Metrics Configuration and click Edit and make the required changes.

    Only the Display value is used for the Team Summary in the talent browser. The Edit value applies to the Talent Profile.
  2. To set the number of employees that can be displayed at one time, go to Configuration > [Performance] Product Settings > Maximum Number of Nodes in Talent Browser and select a value between 50 and 200.

    The default value is 100.

Performance > [Navigation bar] Talent Browser is available.

Talent Snapshot

This provides the ability to view key employee information from different modules in the same place.

It is accessible via the Talent Snapshot icon throughout the system. This includes areas such as the Talent Browser, Network panel, Search results, Talent Pools, Succession Plans, and Performance Review list.

Employee management configuration settings for metrics, along with user type permissions, control access to Snapshot information.

The following metrics are displayed in the Talent Snapshot, all four of which are customizable:
  • Potential

  • Risk of Loss

  • Impact of Loss

  • Promotability Readiness

Selecting View Org Chart will display the person as the top node in the Talent Browser.

For information on the details for each module, see the corresponding sections in the Help Center or Oracle Taleo Enterprise Edition User Guide for Performance.

The Talent Snapshot summary provides information on the following:

Talent Snapshot Contents (except Performance Card)
Section Included Information
Employee Information Manager, Current Position, Direct Reports, Work Experience, Education. When available, the first five direct reports, first work experience entry, and first education entry are displayed automatically.
Goal Plan Overall goal plan (total goals, goals aligned to manager, overdue goals, overall progress, approval status, last updated date), Employee goals (name, alignment, progress, due date).
Development Plan Overall dev plan (total activities, overdue and completed activities, approval status, last updated date), development activities (name, progress, due date).
Succession Plan Overall succession plan (total number of successors, total number of nominations, bench strength, successors list, approved, last updated date). This section also includes Employee metrics (Potential, Risk of Loss, Impact of Loss, Promotability Readiness), Position metrics (Critical Position), and Succession metrics (Interim Replacement and Number of Succession Plans). A pop up with detailed Succession Plan information displays if the Number of Succession Plans is hovered over. The metrics can be displayed even if no succession plan is available.
Career Plan Overall career plan (current job, scenario steps, gap analysis for each step indicating competencies required for the job). You can switch between scenarios and each one can display the current job and the first two steps of the plan.

Performance Snapshot Card

The Performance snapshot card contains data on the employee's current salary and compa-ratio, along with data on the last three closed focal performance reviews and compensation periods. The data that is displayed is impacted by your user type permissions and whether you have compensation data.

At a minimum, the Performance Review Ratings display one value per review period for the Overall score of the review. It may also contain Goal section and Competency section scores depending on your review configuration. The most recent review values displayed are the same as those found in the Metrics section of the Talent Profile. For more details on how ratings scores are derived and displayed, see the Oracle Taleo Enterprise Edition Performance Review Ratings Orientation Guide.

Compensation data can be brought into Performance via an integration with Compensation or by importing data from a third-party system using Taleo Connect Client (TCC). Regardless of which, batch data import jobs should be scheduled regularly to ensure the most up to date compensation data is displayed. For integration details, see the Compensation and Performance Integration Guide.

While the compensation data values available to both the snapshot and talent profile are the same, they are displayed differently. The talent profile only displays information when it is available and only displays the most recent individual values. The snapshot card displays NA when there is no information and displays values based on yearly totals and availability.

Note: Performance and compensation data are independent of each other, therefore it is possible the periods displayed for each will differ.

Performance Card Contents
Subject Description
Current Salary This value is taken from the compensation history table. Depending on when the compensation data was last updated, it is possible this is not your actual current salary.
Compa-ratio This value is taken from the compensation history table. Depending on when the compensation data was last updated, it is possible this is not your actual current compa-ratio.
Performance Review Ratings
Overall Displays the Overall review rating based on the Employee - Review Rating value kept in the historical review table for the indicated review period. All scores are for completed and closed review periods. No active scores are included.
Goals Displays the rating for the Goals section of the review. This is based on the Employee - Goal Rating value kept in the historical review table for the indicated review period. All scores are for completed and closed review periods. No active scores are included.
Competencies Displays the rating for the Competencies section of the review. This is based on the Employee - Competency Rating value kept in the historical review table for the indicated review period. All scores are for completed and closed review periods. No active scores are included.
Review Comments When you select an overall rating, review comments associated with it are displayed here. If no comments exist, the score is not a clickable link.
Compensation History
Salary Increase These values come from the compensation salary history table associated with the effective date displayed on the card. The Oracle Taleo Enterprise Edition SmartOrg Data Dictionary provides details on compensation elements.
Bonus Award These values come from the compensation bonus history table associated with the effective date displayed on the card. As currencies are displayed for both this value and Salary Increase and multiple currencies are not supported within the same aggregated period, you should use the same currency whenever possible.
Stock Granted These values come from the compensation stock history table associated with the effective date displayed on the card.


There are no specific Taleo Performance configuration requirements for this feature; however, you must have the following View user type permissions and configuration settings to display the data. There is no information available messages are displayed to users without appropriate permissions.

If Taleo Compensation is activated in the zone, the integration should have been configured to automatically transfer compensation history data on a regular basis. If Compensation is not activated, the client can use Taleo Connect Client (TCC) to transfer compensation data from an outside ERP system.

User Type Permission
Snapshot Section Required Permission
Employee Information
  • Employee Profile - required to display Work Experience and Education details. Manager, Current Position, and Direct Reports are always displayed.

Goal Plan
  • Goal Plans - required to display the entire section.

Development Plan
  • Development Plans - required to display the entire section.

Succession Plan
  • Succession Plans - required to display plan details.

  • Employee Metrics - required to display metrics.

Career Plan
  • Career Plans - required to display the entire section.

Performance Review Ratings
  • [Performance] Performance Reviews - required to display the entire Performance section.

Compensation History
  • [Compensation] Compensation Data - required to display the entire Compensation section and also the current salary and compa-ratio data.

Configuration > [Performance] Administration > [Employee Management]
Settings Description
Metrics Configuration Affects what is displayed in the Metrics section of the Succession Plan snapshot card.

Configuring Filters

All the filters found in the Filter tabs throughout Taleo Performance modules can be hidden or displayed.

Filter configuration settings control the display of each instance of a filter. It is either displayed or hidden for the entire system. For example, Willing to Travel is available in filters for Talent Pools, Talent Browser, Review Calibrations, and Nomination Slates. There is no way for it to only be displayed for pools and the browser, while remaining hidden for calibrations and nominations.

When searching in the Configuration Module for a field to disable you can refine the list of filter fields by context, which displays a list with each of the Taleo Performance modules or pages the filter is used. Subsequently selecting one of the modules displays only those filters used with the module.


Go to Configuration > [Performance] Administration > [Global Configurations] Filters and click Disable or Enable for the filters as required.


Files can be attached to Performance Reviews, Goal Plans, and the Talent Profile. This enables employees to include documents that are not kept in Performance, in support of their achievements and progress for reviews and plans, such as projects plans, implementation scorecards, or client feedback. Native reporting output files can also be attached to reporting correspondence. "Attachment" settings are globally applied to all types of attachments, including report attachments used in native reporting correspondence.-

The files are associated with the highest level object, such as the overall goal plan itself and not a specific employee goal. Attachments can be viewed by anyone who has view access to the object (goal plan, review, talent profile), while manage access is required to attach files. Only employees can attach files to their goal plans and performance reviews. Like other events, adding and removing attachments is included in the object's history.

As a basic service you can attach up to ten files to an object, with a maximum file size of 1mb, depending on system configuration. If you have already reached your maximum number of attachments you will need to delete a file before a new one can be uploaded. Once a file has been attached it can be updated, but you must save the file locally, make your changes, and then re-upload it. A wide range of file types are supported, but those available to you will depend on your organization's implementation.

Note: If the file restrictions change over time, it is possible some existing attachments will be for file types and file sizes that are no longer allowed.

Supported File Types
Type (Extension) Type (Extension)
Word (.doc, .docx) Text (.txt)
HTML page (.htm) Word Perfect (.wpd)
HTML page (.html) Excel (.xls, .xlsx)
Portable Document Format (.pdf) Zip (.zip)
Rich Text Format (.rtf) OpenOffice Writer (.odt)


Clients must request activation of this feature. This feature should not be activated until Oracle has analyzed the impact it may have on the client's system.

Apart from Attachment Enabled, the General Configuration settings do not need to be configured unless you want to change the default values for the list of supported files or the size and number of files that can be attached.

Configuration > [Performance] Settings
Name Description
Attachment Enabled Protected setting. Oracle Support must enable this setting. By default this setting is disabled. When enabled, attachment functionality is available for goal plans, performance reviews, and talent profiles, with the constraints of the other attachment settings applied.

Configuration > [General Configuration] Settings
Name Description
Attachment Format Filter Public setting. By default all supported file types can be uploaded. You can add and remove file types from the list as required.
Attachment File Maximum Number Protected setting. The maximum number of files that a user can attach to an object is 10.
Attachment File Maximum Size Protected setting. The maximum size for each uploaded file is 1 MB.
Block Macros in Attachments Public setting. The system will scan the attachments for macros. Files containing macros will not be updated.

After configuring the global settings, specific attachment options must be enabled for goal plans and the talent profile. Reviews also require the Performance Reviews > Manage - If this user is one of the authors user type permission.

Configuration > [Performance] Administration
Name Location
Allow File Attachments
  • [Goal Management] Goal Plan Templates > Goal Plan Name > [Properties]

  • [Employee Management] Talent Profile Section Configuration > [Properties]

  • [Performance Reviews] Review Cycles > Review Cycle Name > [Review Requests] Request Name > [Settings]

Native Reports

Predefined, delivered reports can be run from within Performance, without the need to move to a different module or have special access. This enables reports to be quickly and simply generated on common subjects, such as goal plan status or performance review details. Native reporting lets managers report from within a module, where they simply select which employees they want to include in the report and what subject they want to report on, based on the available templates.

Native Reporting is based on the Oracle Business Intelligence Publisher (BI Publisher or BIP). The content of the delivered native reports has not changed from prior releases. Report layout may be slightly different due to the change in reporting technology. Customers are also able to create their own custom reports. The language selected at login determines which language the report is generated in. The report data displays in that login language, however, the language of the template reports are shown in the language they were originally created. The report labels display as designed in the report template. A separate report template must be created for each language if it is necessary for the report template and language to match. By default reports are available in Performance; however, they can also be emailed as attachments with additional configuration.

Delivered Reporting Templates

The following report templates are delivered:
  • Goal Plan Status - Includes goal plan status information about the selected population. The report focuses on the plan status and approval date along with useful employee information such as their location and organization.

  • Development Plan Status - Similar to goal plan, except that it deals with development plans.

  • Review Status - Includes review status information about the selected population. It is useful for Employee Self-Assessment and Manager Evaluation statuses along with typical employee information.

  • Review History - Includes the historical performance review scores for the selected population. The report focuses on the goal score, the competency score, and the Overall Review Rating.

  • Performance Review Summary - Can include the review status, goal section score, and competency section score for a designated review cycle and review request.

  • Talent Profile - Provides a consolidated view of an employee's information such as their job, work history, skills and qualifications, performance, and development.

  • Organization Chart - Contains the organization charts for all the direct reports under the senior leader specified in the Select Employee(s) section of the Run a Report dialog. The report can provide a useful tool for compiling a talent book for the organization, although it is not an exact replica of the Talent Browser. If a manager has too many direct reports, not all nodes will be shown. It is recommended that each individual manager's organization chart report should be run separately to include all members.

Note: The Organization Chart report is not modifiable by customers using BI Publisher.

Native Reporting Setup

Native Reporting must be configured to be enabled in Performance as must the appearance of a large profile picture in reports, the activation of reports, and the attachment of reports to report correspondence (emails).

Native Reports Configuration

Follow these steps to configure your system to run native reporting:

Step 1: Request Oracle Support to activate a native reporting server in your Oracle Taleo Enterprise Edition zone. Support uses Oracle Taleo Remote Connect Client (RCC) to select Native Reporting and Data Extract in the JBoss component of the zone setup.

Step 2: Configure setting to enable native reporting in Performance.

Configuration > [Performance] Settings >
Name Description
Enable Native Reporting A Private setting. Enables the native reporting feature in Performance. This includes all of the access links for My Reports and Run Reports found in the user interface along with the ability to create and run reports.

Step 3: Decide which native reports (from among the delivered templates) are required for your implementation, which level of users will have access to native reporting, whether attachments will be enabled, and what content should be included in the email templates.

Step 4: Configure the Performance settings as follows.

User Type Permission. A user type permission enables user access to native reporting, while multiple variables and email templates are used to send results to someone.

Configuration > [SmartOrg] Administration > [Users] User Types > Select User Type > Performance > Team Management > Permissions
Name Description
Access Reporting

Provides the User Type access to native reports.

Note: The two main conditions for a user to have access to native reporting include:
  • Setting "Enable Native Reporting" to Yes.

  • Granting the permission "Access Reporting".

Access Report Data

Controls who can view XML data generated by reports.

  • Only users’ who have this permission granted as well as the Access Reporting permission, will be able to view and select the Download XML link.

  • By default, at upgrade all the existing users prior to 15B.6 that already had Access Reporting permissions will now also have the new Access Report Data permissions. The Access Report Data permission will be disabled by default for new users.

Report attachment file size and number. Multiple settings enable reports as attachments to correspondence and control maximum file number and size.

Configuration > [General Configuration] Settings
Name Description
Attached File Maximum Size Protected setting. Category is Configuration. The default value is 1MB. If a report exceeds the value it will not be attached to the email notifying the user the report is ready.
Attached File Maximum Number Protected setting. Category is Configuration. The default value is 10. If a report exceeds the value it will not be attached to the email notifying the user the report is ready.

Configuration > [Performance] Settings
Name Description
Attachment Enabled Protected setting. Category is Global Settings. The default value is No. Enables or disables the ability to attach files in Performance.

Email templates and variables. Multiple settings control the use of message templates with report correspondence.

Configuration > [Performance] Administration > [Global Configurations] Message Templates
Name Description
NR notification for reporting Native reporting correspondence. Intended when the report is completed, without attachment.
NR notification for reporting with attachment Native reporting correspondence. Intended when the report is completed, with attachment.
NR notification for reporting - error Native reporting correspondence. Intended when the report is not completed.
{Report-Notification.ReportName} This is the name of the report as found in the My Reports > Name column or entered in the Customize this report section when creating a new report.
{Report-Notification.ReportUrl} This is the link to the report in Performance. Clicking the link may require you to login, but will then take you directly to the report.

Configuration > [Performance] Administration > [Native Reporting] Reporting Correspondence
Name Description
Correspondence for completed reports This email is used for emails that do not include an attached report, so you must ensure the {Report-Notification.ReportUrl} variable is included so recipients can access the report from Taleo Performance.
Correspondence for completed reports with attachments This email is used when a PDF report does not exceed the maximum file size limit and can be sent as an attachment.
Correspondence for reports not created due to errors This email is used when there is a report creation error.

General Configuration Settings These global settings are private and apply to any products using native reporting in the zone. Note: Currently Performance is the only product using native reporting.

Configuration > [General Configuration] Settings > Category=Native Reporting
Name Description
Maximum Extract Processing Time Maximum number of minutes for report data to be extracted from the system before an error occurs.
Maximum Record Count Maximum number of employees (records) that can be included in a report. The default of 0 means this setting must be changed before reports can be generated successfully.
Maximum Report Processing Thread Size Maximum number of reports that can be generated concurrently per client implementation. When the number of report requests and subsequent processing threads exceeds this value, report requests will be put in a queue until they can be processed. The default is 10.
Period Before Request Archival Number or days before a report is archived. This changes the report status to Archived and moves it from the active My Reports list. The default is 5 days. Note this has not been implemented in Performance 12A.
Period Before Request Deletion Number of days before a report is deleted from the system. The days are measured from the day of the request. The default is 90 days.
Period Before Request Failure Number of days after a report request has been made and a report has not been generated, that it is considered to have failed. The report status changes to Error. The default is 1 day.

Step 5: Enable large employee photos for report header sections.

Native Reports display a larger, higher quality employee photo image in the header section. It is the same image as that for the Talent Profile's General section:
  • Image format can be .gif, .jpg. or .png.

  • Image size is 256 x 256 pixels, passport style.

Some configuration is needed for the photo to display in the Talent Profile and reports. For details see Employee Photo Upload.

Step 6: To configure and activate reports, log into Performance's Configuration module as administrator.

a. Open the Report Definition page. (Navigation: [Performance] Administration > [Native Reporting] Administration > Report Definition. Repeat the following substeps for each desired report.

b. Click on the Report Definition name to open and view its properties.

c. Review the report properties: Name, Description, Category (Performance module or functional area such as Development Plans, Goal Plans, Reviews, or Talent Profile), Data Model, Report Template file (RTF format), output file formats to be allowed when end-users generate the report, and standard report selection parameters (e.g. population) to appear on the Create Report dialog when end-users generate the report.

d. If needed, set up access permissions for the report based on User Groups or User Roles.

e. If needed, select or deselect Activate to make the report available/not available for use in Performance. Reports activated are added to the Reports list for the zone, are available to end users to run, and can subsequently be deactivated by the administrator.

f. Save any changes.

Native Reporting Administration

Administrators use the following Configuration section and subsections for creating and managing report elements. These include data model and report definitions, and report requests, for both delivered and custom reports:

Native Reporting Management in Configuration

Configuration > [Performance] Administration > [Native Reporting] Administration > [Reporting Management]
Subsection Name Description
Data Model Definitions Data model definitions are predefined sets of related reporting entities used to support reporting on Performance module areas. This subsection displays the names of delivered and custom data model definitions (e.g. Development Plan, Goal Plan, Review or Talent Profile). It has two main tabs:
  1. Data Model Definition Management is used to manage data model definitions for delivered and custom data model definitions.

  2. Data Model Definition Sampling provides the ability to download sample data models in XML files. These XML files are referenced in report definitions for delivered and custom reports.

Report Definitions Displays a list of the available delivered and custom report definitions. Also provides the ability to configure custom report definitions; including the name and description, data model, template file, output file format(s), group and role-base access permissions, standard report parameters, and activate/deactivate status.
Request Management Displays a list of native reporting requests previously run, based on these filters: request identifier, date, owner and status.

Native Reports Group and Role-based Permissions

The Report Definition page provides administrators the ability to create access restrictions for native reports based on groups and roles.

Restriction access controls a user's ability to run a report. Group restrictions are based on administrator created groups containing specific subsets of users. Role restrictions are based on Performance roles:






Both restriction types, groups and roles, are usable for the same report definition. Only employees fitting the configured restrictions will be able to run a restricted report.

Setting Group Report Access Restrictions

The report definition must first be created.

Configuration > [Performance] Administration > [Native Reporting] Administration > Report Definitions
  1. In the Report Definitions section select the report definition Name from the list.

  2. On the Report Definition - [Domain] page, next to User Groups, click Add.

  3. Use the Refine By selector and associated text entry field to search for the desired user group(s) you want to limit access to the report to.

  4. Select the checkbox next to the desired user group(s) you want to limit access to the report to.

  5. Once all desired groups are chosen, click Select.

Restrictions display in the User Groups section of the Report Definition - [Domain] page.

Only users fitting the configured restrictions will be able to run a restricted report.

To lift a group restriction click the Remove button next to the restriction listed in the User Groups section of the Report Definition - [Domain] page.

Setting Role Report Access Restrictions

The report definition must first be created.

Configuration > [Performance] Administration > [Native Reporting] Administration > Report Definitions
  1. In the Report Definitions section select the report definition Name from the list.

  2. On the Report Definition - [Domain] page, next to User Roles, click Add.

  3. Select the checkbox next to the desired user role(s) you want to limit access to the report to.

  4. Once all desired roles are chosen, click Select.

Restrictions display in the User Roles section of the Report Definition - [Domain] page.

Only users fitting the configured restrictions will be able to run a restricted report.

To lift a role restriction click the Remove button next to the restriction listed in the User Roles section of the Report Definition - [Domain] page.

Native Reporting Data Domains

Native Reporting utilizes delivered data domains to provide structure for delivered reports. Delivered data domains also facilitate and simplify the creation of custom reports. Administrators can also create custom data domains to expand the datasets available for custom reports.


The following terms are used in Native Reporting.

Term Definition
Domain A hierarchy of data models and datasets, with connected common fields (joins). A domain includes these basic attributes: Name, Code, Base Data Model and Description. The elements of a domain are related together around a common business process or module. For example: Review, Goal or Succession.
Data Model A hierarchy of datasets (including entities such as dataset fields) connected together by a logical data join, and used in report layout and generation.
Dataset An entity for reporting, containing a list of exposed fields from a common data model or category (such as Employee, Goal Plan or Review fields).
Component An entity that is common across datasets in Performance (such as Comments or Position), and can be connected to multiple datasets.

Delivered Data Domains

Data domains delivered for use in native reporting include:
  • Career

  • Development Plan

  • Goal Plan

  • Organization Chart (limited availability - a customizable data model is not available for the Organization Chart)

  • Succession

  • Review

  • Talent Pool

  • Talent Profile

A list of these delivered domains, plus any created custom domains appears in configuration on the Data Model Definitions for Deployment page.

Delivered Data Models

Data models delivered for use in native reporting include these areas of Performance:
  • Candidate

  • Career*

  • Comments

  • Development*

  • Development Metrics

  • Employee*

  • Employee Goal Metrics

  • Employee Manager

  • Employee Measurement

  • Feedback

  • Goal*

  • Goal Measurement

  • Job Role

  • Position*

  • Position Manager

  • Requisition (partial availability)

  • Review*

  • Review Content

  • Review Measurement

  • Review Metrics

  • Succession*

  • Talent Pool*

  • Talent Profile Measurement*

  • Talent Profile*

  • User

Note: * These models are the "base" data models from which you can build custom data models.

Native Reporting Custom Data Model Definitions

Native Reporting allows administrators to create custom data model definitions, and perform cross-domain referencing in the definitions, using the Data Model Definition and Data Model Editor pages in Configuration.

Custom data model definitions provide users the ability to:
  • Choose the connection points to bind different data domains and data models together under a custom data model definition.

  • Select which data models and datasets are to be used in a custom data model definition.

  • Create reports with information drawn from across data domains and data models.

For example, a custom data model definition could contain datasets from the Talent Profile domain, plus additional Development domain datasets.

Custom Data Model Definition Creation

You can create custom data models to expand the datasets (fields) available for making custom reports. There are several base data models from where you can start creating a custom data model definition.
  • Career

  • Development Plan

  • Employee

  • Employee Measurement *

  • Goal Plan

  • Position

  • Review

  • Succession Plan

  • Talent Pool

  • Talent Profile

*The Review Measurement Data Model and the Goal Measurement Data Model are not base data models, but can be joined with the Employee Measurement Data Model to emphasize Review and Goal-centric metrics. When this data join is made, the default 5,000 row output restriction typically associated with employee data is lifted and increased to 65,000 allowing for enhanced or aggregated reporting across entire organizations and larger employee populations. While these measurement models do include some of the most essential fields and additional basic data applicable to reviews and goals, they are primarily to be used to obtain metrics across an employee base that exceeds 5,000 records. Additionally, more data can be obtained by joining either of the Measurement Data Models with the Employee Measurement Data Model. If more detailed information from reviews or goals for less than 5,000 employees is needed, you should use the Review Data Model or the Goal Data Model, not these measurement models.

Choosing the base data model to begin with is driven by two main considerations:
  1. What subject areas (domains) will the report be built on?

  2. What selection parameters will the user need to enter to run the report?

With respect to subject area selection, best practices are:
  • For a report drawing data from a single domain, choose that domain as the base model. For example, for a strictly review oriented report, choose the review base model. Or for a goal oriented report, choose the goal base model. Such custom reports might differ from the delivered reports due to factors such as dataset (field) selection and layout.

  • For a report drawing data from multiple domains, use the employee, position or talent pool data model as the base since they can connect to most of the other domains. Such custom reports will differ from delivered reports not only due to field selection and layout, but also due to their cross-domain referencing.

With respect to report parameter selection, reports can have three types of population selection parameters: Employees, Positions and Talent Pools. The base data model for a report should be chosen based on what populations the user will want to see in the report:
  • Employees - Values include Direct Reports, Direct Reports + One Level, All My Employees, Specific Employees and Talent Pool.

  • Positions - Values include All My Positions and Specific Positions.

  • Talent Pools - Values include All My Talent Pools and Select Talent Pools.

Customers can select which User Defined Fields (UDFs) are included in their custom data models. By default, when you add a new data set to an existing data model, all of its UDFs are also added. However, you can deselect unwanted UDFs from those data models.

The following diagram shows the main connections between some of the base data models (shaded) and other available data models. It also shows the report entry parameters available to run a report for each base model chosen.

The image shows the main connections between some of the base data models (shaded) and other available data models. It also shows the report entry parameters available to run a report for each base model chosen.

Creating a Custom Data Model Definition

The following steps outline the workflow for custom domain and data model creation:


  • You must be an administrative user for Performance with access to the Configuration module.

Configuration > [Performance] Administration > [Native Reporting] Administration > [Reporting Management] Data Model Definitions > [Data Model Definitions for Deployment]

  1. Log into the Configuration module and navigate to the Data Model Definitions for Deployment page, and click the Data Model Definition Management tab.

  2. Under Data Model Definition Management click Create to begin the process of creating the custom data model definition.

  3. On the Data Model Definition Editor page enter the Name, Code, Description and select a Base Data Model for the custom data model definition. (For example, you might begin by selecting the Employee data model as the base model.) Then Save.

  4. The Data Model Definition - [Name] page opens, displaying the newly created domain's Properties at the top. The Data Model Content section below displays a tree hierarchy for the base data model, Talent Profile.

  5. To begin customizing the data model, click Edit next to Data Model Content.

  6. On the Data Model Editor page the full dataset content for the base model is displayed in a collapsible/expandable tree hierarchy. At first, all datasets for the base model are selected at the root.
    • Use the Checkboxes to indicate which datasets to include in the model.

    • Use Add (+) buttons to add model hierarchy to the data model.

    • Data models are only presented as connectible when there is a logical entity relation (join). You do not have to be concerned about whether or not joins are valid, combinations are predefined and limited by the system.

    • Use X buttons to remove model hierarchy.

    • As you work with the levels in the hierarchy, view the selectable datasets in the window to the right. There is a maximum limitation of 60 selectable datasets.

  7. Save any changes.

  8. Click Activate.

  9. The active domain and data model can now be used to create custom reports, in the Report Definitions page in Configuration.

Editing an Existing Data Model Definition

You want to edit an existing data model definition.

Configuration > [Performance] Administration > [Native Reporting] Administration > [Reporting Management] Data Model Definitions > [Data Model Definitions for Deployment] Data Model Definition Management
  1. Locate the desired data model definition in the list of existing definitions, and click on it.

    The Data Model Definition - [Name] page opens.
  2. Optional. You can make the following types of changes.

    1. Click Delete to remove an inactive definition from the database. This cannot be undone. You cannot delete an active data model definition.

    2. Click Activate/Deactivate to change the definition's status. You cannot deactivate a data model definition if there is an active report definition referring to it.

    3. Click Edit next to Properties, and in that section you can edit the Name, Code and Description.

    4. Click Edit next to Data Model Content, and in that section you can edit the model content for an inactive data domain. You cannot edit an active data model definition.

    5. Save your changes as you go.

When a data model definition is edited and the changes saved, the prior version of the definition is lost. If you need to maintain historical copies of all versions of the data model definition it is recommended you use the duplicate function instead.

Any existing report definitions referencing an edited data model definition are also affected by the change(s).

Duplicating an Existing Data Model Definition

You want to make a copy of and edit an existing data model definition, active or inactive, while maintaining the existing version.

Configuration > [Performance] Administration > [Native Reporting] Administration > [Reporting Management] Data Model Definitions > [Data Model Definitions for Deployment] Data Model Definition Management
  1. Locate the desired data model definition in the list of existing definitions, and click on it.

    The Data Model Definition - [Name] page opens.
  2. Click Duplicate.

    The system makes a duplicate copy of the data model definition while changing the Code with a pre-appended number to distinguish the copied version from the original.
  3. Optional. You can make the following types of changes.

    1. Click Delete to remove the newly created definition from the database. This cannot be undone.

    2. Click Activate/Deactivate to change the definition's status. A data model definition cannot be deactivated if there is a report definition referring it.

    3. Click Edit next to Properties, and in the Properties section you can edit the Name, Code and Description. Keep the Code unique from any other versions in the system.

    4. Click Edit next to Data Model Content, and you can edit the model content.

    5. Save your changes as you go.

While the data model definition is copied, edited and saved with a new code; the prior version of the definition having a different code is kept in the database also.

Native Reporting Custom Report Creation

In addition to the delivered native reports, custom reports can be created and run from within Oracle Performance using the Native Reporting feature.

Beginning in Feature Pack 13C Native Reporting is based on the Oracle Business Intelligence Publisher (BI Publisher or BIP). Customer system administrators can use the Oracle BI Publisher plug-in, in association with Oracle Performance's Configuration module, to create custom reports.

BI Publisher provides a plug-in utility for Microsoft Word that automates layout design. It enables you to connect to BI Publisher, access data, and upload templates directly from a Microsoft Word session. The Rich Text Format (RTF) also supports advanced formatting commands and layout options. RTF templates support a variety of output types, including: HTML, PDF, PPT, RTF and XLS.

Editing a Report Definition

The report definition you want to edit must already exist in the system and have inactive status. You cannot edit an active status report definition.

Configuration > [Performance] Administration > [Native Reporting] Administration > [Reporting Management] Report Definitions
  1. Locate the desired report definition name on the list and click it to open the Report Definition - [Name] page.

  2. Optional. You can make the following types of changes.

    1. Click Delete to remove an inactive definition from the database. This cannot be undone. You cannot delete an active report definition.

    2. Click Activate to change the definition's status.

    3. Click Edit next to Properties. The Report Definition Editor page opens. You can edit the Name, Category, Description, Template File, File Formats and Standard Report Parameters. You cannot edit the Data Model Definition field.

    4. Save your changes as you go.

  3. Optional. On the Report Definition - [Name] page you can click Add next to User Group or User Role to edit the report access restrictions.

When a report definition is edited and the changes saved, the prior version of the definition is lost. If you need to maintain historical copies of all versions of the report definition it is recommended you use the duplicate function instead.

Duplicating a Report Definition

The report definition you want to duplicate must already exist in the system.

Configuration > [Performance] Administration > [Native Reporting] Administration > [Reporting Management] Report Definitions
  1. Locate the desired report definition in the list of existing definitions, and click on it.

    The Report Definition - [Name] page opens.
  2. Click Duplicate.

    The system makes a duplicate copy of the report definition; while changing the Name by appending the word Duplicate to it, and changing the Status to Inactive. This distinguishes the copied version from the original.
  3. Optional. You can make the following types of changes.

    1. Click Delete to remove the newly created definition from the database. This cannot be undone.

    2. Click Activate to change the definition's status.

    3. Click Edit next to Properties to open the Report Definition Editor page. You can edit the Name, Category, Description, Template File, File Formats, and Standard Report Parameters. Keep the Name unique from any other versions in the system. You cannot edit the Data Model Definition field.

    4. Save your changes as you go.

  4. Optional. On the Report Definition - [Name] page you can click Add next to User Group or User Role to edit the report access restrictions.

While the report definition is copied, edited and saved with a new name; the prior version of the definition having a different name is kept in the database also.

Showing Compensation Data in Performance

Compensation history data can be configured to display within Performance.

The talent model includes compensation data elements so that compensation data may be displayed within the Performance application. This compensation data can come from Compensation or from an external HRMS/ERP system.

The compensation history data is displayed according to metric configuration, availability, and user security access in the following areas:
  • Talent Profile - Displays compensation history data.

  • Performance Snapshot Card - Displays compensation data in the Compensation section of the snapshot card.

  • Talent Browser - Displays salary, bonus, and stock information for employees.

When compensation history data is available, and the related metric has been configured to display, the following information is provided in Performance, when available:
  • Employee's current salary

  • Employee's salary increase, new salary and effective date

  • Employee's bonus amount, bonus plan, target bonus amount and effective date

  • Employee's stock grant amount, total non-vested stock and grant date

Compensation history is available from Compensation through an integration. If Compensation is activated in the zone and the integration is configured, the system will automatically transfer all compensation history data into SmartOrg on a daily basis. If Compensation is not activated, the client can use the standard integration tools to transfer the data from an outside ERP system.


The following permissions must be granted to individual users to view or manage the Compensation History Data feature in Performance.

User Type Permission
Name Location
View Compensation Data Configuration > [SmartOrg] Administration > User Type > User Account >Compensation>Compensation>Compensation Data
Manage Compensation Data Configuration > [SmartOrg] Administration > User Type > User Account >Compensation>Compensation>Compensation Data

Available Compensation Metrics
Name Location
Compensation - Current Salary Configuration > [Performance] Administration > [Employee Management] Metrics Configuration
Compensation - Salary Increase Configuration > [Performance] Administration > [Employee Management] Metrics Configuration
Compensation - Target Bonus Configuration > [Performance] Administration > [Employee Management] Metrics Configuration
Compensation - Non-vested Stock Configuration > [Performance] Administration > [Employee Management] Metrics Configuration

Performance and Recruiting Unification

Managers can access Taleo Recruiting information and functions directly from Performance, enabling them to work with — and create — requisitions.

  • From the Talent Browser, you can view a summary of the open positions and open requisitions you own and subsequently choose to view the requisition or its candidates in Recruiting

  • Also from Talent Browser, you can initiate the requisition creation process, from where the Requisition Wizard is launched and you are taken to Recruiting to complete the task

  • From Talent Search results, you can add employees and candidates to your open requisitions directly in Performance


The Recruiting module must be enabled and the following user permissions are needed.

User Type Permission
Name Description
Recruiting > Candidates > Match candidates to requisitions Required to be able to add someone to a requisition from search results.
Recruiting > Requisitions > View requisitions Required to be able to view open requisitions.
Recruiting > Requisitions > Create requisitions Required to be able to create requisitions from the Organization Chart.
Recruiting > Requisitions > Allow access to... The user must have at least one of the five allow access requisition type permissions to create a new requisition.