Job-Specific Candidate List Filters

The job-specific candidate list can be filtered to obtain a more accurate list of candidates.

Step and Status filters: The Step filter displays all the steps of the Candidate Selection Workflow used by the current requisition. Once the job-specific candidate list is filtered on a step, the Status filter displays all the statuses of the step. If the Candidate Selection Workflow used by the current requisition has only one step, then only the Status filter is displayed.

Candidate filters: The following candidate filters are available:

The table shows Candidate filter descriptions.
Candidate Filter Description
Internal Returns internal candidates.
Referred Returns candidates who have been referred by an agent or a referrer and for which the reference is not expired.
Requiring Attention Returns candidate submissions that have an Attention Indicator Flag.
In Selection Process Returns submissions of candidates that have at least one submission that is on a step/status mapped to an active application state (not Rejected, Declined, Deleted, Hired).
Active on Current Requisition Returns candidate submissions for the current requisition and that are on the step/status mapped on an active application state (not Rejected, Declined, Deleted, Hired).
Active on Concurrent Requisition Returns the submissions of the candidates that have at least one other submission for another requisition, where the step/status is mapped to an active application state (not Rejected, Declined, Deleted, Hired).
Exclude Disqualified Returns candidates that are not disqualified.
New in Selection Process Returns candidate submissions that are in the initial status of the first step of the Candidate Selection Workflow used by the current requisition.

If users have the following preference, the In Selection Process filter is selected by default:

The table shows candidate list content preferences.
User Preference Location
Candidate List Content Configuration > [SmartOrg] Administration > User Accounts > General Preferences

Shift Availability Filter: The Shift Availability filter is available in the search candidate list, the autopooling candidate list and in the job-specific candidate list. The Shift Availability filter is visible in the autopooling candidate list if the Shift Availability filter was selected for the List of automatically pooled candidates list format.