Specifying Task Type Instructions

You can create a set of instructions for completing tasks. You can also add references to documents, files, or URLs to websites. For example, you can attach a policy document as a reference, or a link to a product instruction guide.

To specify instructions:

  1. On the Home page, click Application, and then Task Manager.
  2. Click the Task Types tab Task Types tab, and then click New iconNew.

  3. Enter the Task Type Name and Task Type ID.
  4. Select the Instructions tab.

  5. In Instructions, enter the instruction text.

To add a reference:

  1. In the References section, click Add icon Add.

  2. From the Type list, select one of these types:

    • Local File: Click Choose File to select and attach the file, enter a Name, and then click OK.

    • URL: Enter the URL and a URL Name; for example, http://www.oracle.com, Oracle, and then click OK.


    You can add one or more attachments by using drag and drop functionality available from the Add Attachments dialog box. You can rename the attachment in the Name field, if desired. If you drag and drop multiple attachments, you can upload them at one time.

    You must access the Add Attachments dialog box to properly drag and drop attachments.


    To delete a reference, select the reference, and click Delete icon Delete.

  3. See also: