Viewing Jobs

The Jobs console lists the following types of jobs:

  • Jobs that are in a pending state under Pending Jobs
  • Jobs that are currently processing, have run and are completed, or have errors are listed under Recent Activity
  • Task Manager and Supplemental Data jobs are listed on the Non-Consolidation Jobs tab.


  • Jobs are retained in the Jobs console for 90 days.
  • The Recent Activity list on the Jobs page defaults to display only the last day's data. Similarly, the job filter’s Start Time and End Time dates default to yesterday and today to have only a one day difference. Click filter to change the default display.

To view the listings in the Jobs console:

  1. On the Home page, click Application.
  2. Click Jobs.
    Jobs page
  3. Perform a task:
    • To filter the list of pending jobs and recent activity, click the Filter icon Filter icon, select filter options, and then click Apply.

    • To search for a job, enter text in the Search field, and then click the Search icon Search icon.

    • To view details for jobs, click the name of the job.

    • To view details for Task Manager and Supplemental Data jobs, click the Non-Consolidation Jobs tab on the left. You have the option to filter the Jobs list by Name, Status, Created By (or Modified By), Start Date, or End Date.