Optimizing the Application Model for Hybrid Aggregation

In Tax Reporting, when you now create an application, you will be able to configure up to two custom dimensions and the application model will be optimized for Hybrid aggregation. A Hybrid application model differs from a non-hybrid application model in several significant ways including dimension performance settings (Movement and Period dimensions are configured as Dense), dimension member Data Storage configuration, and Essbase configuration settings.

You can also convert an existing application to a hybrid dense sparse optimized (DSO) application model. See: Converting the Application Model to Hybrid-Optimized (DSO)

Benefits of Hybrid Aggregation

  • Configurable dimensionality - allows you to configure your new application with up to 2 custom dimensions.
  • Faster Refresh Database - The Account dimension in a hybrid-optimized (DSO) application is configured as sparse. This allows modifying the Account dimension without triggering a lengthy Essbase dense restructure and greatly reduces the time taken to refresh database.
  • Exporting sparse dynamic calc members via Database Management. See All Data - Data Extract Option in Administering Data Integration for Oracle Enterprise Performance Management Cloud.
  • Smaller Essbase database - You may notice a significant reduction in Essbase database size due to the fact that Account is now a sparse dimension which generally results in smaller block size and fewer sparse blocks.
  • Performance - The system leverages hybrid aggregation and optimized dimension performance settings (DSO) to drive performant Consolidation and data retrieval.


This option applies only to applications that are running on Hybrid-enabled Essbase. See About Essbase in EPM Cloud for details on upgrading to hybrid-enabled Essbase.