Entering the Consolidated Tax Rates IFRS

You enter the Consolidated Tax Rates for IFRS and apply the rates to the National or Regional/Local level. This option applies to both Single and Multiple currencies.


The IFRS feature must be enabled for the application before you can perform this task. See the following procedures in the Administering Tax Reporting guide:

To enter the Consolidated ETR IFRS tax rates:

  1. From the Home page, click Application, and then Configuration.
  2. From the Configure screen, select Consolidated Tax Rates to display the Consolidated Tax Rates form.
  3. Select Consolidated Tax Rates IFRS tab.
    Consolidated Tax Rates IFRS tab
  4. Select the POV, including the Entity.
  5. Optional: Under Consolidated Tax Rate National, enter the value of the override National tax rate for IFRS.
  6. Optional: Under Consolidated Tax Rate Local, enter the value of the override Regional/Local tax rate for IFRS.
  7. Click Save.