Introduction to Forms

Tax Reporting provides a variety of out-of-the-box forms that enable you to quickly and easily perform the tasks you require to calculate, enter adjustments, and approve current and deferred taxes at federal and local levels using financial data, to meet standards such as US GAAP, and IFRS reporting.

You can access the list of forms using the Forms card in both the Tax Provision National and Regional clusters, and directly open the form you require from the list.

You can assign permission to authorized users and groups to access the selected form. For instructions, see Assigning Access to Data Entry Forms.


You can enter or change data only in cells for which you have Write access (cells with a white background). Service Administrators set up who can view and change which data.

To access the list of forms:

  1. From the Home page, select Library.
  2. Select the Forms tab to display the available forms. The forms are organized in folders.


    You can't add files to the top-level folder unless you're an administrator.

    Forms Library
  3. Expand the form to view its contents.

The following forms are available:

Table 5-1 Available Forms

Form Folder Tabs

Book Data


Balance Sheet

Displays data from "Data Input" data source.

Balance Sheet by Source

Provides Total Data Source including Managed Data, Supplemental Data and Data Input. The data can be loaded or input manually.

Income Statement

Displays data from "Data Input" data source.

Income Statement by Source

Provides Total Data Source including Managed Data, Supplemental Data and Data Input. The data can be loaded or input manually.

CbCR (Country by Country)



  • Table 3 Information
  • Constituent Entity Information
  • Jurisdictional Doc Specification
  • Message Specification
  • Reporting Entity Information

Risk Assessment

  • Asset Ratios
    • Asset Ratios by JD YoY
    • Asset Ratios YoY
  • Employee Ratios
    • Employees Ratios by JD YoY
    • Employees Ratios YoY
  • Equity Ratios
    • Equity Ratios by JD YoY
    • Equity Ratios YoY
  • Income Tax Accrued Ratios
    • Income Tax Accrued Ratios by JD YoY
    • Income Tax Accrued Ratios YoY
  • Income Tax Paid Ratios
    • Income Tax Paid Ratios by JD YoY
    • Income Tax Paid Ratios YoY
  • Profit Ratios
    • Profit Ratios by JD YoY
    • Profit Ratios YoY
  • Revenue Ratios
    • Revenue Ratios by JD YoY
    • Revenue Ratios YoY

Table 1

  • Table 1
  • Table 1 by Jurisdiction
  • Table 1 Data Entry

Table 2

  • Table 2
  • Table 2 Data Entry

Table 3

  • Table 3
  • Further Information

Current Tax Provision

- Current Provision

Current Provision

Current Provision Regional

Tax Credits

Tax Credits Regional

Tax Losses

Tax Losses Regional

Deferred Tax Provision  

- Balance Sheet Approach

- Fixed Assets

- Deferred Provision

  • Deferred Tax
  • Deferred Tax Regional

- Deferred Provision IFRS

  • Deferred Tax Post DTNR
  • DTNR

- Temporary Differences

- Temporary Differences

  • Temporary Differences National
  • Temporary Differences Regional

- Cash Tax ETR

  • Cash Tax by Entity Year over Year Percentage
  • Cash Tax by Entity Year over Year Amount
  • Cash Tax by Jurisdiction Year over Year Percentage
  • Cash Tax by Jurisdiction Year over Year Amount

- Consolidated ETR

  • CETR by Entity Year over Year
  • CETR by Entity Year over Year Amount
  • CETR by Jurisdiction Year over Year
  • CETR by Jurisdiction Year over Year Amount
  • Consolidated ETR
  • Foreign Rate Difference by Entity Year over Year
  • Foreign Rate Difference by Entity Year over Year Amount
  • Foreign Rate Difference by Jurisdiction Year over Year
  • Foreign Rate Difference by Jurisdiction Year over Year Amount

- Consolidated ETR IFRS

  • CETR IFRS by Entity Year over Year
  • Consolidated ETR IFRS
  • For Rate IFRS by Entity Year over Year

-National ETR

  • Statutory ETR National Year over Year
  • Statutory Tax Rate vs Statutory ETR National
  • Statutory ETR National

- Regional ETR

  • Statutory ETR Regional Year over Year
  • Statutory Tax Rate vs Statutory ETR Regional
  • Statutory ETR Regional

Return to Accrual

  • RTA (Return to Accrual National)
  • RTA Regional (Return to Accrual Regional)


  • Current Tax Payable
  • Current Tax Payable Regional
  • Deferred Tax for TAR
  • Deferred Tax for TAR Regional
  • TAR (Tax Account Rollforward National)
  • TAR Regional (Tax Account Rollforward Regional)

Tax Administration

  • CbCR Automation
  • Consolidated Tax Rates
  • Consolidated Tax Rates IFRS
  • Data Status
  • Data Status CbCR
  • FX Rates Full Year
  • FX Rates Override
  • FX Rates Review
  • FX Rates Single Period
  • NIBT FX Rates Override
  • Percentage Consolidation
  • RTA Automation
  • Tax Automation Domicile
  • Tax Automation Domicile Regional
  • Tax Automation Entity
  • Tax Automation Entity All Regions
  • Tax Automation Entity Regions
  • Tax Automation Global
  • Tax Automation Global Regions
  • Tax Rates
  • TRCS_Opening Balance Override configuration form
  • TRCS_Ownership Detail
  • CbCR FX Rates Override
  • Loss Entities
  • TRCS_NIBT FX Rates Override - WAR
  • TRCS Opening Balance Override
  • TAR Automation
  • FX Rates Calculated Weighted Average


  • Total Tax validation
  • Total Tax National validation
  • Total Tax Regional validation

See also: Flex Forms in Working with Oracle Smart View for Office (Mac and Browser)