About Business Flow

A business flow is a logical grouping of business process steps that are recorded across multiple trading partners in a supply chain to achieve a specific outcome.

Intelligent Track and Trace lets you define a business flow which is based on a business flow template. When you configure a business flow, you can specify:

  • The trading partners responsible for submitting the document and the trading partner who would receive the document.
  • The viewers that are one or more trading partners who can view the document submitted for a step. Intelligent Track and Trace provides step level control to the founder or a document submitter to constrain the visibility of the document that is submitted in a business step.
  • A document timeout value in minutes, hours, or days. When a business flow is activated and if a business step does not receive its associated document within a time interval after a specified document has arrived, then the document timeout event is generated. In response to this event, the event handler processes an action, which can be configured by you as an in-app notification, an email message, or an HTTP API call out.

Once the business flow has been activated, Intelligent Track and Trace receives documents for each of the business step involved in the flow. For more information on activation of a business flow, see Activate a Business Flow.

Business Flow States

At any point of time, the business flow in Intelligent Track and Trace can be in any of the following states:

  • Created—A new business flow has been created.
  • Editing—The business flow is currently being edited.
  • Disabled—The business flow has been edited. When a business flow is disabled, document submissions are rejected. and can be enabled for document submission. This state is reached by clicking Finish Editing. After a business flow is in the disabled state, it cannot be deleted.
  • Enabled for Document Submission—The business flow is currently being activated. If the activation is successful, the status is set to Enabled which means that it can receive document submissions. If the activation failed, the status is set back to Editing. After a business flow is in the enabled state, it cannot be deleted.