Generate Items Trace Report

Generate the lot-controlled or serial-controlled item trace reports in your supply chain network.

  1. Click Menu () and then click Operations.
  2. Click Items ().
    A snapshot view and list view of all the serial-controlled, lot-controlled, and batch-controlled items are displayed.
  3. On the Items dashboard, to generate trace reports of an item, click () for a specific item.
    The Generate Report for the selected item is displayed.

  4. On the Generate Report page, enter the values for the following fields:
    • From the Template drop-down list, select the template to use to generate the report. See About Report Templates
    • From the Include drop-down list, select the trace details you wish to include in the report, such as BACKWARD, FORWARD, ALL, or NONE.
    • (Optional) From the Expire In date-time editor, update the date and time duration for the report to be retained in the system.
    • In the Memo text field, enter the memo details of the selected item.
  5. Click Generate Report.
    A lot-controlled or serial-controlled trace report is generated based on the selected template type and appears under Generated Reports area.
  6. Click View () to view the generated report.
  7. Click Download () to download the report in your local system.
    The item trace report will be downloaded in a PDF format.
  8. Click Delete () to delete the generated report.
  9. Click Cancel to close the Generate Report page.