Monitor Business Flows

Business flows form the backbone of Oracle Intelligent Track and Trace application. Once the business flows are activated, any document submitted maps to a specific business step in business flows. Oracle Intelligent Track and Trace provides elaborate dashboards which display data and metrics for the activated flows in the application.

As a founder, you can monitor all the business flows by tracking multiple metrics:

  • Number of active business flows
  • Number of instances for a business flow
  • Number of documents for each instance
  • Name and number of each document type used in the business flow
  • Summary overview for each business flow instance— completed or in-progress

As a founder, you can view the data and metrics for all the business flows and transaction documents.

As a trading partner, your visibility to the data is limited by your organization type in the founder's network—Endorsing trading partner, or participating trading partner. The visibility is further constrained by the user role assigned to you—web application user, integration user, or admin, See Understand Roles and Users.

All the dashboards are maintained in real time. As the transaction documents come in, the dashboards are updated with the relevant data.
