Business Process Automation

GTM Shipment Public Automation Agents

Oracle Transportation Management provides sample automation agents in the PUBLIC domain. It is recommended that all PUBLIC automation agents be deactivated upon installation. You can make copies of these PUBLIC automation agents in non-public domains. In these non-public domains, you can make changes to the sample automation agents so that they fit your business process.

Note: PUBLIC automation agents should never be deleted.

The following PUBLIC automation agent is available for the agent type of GTM SHIPMENT.

Generate Shipment Reference Number

This automation agent will generate a declaration reference number when a GTM declaration is created.

This automation agent is not active by default.

Triggering Event


Event Restrictions:

  • Source must be INTEGRATION, INTERNAL, or USER.

Saved Conditions



When the agent sees that a GTM declaration is created (either via integration, internal process, or user action), the reference number qualifier of declaration reference number is automatically created by the Business Number Generator using the business number type of GTM_SHIPMENT_REFERENCE_NUMBER.

Mark GTM Custom Shipment on HD as Delete

This automation agent will allow soft delete of GTM declarations in the Global Trade Intelligence database.

This automation agent is not active by default.

Triggering Event


Event Restrictions:

  • Source must be INTEGRATION, INTERNAL, or USER.

Saved Conditions



MARK OBJECT FOR DELETE ON HD - When the agent is notified that a GTM declaration is removed (either via integration, internal process, migration, or user action), a record is added to the DEL_OBJ_FROM_HD table. Then when the Global Trade Intelligence ETL is run, the object is soft deleted from Global Trade Intelligence.

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