Business Process Automation

Order Base Public Automation Agents

Oracle Transportation Management provides sample automation agents in the PUBLIC domain. It is recommended that all PUBLIC automation agents be deactivated upon installation. You can make copies of these PUBLIC automation agents in non-public domains. In these non-public domains, you can make changes to the sample automation agents so that they fit your business process.

Note: PUBLIC automation agents should never be deleted.

The following PUBLIC automation agents are available for the agent type of ORDER BASE.

Credit Release

This automation agent listens for the custom event Order Base - Credit Release that is set by the Credit Check - Location Status Changed agent.

This automation agent is not active by default.

Triggering Event


Event Restrictions: None

Saved Conditions


Flow of the Automation Agent

  1. If the external status of an order base is CREDIT APPROVAL_HELD, and the status of the Location Bill To Involved Party for the order is changed to CREDIT LEVEL_APPROVED, then complete the following:
    2. If order base is auto releaseable, then Release Order Base
  2. If the external status of an order base is CREDIT APPROVAL_APPROVED, and the status of the Location Bill To Involved Party for the order is changed to CREDIT LEVEL_HELD, then complete the following:

Credit Update

This automation agent listens for the Order Base - Created or Order Base - Modified  events on any order base using an external status for credit check and initiates status update actions accordingly.

This automation agent is not active by default.

Triggering Event


Event Restrictions: Data source can be INTEGRATION or USER.

Saved Conditions


Flow of the Automation Agent

  1. If an order base status is changed to CREDIT APPROVAL_HELD with a Location Involved Party Bill To status of CREDIT LEVEL_APPROVED, then complete the following:
  2. If an order base status is changed to CREDIT APPROVAL_APPROVED with a Location Involved Party Bill To status of CREDIT LEVEL_HELD, then complete the following:

The credit check status of the Location Bill To Involved Party overrides the status of any order bases associated with that location (except when the order base is assigned a status of CREDIT APPROVAL - DECLINED, meaning the order won't release).

Load Order Base to HD

This automation agent prepares an order base to be loaded to the Oracle Transportation Intelligence (TI) historical database (HD). This automation agent updates the order base status type of OB_HD_LOAD_STATUS with the value OB_READY_TO_LOAD whenever an order base is created.

This automation agent is not active by default.

Triggering Event


Event Restrictions: Data source can be INTEGRATION or INTERNAL or USER.

Saved Conditions




Order Base - Delete

The ORDER BASE – DELETE automation agent defines the processes for deleting a existing order base from Oracle Transportation Management via integration. The TransOrder XML is used to send order base data into Oracle Transportation Management.

This automation agent is not active by default.

Triggering Event


Event Restrictions:

  • Data source of INTEGRATION only.
  • Before Persist check box selected. This indicates that this automation agent will run before deleting the order base from the database.

Saved Conditions



Order Base - Delete

Error Handler Actions

Raise internal event: ORDER BASE - INTEGRATION UNSUCCESSFUL and don't persist (save) changes to the database.

Order Base - Insert

The ORDER BASE – INSERT automation agent defines the processes for inserting a new order base into Oracle Transportation Management via integration. It triggers as soon as a new order base is sent into Oracle Transportation Management via XML. The TransOrder XML is used to send order base data into Oracle Transportation Management.

This automation agent is not active by default.

Triggering Event


Event Restrictions:

  • Data source of INTEGRATION only.
  • Before Persist check box selected. This indicates that this automation agent will run before persisting (saving) the order base to the database.

Saved Conditions



Order Base - Insert

Error Handler Actions

Don't persist (save) changes to the database.

Order Base - Modify

Activate either this automation agent or the Order Base - Modify-Incremental Release automation agent, but not both.

This automation agent controls how Oracle Transportation Management processes modifications to existing order bases received either through integration. It controls the processing of related records such as order releases and shipments that were created from the order base. This automation agent deletes existing order releases and creates new ones as needed

If activated, it runs as soon as a request to modify an order base is sent to Oracle Transportation Management via XML (Transorder XML).

This automation agent is not active by default.

Triggering Event


Event Restrictions:

  • Data source of INTEGRATION only.
  • Before Persist check box selected. This indicates that this automation agent will run before persisting (saving) the order base modifications to the database.

Saved Conditions



Dependent upon the state of the related shipments. See next section.

Flow of the Automation Agent

Depending on the conditions of order releases/shipments that were created from the order, the agent takes one of the following order modification actions:

  1. If the order base does not have any related shipments, complete the following agent action:
  2. If the order base has a related shipment(s) and is in transit (ENROUTE status anything except ENROUTE_NOT_STARTED), complete the following agent action:
  3. If the order base has a related shipment(s), is NOT in transit (ENROUTE status ENROUTE_NOT_STARTED), and if the shipment is editable (If on Editable shipment), complete the following agent action:
  4. If the order base has a related shipment(s), is NOT in transit (ENROUTE status is ENROUTE_NOT_STARTED), the shipment is NOT editable (If on Editable shipment), and the shipment has secured resources (SECURE RESOURCES is TENDERED, ACCEPTED, BOOKED, or PICKUP NOTIFICATION), complete the following agent action:
  5. If the order base has a related shipment(s), is NOT in transit (ENROUTE status is ENROUTE_NOT_STARTED), the shipment is NOT editable (If on Editable shipment), and the shipment does NOT have secured resources (SECURE RESOURCES is anything other than TENDERED, ACCEPTED, BOOKED, or PICKUP NOTIFICATION), complete the following agent action:

Order Base - Modify - Incremental Release

Activate either this automation agent or the Order Base - Modify automation agent, but not both.

This automation agent controls how Oracle Transportation Management processes modifications to existing order bases received either through integration or via changes made through the user interface. It controls the processing of related records such as order releases and shipments that were created from the order base.

This automation agent is not active by default.

Triggering Event


Event Restrictions:

  • Data source of INTEGRATION only.
  • Before Persist check box selected. This indicates that this automation agent will run before persisting (saving) the order base modifications to the database.

Saved Conditions



Dependent upon the state of the related shipments. See next section.

Flow of the Automation Agent

Depending on the conditions of order releases/shipments that were created from the order, the agent takes one of the following order modification actions:

  1. If the order base has no shippable lines, complete the following agent action:
  2. If the order base has shippable lines and does not have any related shipments, complete the following agent action:
  3. If the order base has shippable lines, the order base has a related shipment(s) and the shipment is in transit (ENROUTE status anything except ENROUTE_NOT_STARTED), complete the following agent action:
  4. If the order base has shippable lines, the order base has a related shipment(s), the shipment is NOT in transit (ENROUTE status is ENROUTE_NOT_STARTED), and the shipment has secured resources (SECURE RESOURCES is TENDERED, ACCEPTED, BOOKED, or PICKUP NOTIFICATION), complete the following agent action:
  5. If the order base has shippable lines, the order base has a related shipment(s), the shipment is NOT in transit (ENROUTE status is ENROUTE_NOT_STARTED), and the shipment does NOT have secured resources (SECURE RESOURCES is anything other than TENDERED, ACCEPTED, BOOKED, or PICKUP NOTIFICATION), complete the following agent action:

The default behavior is to release all unprocessed release instructions.

Unload Order Base from HD

Sample automation agent for unloading (soft deleting) order bases from HD when an order base is removed from OTM. This agent is intended for use with Transportation Intelligence.

This automation agent is not active by default.

Triggering Event


Saved Conditions




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