Business Process Automation

Tracking Event Public Automation Agents

Oracle Transportation Management provides sample automation agents in the PUBLIC domain. It is recommended that all PUBLIC automation agents be deactivated upon installation. You can make copies of these PUBLIC automation agents in non-public domains. In these non-public domains, you can make changes to the sample automation agents so that they fit your business process by setting a degree of lateness, values to check for and so on.

Note: PUBLIC automation agents should never be deleted.

The following PUBLIC automation agents are available for the agent type of TRACKING EVENT.

Process Customs Filing Response

This automation agent listens for a processing request which is raised whenever a new event enters the system or when an existing event is re-processed.

This automation agent is inactive by default.

Triggering Event

The TRACKING EVENT - PROCESSING REQUEST event triggers this automation agent.

Event Restrictions: There are no restrictions.

Saved Conditions




Flow of the Automation Agent

When a tracking event enters the system, the agent first runs the tracking event agent action MATCH DOCUMENT: BY TRACKING NUMBER which tries to match the event to a document. Functionally. we are trying to match an Automatic Export Service (AES) response (modeled as a tracking event) to the filing document generated for a trade transaction. Each filing document has a tracking number: the agent uses the tracking number as the tracking criteria.

If the event is successfully matched to a document, the agent makes a data-type association to the document and then runs the document agent action entitled SET CUSTOMS FILING RESPONSE STATUS. This action will copy the AES response status from the event and set the custom filing status on the trade transaction for which the document was generated.

AES response values are as follows:

  • Accepted: The filing is acceptable.
  • Rejected_Fatal: The filing is rejected and cannot be re-attempted.
  • Rejected_Warning: The filing is rejected, but the cause of the rejection is repairable.
  • Cancelled: The filing is cancelled.
  • Replaced: The filing replaced another document or filing.

Finally, the ITN number will be copied to the customs shipment.

Legacy Shipment Matching

This automation agent can be used to match the shipment tracking event to a shipment and raise the event SHIPMENT STATUS - TRACKING. See LEGACY SHIPMENT MATCHING agent action for more details.

This automation agent is inactive by default.

Triggering Event


Event Restrictions: There are no restrictions.

Saved Conditions


Flow of the Automation Agent

See LEGACY SHIPMENT MATCHING agent action for more details.

Ahead_Late Sample -  Arrival Event

This automation agent can be used to set the Tracking Event indicator color and/or the Ahead/Late value on the tracking event and/or shipment. This will be useful if using the Logistics Pipeline.

This automation agent is inactive by default.

The public automation agent Ahead_Late  Persist Sample -  Arrival Event is similar to this one but does the calculations for you and persists the information.

Triggering Event


Event Restrictions: There are no restrictions.

Saved Conditions


Flow of the Automation Agent

The agent sets the indicator and the Ahead/Late value based on the following agent variables:

  • Assign the Agent variable for $PLANNED_ARRIVAL_TIME: The SQL fetches that time from the associated shipment.
  • Assign the Agent variable $CAR_DEST_ETA: The SQL fetches that time from the Tracking Event.
  • Assign the Agent variable $AHEAD_LATE: The SQL fetches the hours ahead or late by taking the time difference between $PLANNED_ARRIVAL_TIME and $CAR_DEST_ETA.
  • Make an IF/ELSE logic with the $AHEAD_LATE time.
    • Green if less than 24 hours late (OTM calculates this in seconds)
    • Yellow if less than 30 hours late
    • Red if greater than 30 hours late
    • Blue catches cases when the agent variable $Ahead_Late holds a null value or any data type error.

Ahead_Late  Persist Sample -  Arrival Event

This automation agent uses the agent action CALC AHEAD/LATE AND PERSIST to update the shipment to indicate if it is early or late and by how much, persists this information in the stop, and updates the ETA time and the Ahead/Late fields on a shipment.

This automation agent is inactive by default.

Triggering Event


Event Restrictions: Status Code "A" - Arrived.

Saved Conditions


Flow of the Automation Agent

The agent sets the indicator and the Ahead/Late value based on the following agent variables:

  • Match Shipment by saved query (You must use the saved query that is provided for rail. It finds shipments by bill of lading number and reporting RR SCAC code).
  • Calc Ahead/Late and Persist
  • IF logic with the $AHEAD_LATE time.
    • Set indicator to Green if less than 24 hours late
  • ELSEIF logic with the $AHEAD_LATE time.
    • Set indicator to Yellow if less than 30 hours late
  • ELSEIF logic with the $AHEAD_LATE time.
    • Set indicator to Red if greater than 30 hours late
  • ELSE logic with the $AHEAD_LATE time.
    • Set indicator to Blue to catch cases when the agent variable $Ahead_Late holds a null value or any data type error.

Note that you may want to add the following:

Assign variable: $LOCATION_GID, RAIL STATION LOCATION BY SPLC. This is required to use the map and to assign a sighting location to shipments and equipment.

Actual Placement Event (Z) - Processing

This automation agent listens for equipment to be placed in actual placement location and either creates or updates the demurrage transaction and sets the demurrage transaction status as started.

This automation agent is inactive by default.

Triggering Event

The TRACKING EVENT - PROCESSING REQUEST event triggers this automation agent.

Event Restriction: Z - Actually Placed.

Saved Conditions


Flow of the Automation Agent

The tracking event is matched to equipment and then updates the equipment's sighting location details.

Then the tracking event is matched to a shipment, and then updates the shipment's sighting location details.

Then matching the tracking event demurrage transaction is attempted. A new demurrage transaction is created if no match is found, or if a match is found, the transaction is updated.

Note: In Create/Update Demurrage Transaction - if the car is loaded, the shipment details from the tracking event are updated to the demurrage transaction. There is a public saved condition 'If car is loaded' that can be used as is or modified.

You can see the results in the demurrage transaction.

Constructive Placement Event (Y) - Processing

This automation agent listens for equipment to be constructively placed and either creates or updates the demurrage transaction and sets the demurrage transaction status to started.

This automation agent is inactive by default.

Triggering Event

The TRACKING EVENT - PROCESSING REQUEST event triggers this automation agent.

Event Restriction: Y - Constructively Placed

Saved Conditions


Flow of the Automation Agent

The tracking event is matched to equipment and then updates the equipment's sighting location details.

Then the tracking event is matched to a shipment, and then updates the shipment's sighting location details.

Then matching the tracking event demurrage transaction is attempted. A new demurrage transaction is created if no match is found, or if a match is found, the transaction is updated.

Note: In Create/Update Demurrage Transaction - if the car is loaded, the shipment details from the tracking event are updated to the demurrage transaction. There is a public saved condition 'If car is loaded' that can be used as is or modified.

You can see the results in the demurrage transaction.

Release Event (W) - Processing

This automation agent listens for the release of equipment and either creates or updates the demurrage transaction and sets the demurrage transaction as ended.

This automation agent is inactive by default.

Triggering Event

The TRACKING EVENT - PROCESSING REQUEST event triggers this automation agent.

Event Restriction: W - Released by customer

Saved Conditions


Flow of the Automation Agent

The tracking event is matched to equipment and then updates the equipment's sighting location details.

Then the tracking event is matched to a shipment, and then updates the shipment's sighting location details.

Then matching the tracking event demurrage transaction is attempted. A new demurrage transaction is created if no match is found, or if a match is found, the transaction is updated.

Note: In Create/Update Demurrage Transaction - if the car is loaded, the shipment details from the tracking event are updated to the demurrage transaction. There is a public saved condition 'If car is loaded' that can be used as is or modified.

You can see the results in the demurrage transaction.

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