Shipment Management

Demurrage Transaction

This page is accessed via Shipment Management > Visibility > Demurrage Transaction.

Demurrage transactions are used to capture the equipment movement of all equipment either loaded or empty as well as equipment not defined in OTM. Additionally, it represents a demurrage transaction (equipment movement) at a fixed place that is captured based on CLM or EDI 322 messages. It can be used for management of demurrage transaction and demurrage settlement and liability.

The demurrage transaction creation, as well as updates, can be driven by events or be done manually.

Setup for Initiating by Event

Adding a Demurrage Transaction Manually

Usually transactions will be created from tracking event agents, but there may be times when one needs to be created manually or edited.

  1. Enter the Reporting SCAC.
  2. Change the Domain Name if necessary.


Enter the location details for the demurrage location. The location fields that the matching rules look at is determined by parameter MATCH DEMURRAGE TRANSACTION LOCATION FIELDS.

Constructive Placement Location

Enter the location details for the constructive placement location.

  1. Enter a Location ID. This is the constructive placement location.
  2. Enter a Time Zone.
  3. Enter the City, Province Code and Country.
  4. Enter the SPLC.

Equipment Information

Enter equipment details. The equipment fields that the matching rules look at is determined by the parameter MATCH DEMURRAGE TRANSACTION EQUIPMENT FIELDS. The matching rules will look at this so the fields you populate must be compatible with the matching rules.

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