Shipment Management

Demurrage Transaction - Line Items

This page is accessed via Shipment Management > Visibility > Demurrage Transaction. Select the Line Items tab. Click the New Line Item button.

This page captures the line items for the demurrage transaction. Most likely the line item will be created by running the action calculate charges or recalculate charges, or you can modify the existing chargeable days information. If viewing a line with existing charges, the demurrage rule ID applied to the demurrage transaction is displayed.

Adding a Line Item:

  1. Enter a line item Sequence Number. If you do not enter a sequence number, it will be automatically generated.
  2. Enter a Special Service ID. This represents different demurrage services. Different demurrage time based charges are modeled as special services.
  3. Enter the number of Dwell Days.
  4. Enter the number of Credit Days.
  5. Enter the number of Debit Days.
  6. Select an Adjustment Reason.
  7. Select a Charge As. You can only make a selection here if there is no shipment linked yet. If there is a shipment linked (as a result of running Calculate Charges), this will be read-only.
  8. The Cost field displays the Shipment Cost associated with the line item, if it exists. The value is calculated when the Calculate Charges /Recalculate Charges action is run on the Demurrage Transaction. The shipment cost is calculated only for charge types Buy NFRC and Sell NFRC Shipment, as the total actual cost from the related NFRC Shipment.
  9. If you are viewing an existing transaction line, the System Generated check box is selected if the action Calculate Charges action was run against this transaction.
  10. Enter a Rate Offering ID. An NFRC buy/sell shipment will be built using this rate offering.
  11. Enter a Rate Record ID. An NFRC buy/sell shipment will be built using this rate record.

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