Shipment Management

Calculate Charges

This action is accessed via Shipment Management > Visibility > Demurrage Transaction. Click Actions.

This action calculates the charges for demurrage transactions based on chargeable days and demurrage rules. The charges are determined using the rating engine and persisted as shipments (NFRC demurrage charge), or added as shipment cost to the existing shipment.

  1. Determine all applicable demurrage transaction charge types based on the pre-defined demurrage rules. First OTM determines the most specific demurrage rule that can be applied. Further, the activity type of the Demurrage Transaction is determined based on the car loaded check boxes on start and end event details. This rule will be used to determine all applicable Demurrage Transaction charge types for the determined activity type.
  2. Calculate debit and credit days for each charge type (represented as demurrage line items).
    • Each demurrage rule, chargeable type has a start and end event status code ID. It determines which particular chargeable days (storage and/or detention) are applicable for which part of the overall demurrage transaction (load to load).
    • Determine the dwell days (total days at location) for a particular charge type as the difference between end event date (from dm_transaction_event entity matching the event ID on demurrage rule details event ID) and start event date (from dm_transaction_event entity matching the event ID on demurrage rule details event ID).
    • Determine the credit days - add Free Days (for load, unload, unload and reload and own switching) and subtract Calendar Free Days (from the start time of event).
    • Determine the debit days - difference between Dwell Days and Credit Days
  1. Calculate charges for each charge type (represented as demurrage line items).

When the action finishes processing, a confirmation appears. Additionally, the System Generated check box on the Demurrage Transaction Line is selected automatically.

If an end event status code and date do not exist, estimated charges will be calculated with current date and time.

Note: This action can only be performed on demurrage transactions with the following statuses: DT_TRANSACTION.DT_TRANSACTION_STARTED or DT_TRANSACTION_ENDED and DT_APPROVAL.DT_APPROVAL_NOT_APPROVED.

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