Fleet Management

Fleet Resource Assignment Results

This page is accessed via Fleet Management > Planning Results > Fleet Resource Assignment Result.

This page also opens if you run the Optimize Driver Assignments or the Optimize Equipment Assignment actions or the Optimize Fleet Resource Assignment process.

You may select a record and run the Map Fleet Bulk Plan Results, or Terminate actions.

This is a view only page. Following are some of the fields that appear on this page:

  • Resource Query Name: When assign driver, the saved query or advanced filter to retrieve available drivers
  • Resource Type: The type of resource for this bulk assignment
  • Parameter Set ID: This parameter set chosen to run this bulk assignment
  • Start Time and End Time: the start and end time of the bulk process.
  • Shipments Selected: Number of shipments selected to run this bulk assignment
  • Shipments Assignable: The number of shipments that are in assignable states
  • Shipments Failed to Assign: When populated, if the resource type is driver, it displays shipments that failed to assign driver when the hyperlink is clicked. If the resource type is equipment, it displays shipments that failed to assign equipment when the hyperlink is clicked
  • Total Cost Before Assignment: The total cost of all the shipments selected before assignment resources. This is the sum of all the shipments cost retrieved from the shipment weighted cost
  • Total Cost After Assignment: The total weighted cost of all shipments after assignment
  • Resources Selected: Number of resources selected to run this bulk assignment
  • Resources Assignable: The number of drivers that are in assignable state
  • Resources Assigned Multiple Shipments: The number of resources that have multiple shipments assigned during this bulk plan process
  • Bobtail Distance: The total bobtail (miles without equipment) distance of all the shipments after assignment
  • Deadhead Distance: The total deadhead (empty miles) distance of all shipments after assignment
  • Total Empty Distance: The sum of the bobtail distance and deadhead distance
  • Loaded Distance: The total loaded distance of all shipments after assignment
Additionally, there is a Cost Details section which includes the following:
  • Cost Category: This is the category of the cost.
  • Total Cost Before Assignment: The total cost of this category of all the shipments selected before assignment. It is retrieved from the SHIPMENT_COST table before launching the assignment.
  • Total Cost After Assignment: The total cost of this category of all the shipments selected after assignment.

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Fleet Resource Assignment Result Actions

Map Fleet Bulk Plan Results
