Shipment Management

Optimize Equipment Assignments

This page is accessed via Shipment Manager > Shipment Manager > Buy Shipments > Actions > Fleet Management > Assign > Optimize Equipment Assignment.

This action allows for many to many assignments between shipments and equipment.

Note: This action cannot be run for static routes until the reservation status of the shipment is RESERVATION_CLOSED. The status may be set to this value by running the Release Schedule Instance action.

Note: When you run this action, if there are depot stops on the shipment with no pickups or dropoffs, they will be removed from the shipment.

Note: If you want to consider non-fleet resources as part of the bulk assignment, then set the CONSIDER THIRD PARTY SHIPMENTS FOR ASSIGNMENT parameter to true.

Note: Shipments with a SECURE_RESOURCES status of TENDERED or ACCEPTED will not be included by this action.

Optimizing Equipment Assignment:

  1. Select a Parameter Set ID.
  2. Enter a Description.
  3. Enter an Equipment Saved Query ID.
  4. Click OK. The Fleet Resource Assignment Result page opens.

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