Operational Planning

Enhanced Graphical Diagnostics

Note: The enhanced graphical diagnostics workbench is an optional feature and is not enabled by default. By default, Graphical Diagnostics is enabled.

There are numerous reasons why an order can fail to plan. The Diagnostics Workbench helps you understand why a particular order fails to plan as well as helping you visualize the planning process in OTM. Graphical diagnostics allows you to drill down through multiple levels of details. The diagnostics are color coded - gray for success and red for failure. There are several different views: Sunburst, Block View, and Tree View.

This page is accessed from

  • Once the bulk plan has finished running, you can access the Graphical Diagnostics page by clicking the Graphical Diagnostics button.
  • Actions > Operational Planning > View > View Graphical Diagnostics

Note: For Diagnostics to be enabled two checks must be in place. The property glog.otmdiag.log must be On (it is On (true) by default). Also, either the Diagnostic user preference or the Tracking Diagnostic option on the Settings and Actions page must be On.

In addition to the graphical diagnostics, OTM also has Planning Diagnostics that provide useful information regarding the decisions made during various steps in the bulk plan as well as bulk plan logs which offer the ability to research both solution quality and performance issues.


A tree structure, or tree diagram, is a way of representing the hierarchical nature of a structure in a graphical form. It is named a "tree structure" because the classic representation resembles a tree, even though the chart is generally upside down compared to an actual tree, with the "root" at the top and the "leaves" at the bottom. The tree structure is represented by the Sunburst, Tree View, and Block View user interfaces. A tree node is one process within the whole tree structure (like one of the leaves in the tree). In diagnostics, each tree node represents a process inside OTM. It is opened by clicking on a node. It summarizes the key information about the corresponding planning process. Some of the tree nodes in this tree are:

  • Bulk Plan (root node)
  • Un-assign Orders
  • Create Bundles
  • Identify Valid Itineraries
  • Build Direct Shipments
  • Commit Shipments, etc

A tree node usually contains the process name which shows which process the tree node is corresponding to as well as the following fields:

  • Status: indicates the status of the corresponding process: Successful, Failure, Information, Warning, and Exception.
  • Duration: displays how much time it takes to go through the corresponding process in the back-end logic.
  • Failure Reasons: highlights the reason why the process is failing in the corresponding process.
  • Entities: reveals what database entities are being used or evaluated by the corresponding process.
  • Remarks: exhibits some key information that you should notice for the corresponding process.
  • Additional Information: provides non-database entities information of the corresponding process.

Icons and Colors

The following icons appear at the top of the Diagnostics Workbench:

  • View: opens a drop-down list where you can select one of the following:
    • Sunburst: This is the default view that displays the entire tree structure that corresponds to the planning process. There are hyperlinks to all the database entities displayed on the page (except “Filter” drop-down list). By clicking on these hyperlinks, you can access the entity in a new window directly. See below for details.
    • Tree View
    • Block View
  •  (Failure Nodes): Failure summary component displays after a filter is applied. If there was a failure in a process in which selected entities were involved, the region populates. See below for details.
  •  (Filters): Filter Diagnostics drop-down list appears when Filter icon is clicked. See below for details.
  •  (Lock/Unlock): Not for use with the PUBLIC enhanced graphical diagnostics workbench.
  •  (Export): Opens a pop-up window from which you can choose files to download. These files include container optimization and network routing XML files. To caputure these files set the packingsolverdata log ID. In the pop-up, click Download to download a zip file which contains all the files you selected. If no files are available for download, this Export is grayed out.


The Sunburt and Block View regions use the following colors:

  • Red: Failure
  • Green: Success
  • Orange: Exception
  • Yelllow: Warning
  • Light Blue: Information
  • Gray: No status


The central view component displays the entire tree structure that corresponds to the planning process. The view modes are: Block View, Sunburst, and Tree View.


The Sunburst view displays the bulk plan process and its children and grandchildren in nodes (or points at which subsidiary parts originate or center) as a set of circles. The central circle is the root node of the sunburst. The first layer of those fan shapes are the children of the root node. The second layer of fan nodes are the children of the corresponding nodes (where they are grown from) of the first layer, and they are the grandchildren of the root-node. After expanding, there can be more than two layers, but the parent and children relations persist. The parent and children relation can also be interpreted in the following way: the more centralized node is more senior, given a node, all the outer layer nodes that grow from it are its children. For each node, you can directly observe its name and status (by color). In addition, given a root node, its first child is located on the right of the 12 o'clock direction, and the following children are spread out clock-wisely.

In order to further navigate each node, you can move your mouse to the corresponding node, then basic information will pop out as hover text. Click on the node and you can see the complete information in the pop out window. You can also drag the pop out window anywhere.

If you want to display more detailed information, expand the tree by clicking the Expand icon. Likewise, if you want to hide the unnecessary information, click the Collapse icon.

Sunburst Drilling

Drilling is used to navigate through a hierarchy and display more detailed information. It is most useful when the drill action results in the display of more detailed data.

  • Double click on a node to set that node as the root of the sunburst.
  • Use the breadcrumbs to navigate back up the hierarchy.

Block View

The Block View displays the bulk plan process and its children and grandchildren in nodes (or points at which subsidiary parts originate or center) as a set of nested rectangles. Each branch of the tree is given a rectangle, which is then tiled with smaller rectangles representing sub-branches. For each node, you can directly see its name and status (by color).

In order to further navigate each node or process, move your mouse to the corresponding node, then basic information will pop out as hover text. Then click on the node. You can see the complete information in the pop up window. You can also drag the pop up window anywhere.

Drilling is used to navigate through a hierarchy and display more detailed information. Drilling is most useful when the drill action results in the display of more detailed data. Double click on a node to set that node as the root of the Block View. You can also use the breadcrumbs to navigate back up the hierarchy.

Isolation is used to magnify one node to display more detailed information. Isolation is most useful when the node has a lot of children. Click on the Isolation icon in the top right corner and you will be in Isolation mode. Restore the normal mode by clicking on the Restore icon in the top right.

Tree View

The Tree View is a tree table. Click on the arrows to expand the tree and on the list icon to see more information about an object. In tree view, you can drill down to see details information about Status, Entities and Remarks for each parent, child, and grandchils. See Diagnostic Log Viewer.

Failure Nodes and Failure Tree Path

Once you click (Filter), the Filter panel opens and you see a list of entity types. Expand any of the entity types and you can see a list of entities. All the entities showing in the filter panel are somehow involved in the planning process (thus printed to the diagnostics log file). The Filter drop-down list has Ok and Reset buttons. The Ok button applies the filter. Note that by moving the mouse to the Ok button, all the entities that you have checked will be displayed in the hover. The Reset button restores all the components to the initial state. Note that the check boxes will not be saved unless you click the Ok button.

For example, click Filter and select an entity, such as an itinerary. Click Ok to apply the filter. You could notice the following:

  • The central view has changed. It is no longer the tree that corresponds to the whole planning process, but a sub-tree that corresponds to the processes that are relevant to the entities that you filtered. For instance, if you filtered on order releases, the tree basically tells the life cycle of the filtered order release inside OTM planning.
  • You could see some content appear in the failure summary table.
  • There is some node showing in the Failure Tree.

The Failure Summary table consists of three columns:

  • Failure Nodes: lists processes that contribute to the failure of the whole planning process.
  • Summary: provides some high-level description to indicate why the status of the corresponding process is 'Failure'.
  • Entity: lists all the entities that get involved in the corresponding process.

The failure tree displays the failure node that you choose. Initially, OTM will display the first failure node in the failure node list. You can do some further investigation by expanding and navigating the failure tree.

Note that the Failure Summary is populated only if there was a failure in a process in which selected entities were involved. A Failure in one of the processes also need not necessarily mean that my Bulk Plan will fail. For example: An order release can be rated with multiple rate records and it might fail in rating for all but one. The order can still be planned successfully.

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