Operational Planning

Shipment Groups in Bulk Planning

A shipment group is a set of shipments that are carried together in a single move for one or more legs of a journey. For example, shipments that are placed together in a single vessel can be represented as a shipment group. Shipment groups are built in the bulk plan post process step.

The parameter 'CREATE SHIPMENT GROUPS DURING SHIPMENT BUILDING' indicates whether the shipment building process should create shipment groups. By default the shipment group build logic is turned OFF.

image is fully described in surrounding text

Shipment group rules in bulk planning determine the circumstances in which shipments are assembled into shipment groups during the planning process. You can configure the parameters on this page and the Detail tab to control how and when shipment groups are created.

Shipment Group Process Management and Actions

Create Shipment Group Process

Shipment groups can also be created using the Create Shipment Group Process.

Shipment Group Actions

Additionally, you can create shipment groups manually using the action 'Create Shipment Group'.

You can add/remove shipments from a shipment group manually using the following actions:

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