Configuration and Administration

How To Configure Dispatch Level Tendering

This page describes how to set up locations, service providers, and user associations to accomplish the following:

  • Model dispatch offices as locations for the purpose of sending web tenders to a specific service provider based on the source location of the shipment.
  • Prevent dispatch offices from viewing web tenders that have been sent to other offices.

When tendering a shipment, Oracle Transportation Management looks up the corporation of the service provider for the shipment to see if there are any dispatch locations associated with the service provider's corporation. Oracle Transportation Management then selects the dispatch location that has the region containing the Shipment Source Location. If the Shipment's Source Location does not fall into any of the dispatch location's regions, Oracle Transportation Management sends the tender to the dispatch location with no region, for instance, the service provider's head office.

For example, you could assign a dispatch location for the entire state of California to a service provider. Once Oracle Transportation Management is configured, the service provider's California dispatch office would only receive web tenders for shipments that have source locations in California. This dispatch location would not be able to view or respond to tenders for shipments that have a source in any other state or country even though all of these shipments share the same service provider.

The property glog.tender.dispatchRegion.locationType, if set to "SOURCE", tells OTM to use the source location of the shipment to look up a dispatch location contact. If set to "DESTINATION" OTM will use the destination location of the shipment to look up a dispatch location contact.

The following properties may be needed if OTM restricts some shipments from showing in the Tendering screen based on the User Association Value:

Steps to Configure Dispatch Level Tendering

Setting Up a Service Provider:

  1. Create a Service Provider that includes the following:

    Note: Remember the corporation you used for the service provider.

    1. Mark the Dispatch by Region check box.
    2. On the Communication and Remarks tab, enter a Communication Method and matching communication field to set up the primary contact as a default dispatch office. For example, enter a Communication Method of EMAIL with an appropriate email address. This contact is used when Oracle Transportation Management cannot find a matching dispatch office location for the source location.

Setting Up a Location as a Dispatch Location:

  1. Create a Location for each dispatch location that includes the following:
    1. Corporation ID: must be the same Corporation ID as the Service Provider used.
    2. Region ID: assign each location a region for which they are responsible. The location will receive web tenders for shipments with source locations within there assigned region. Regions must not overlap, or web tendering may fail.
      For example, you cannot have one region that covers the entire state of Pennsylvania, and another region that covers only Philadelphia. In this scenario, you would have to define the first region to include all Pennsylvania cities except Philadelphia, and another region that includes only Philadelphia.
    3. Communication Method: Oracle Transportation Management must have a way to send tenders to each dispatch location. Along with a Communication Method, you also need to enter in the matching communication field. For example, enter a Communication Method of EMAIL with an appropriate email address.

Setting Up Service Provider Associations:

  1. Log into Oracle Transportation Management as SERVPROV.ADMIN and add new Oracle Transportation Management users for each new dispatch location created.

    Note: The Oracle Transportation Management property glog.servprov.autoCreateUser is set to create an Oracle Transportation Management user automatically in the SERVPROV domain. However, if this property is turned off, you must manually create an Oracle Transportation Management user.

  2. From the Manage Association page, associate new Oracle Transportation Management users with the service provider and the specific dispatch locations just created.
    1. Manually enter the new User Name or select it from the list above.
    2. Use the SERVPROV qualifier if the service provider's head office wants to see all tenders going out to all dispatch locations.
    3. Select the SERVPROV Association Qualifier to let the user view web tenders sent to any dispatch office associated with them. If you selected SERVPROV, enter the appropriate Service Provider ID in the Association Value (Service Provider ID) field.

      If you selected DISPATCH LOCATION, enter the appropriate Service Provider ID and Location ID in the appropriate Association Value fields. Select DISPATCH LOCATION as the Association Qualifier to allow users to see tenders sent only to themselves.
    4. Click Add. Repeat this process for each service provider and location you are associating with the user.

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