Creating My Dashboard in Transportation Intelligence

Each Transportation Intelligence (TI) user can create a dashboard that they can access via Transportation Intelligence > My Dashboard. However, there is no default My Dashboard. Each user will need to create a dashboard to be used as their My Dashboard.

My Dashboard is an Oracle Analytics Server (OAS) interactive dashboard that is specific for your job function. My Dashboard uses Oracle BI Interactive Dashboards which provide personalized views of reports and other information for your area of responsibility. They are similar to the pre-defined dashboards that ship with TI, but a My Dashboard is specific to a single user.

My Dashboard can only be seen and modified by the TI user who creates it.

You can only have one My Dashboard.

To create dashboard content for your My Dashboard, click the here link highlighted on the screen.

Note: For more details on how to use OAS, please refer to the OAS online help, end user documentation, and Oracle University training modules.

Using the Dashboard Editor

After clicking the here link, you see the OAS Dashboard Editor main page. In the Dashboard Editor, you can add TI metrics and data to create a dashboard which contains information relevant to your role within your company.

Following are some dashboard terms that will help you determine what data to place where in your dashboard:

  • To set dashboard properties, navigate between dashboard pages, add a new dashboard page, or add a new column, you can use the row of icons and drop-downs listed at the left of the Dashboard Editor.
  • You can add any of the Dashboard Objects listed on the left hand side of the Dashboard Editor which includes:
    • Column Section
    • Action Link or Image
    • Embedded Content
    • Text, etc.
  • Or, you can add Saved Content to the new dashboard as well. Saved Content includes folders such as the following:
    • My Folders which includes any reports, filters, prompts that you have created in TI or OAS
    • Shared Folders which includes all reports, filters, and prompts used in any dashboards created for TI
  • Most likely you will add reports, prompts, etc. to a section within your new My Dashboard.

Adding a Section

To add data to a dashboard, you need to first add a section. To add a section, click on the Section object and drag it to your dashboard. When you let go of the mouse, a new section is added to your dashboard.

For each section, you can modify properties, rename the section, or delete the section.

Adding Pre-defined Objects

You can add content to a dashboard by dragging any saved object from the selection pane to the dashboard layout screen.

There are many pre-defined reports that ship with TI. A TI report can be configured to refresh results in real-time. Reports created with Oracle BI Answers can be saved in the Oracle BI Presentation Catalog and integrated into any Oracle BI home page or dashboard.

Results can be enhanced through options such as charting, result layout, calculation, and drill-down features.

An OAS Presentation Catalog stores content created with BI Answers and Interactive Dashboards.

You can create your own reports via Oracle BI Answers which are also called TI Ad Hoc Queries.

Adding Pre-defined Reports

There are a wide variety of pre-defined reports that ship with TI. There are those reports that are used to create the TI pre-defined dashboards, as well as, various other reports that the TI development team thought would be useful.

To view the pre-defined reports go to Shared Folders > FTI Reports in the shared content section of the selection pane.

The pre-defined TI reports are grouped into four sub-folders. The folders match the drill-down level in the dashboards and may include:

  • FTI Dashboard Reports – The reports used in the TI pre-defined dashboards. This folder is arranged by dashboard so you can see what reports are used in what dashboard and in what section of that dashboard.
  • FTI Detailed Reports – Detailed reports including those used in the pre-defined dashboards.
  • FTI Fleet Reports – The reports used in the Fleet Dashboard tab of the Main Dashboard.
  • FTI Network Reports – The reports used in the Network dashboard.
  • FTI Writeback Reports – The reports used in the writeback dashboard. See the TI Write-back Dashboards help topic for details.

Adding Pre-defined Dashboard Prompts

You can also add dashboard prompts to your new dashboard. Dashboard prompts filter the results of embedded requests to show only those results that match the prompt criteria. For example, the Year and Month prompt that appears on the TI main dashboard. TI ships with some pre-defined dashboard prompts. These pre-defined prompts are also used in the TI pre-defined dashboards.

You can create your own prompt via Oracle BI Answers which are also called TI Ad Hoc Queries. You can also create filters in Ad Hoc Queries which can be added to your dashboard.

To view and save your newly created dashboard, click the Save button in the far right hand corner of the Dashboard Editor.

Saving/Viewing a My Dashboard

Once you click the Save button, the Dashboard Editor will display the newly created dashboard.

To edit this dashboard or change views click Page Options > Edit Dashboard in the far right hand corner of the dashboard.

If you have used the TI pre-defined reports to create this dashboard, the changes that you make to these pre-defined reports will need to be saved to My Folders.

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