Analytics Pre-defined Dashboards

Transportation Intelligence (TI), Logistics Network Modeling Intelligence, Logistics Machine Learning intelligence, and Global Trade Intelligence (GTI) ship with several pre-defined dashboards. You can consider these dashboards as placeholders. Additional key performance indicators or KPIs can be added to these dashboards but the framework is in place.

Note: These pre-configured dashboards are only examples of how to use Transportation Intelligence, Logistics Network Modeling, Logistics Machine Learning intelligence, and Global Trade Intelligence. It is expected that you will configure these dashboards or use them as templates from which to build your own dashboards.

If you decide to change a pre-defined dashboard, make sure to save a back-up copy. This is important because an upgrade to TI/GTI will replace your edited pre-defined dashboards with the pre-defined dashboards that ship with TI/GTI. You will then need to re-copy your edited pre-defined dashboards back and overwrite the TI/GTI installed ones.

Let's look at each of these pre-defined dashboards in more detail:

Transportation Intelligence Dashboards

It is the expectation that the main and servprov dashboards will be used in a regular transportation situation. The main dashboard is the default dashboard assigned to all new Transportation Intelligence users. They see this default dashboard when they go to Transportation Intelligence > Dashboard. This default dashboard can be changed to another Transportation Intelligence pre-defined dashboard or to a user-defined dashboard via user preferences. You can also create new menu items that link to dashboards via menu manager.

Main Dashboard

When an Oracle Transportation Management user is given access to Transportation Intelligence, by default, they will see the Main Dashboard. They see this default dashboard when they go to Transportation Intelligence > Dashboard.

To learn about the prompts and reports included in this dashboard, see the TI Reference Guide topic titled Main Dashboard.

Servprov Main Dashboard

The Servprov Main Dashboard is similar to the Carrier tab of the Main Dashboard. All of the metrics, targets, and KPIs are the same. This dashboard is only for use with Transportation Intelligence.

Only users with the Business Intelligence Role of SERVPROV can view this dashboard. If you log in as SERVPROV.ADMIN or any other service provider, you will only be able to access the Servprov dashboard regardless of user preferences in OTM and permissions in OAS. In user preferences, if you select a Dashboard Preference Value of Servprov Main Dashboard, you must also specify a Business Intelligence Role of SERVPROV on the User page. In addition, you must select a User Role ID that contains a VPD Profile of SERVPROV.

To learn about the prompts and reports included in this dashboard, see the TI Reference Guide topic titled SERVPROV Main Dashboard.

Network Dashboard

The Network Dashboard is designed to help you monitor order movements on your network. This dashboard is only for use with Transportation Intelligence. To access this dashboard go to Operational Planning > Planning Dashboard.

This dashboard is just a placeholder. You will need to further define the targets using OAS to add the necessary reports to compare Transportation Intelligence metrics to the targets.

To learn about the prompts and reports included in this dashboard, see the TI Reference Guide topic titled Network Dashboard.

LSP Dashboards

Transportation Intelligence supports logistics service providers (LSPs) and their customers with two specific dashboards. These are LSP Host Dashboard and LSP Customer Dashboard. Each is a variation of the main dashboard used for shippers. These dashboards are only for use with Transportation Intelligence.

LSP Host Dashboard

The LSP host can see more data than each LSP customer. The LSP host can see:

  • Aggregate data across the customer domains
  • Data from a buy perspective, sell perspective, or a comparison of the two

This dashboard is almost identical to the Main Dashboard with most of the same tabs. To learn about the prompts and reports included in this dashboard, see the TI Reference Guide topic titled LSP Host Dashboard.

In user preferences, if you select a Dashboard Preference Value of LSP Host Dashboard, you must also specify a Business Intelligence Role of LSP HOST on the User page.

LSP Customer Dashboard

Each LSP customer is defined by the domain it is in and can only see data in that domain on the dashboard. For an LSP customer, the perspective is always sell. To learn about the prompts and reports included in this dashboard, see the TI Reference Guide topic titled LSP Customer Dashboard

In user preferences, if you select a Dashboard Preference Value of LSP Customer Dashboard, you must also specify a Business Intelligence Role of LSP CUSTOMER on the User page

Shipment Dashboard

To access the shipment dashboard, go to Shipment Management > Shipment Dashboard.

Carrier Scorecard Dashboard

You can access this pre-defined dashboard via Oracle Transportation Management shipment actions. You can also assign this dashboard to specific users via user preferences. You can analyze carrier performance using the Carrier Scorecard action. This dashboard is only for use with Transportation Intelligence. To learn about the prompts and reports included in this dashboard, see the FTI Reference Guide topic titled Carrier Scorecard Dashboard.

Tender Dashboard

You can access this pre-defined dashboard via Oracle Transportation Management shipment actions. You can also assign this dashboard to specific users via user preferences.  This dashboard is only for use with Transportation Intelligence. To learn about the prompts and reports included in this dashboard, see the TI Reference Guide topic titled Tender Dashboard.

Before tendering to a carrier, you can view your carrier’s tender performance and make sure they are likely to accept quickly enough for your needs. To access the tender dashboard, use the Analyze Tender Performance action.

Transit Time Variability Dashboard

You can access this pre-defined dashboard via Oracle Transportation Management shipment actions. You can also assign this dashboard to specific users via user preferences. This dashboard is only for use with Transportation Intelligence. To learn about the prompts and reports included in this dashboard, see the TI Reference Guide topic titled Transit Time Variability Dashboard.

You can view the variations in the transit time for any of your shipments which use a voyage or schedule. To access the tender dashboard, use the Change Schedule action.

Financials Dashboard

This dashboard captures the key financial details related to shipments. It displays the KPIs related to key financial details of shipments. The actual value of the KPI is compared against the target value with a two-color gauge showing the status of the comparison. For details see,

To access this dashboard, go to Financials > Financials Dashboard.

Fleet Dashboard

The Fleet Dashboard is designed to help you monitor your fleet. This dashboard is only for use with Transportation Intelligence. See the help topic

To access this dashboard, go to Fleet Management > Fleet Management Dashboard.

Global Trade Intelligence Dashboards

For GTI, the default dashboard is the GTI Dashboard. The GTI Dashboard is the default dashboard assigned to all new Global Trade Intelligence users. They see this default dashboard when they go to Global Trade Intelligence > Dashboard. This default dashboard can be changed to a user-defined dashboard via user preferences.

There are two additional dashboards: Customs Dashboard and Transactions Dashboard.

To learn about the prompts and reports included in these dashboards, see the GTI Reference Guide topic titled GTI Dashboard Reports.

Logistics Machine Learning Dashboard

For Logistics Machine Learning, the only dashboard is the Logistics Machine Learning Intelligence dashboard and it is accessed via Logistics Machine Learning > Machine Learning Dashboard.

The dashboard allows selection of machine learning project IDs, machine learning scenario IDs, and source/destination location facts, and arrival/departure information via prompts. The Logistics Network Modeling Dashboard includes 3 bar charts:

  • Number of Shipments by Transport Mode and Service Provider
  • Total Weight and Volume for Days of Week for Source Planned Departures
  • Total Weight and Volume for Days of Week for Destination Planned Arrival

To learn about the prompts and reports included in this dashboard, see the TI Reference Guide topic titled Logistics Machine Learning Dashboard.

Logistics Network Modeling Dashboard

For Logistics Network Modeling, the only dashboard is the Logistics Network Modeling dashboard. If you have access to Logistics Network Modeling, this page can be accessed via Logistics Network Modeling > Modeling Dashboard. For more details on this dashboard, see Logistics Network Modeling Dashboard. To learn about the prompts and reports included in this dashboard, see the TI Reference Guide topic titled Logistics Network Modeling Dashboard

System Dashboard

The System Dashboard cannot be set as the default dashboard since it cannot be assigned to a user. If you assign this dashboard to a user via user preferences, you will see an access denied error. To learn about the prompts and reports included in this dashboard, see the TI Reference Guide topic titled System Dashboard.

Viewing the System Dashboard in TI

When logged into Transportation Intelligence as DBA.ADMIN, go to Transportation Intelligence > Data Management. On this page, you see two options: View FTI Data Load Log and View FTI Data Load Rejects. If you click on any of those two menu options, you see the system dashboard.

Viewing the System Dashboard in GTI

When logged into Global Trade Intelligence as DBA.ADMIN, go to Global Trade Intelligence > Data Management. On this page, you see two options: View FTI Data Load Log and View FTI Data Load Rejects. If you click on any of those two menu options, you see the system dashboard.

Using the Menus

Actions Menu

Left-click on the target label or the status icon for that target. You see the actions menu with the following options:

Insert a New Target, Forecast or Industry Benchmark Section

When you click the Insert New link under the Insert a new Target, Forecast of Industry Benchmark heading, you see the following options:

  • Target: Opens the Insert Targets write-back dashboard.
  • Forecast: Opens the Insert Forecast write-back dashboard.
  • Industry Benchmark: Opens the Insert Industry Benchmark write-back dashboard.

Object Menu or Right-click Menu

You may see the following additional options when you click the Objects menu or when you right-click on any target or target value. These are OAS functionality and are not meant to be used with the write-back dashboards.

  • Open KPI Definition: Opens an OAS page controlled by that application. For details on how to use this page, please refer to the OAS help by clicking click the OAS help icon.
  • View Watchlist Entry: Opens an OAS page controlled by that application. For details on how to use this page, please refer to the OAS help by clicking click the OAS help icon.
  • Analyze: Opens an OAS page controlled by that application. For details on how to use this page, please refer to the OAS help by clicking click the OAS help icon.
  • Contact Owner: Opens an OAS page controlled by that application. For details on how to use this page, please refer to the OAS help by clicking click the OAS help icon.
  • Add Comment: Opens an OAS page controlled by that application. For details on how to use this page, please refer to the OAS help by clicking click the OAS help icon.

View Menu

The View menu may have one option which is Show More Columns... . Opens an OAS page controlled by that application. For details on how to use this page, please refer to the OAS help by clicking click the OAS help icon. This is OAS functionality and not meant to be used with the write-back dashboard.

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