Global Trade Intelligence

GTI Dashboard

This page is accessed via Global Trade Intelligence > Dashboard.

The Dashboard in Global Trade Intelligence (GTI) is a collection of performance metrics reflecting common strategic goals. In the default GTI Dashboard, there are multiple tabs organizing the metrics. The dashboard comes pre-defined with standard metrics. This dashboard is available as a preferred dashboard in the OTM/GTM user preferences. You can use MyDashboard to display the metrics you want in the format you want.

See Business Intelligence Roles for a table displaying dashboards, roles, and access.

The reports in this dashboard use the data in the HD database. See the data flow to Global Trade Intelligence.

Note: Dashboards are user-configurable. Following is an example of what you may see depending on your dashboard.

Note: The GTI pre-configured dashboard relies on the user-defined code on the transaction or transaction line. This is set up by selecting a user-defined code category of TRANSACTION CLASSIFICATION, a user-defined code type of TRADE DIRECTION, and a user-defined code of either EXPORT or IMPORT. It is expected that any transaction lines will have the same user-defined code as the main transaction.

Purchase Orders Tab

This tab contains import information in the following sections.

  • Purchase Orders by Month of Import
  • Extended Amount by Month of Import
  • Purchase Orders by Importing Country
  • Extended Amount by Importing Country
  • Extended Amount by Transport Mode
  • Purchase Orders by Transport Mode
  • Purchase Order Lines on Hold for Restricted Party Screening List
  • Purchase Order Lines on Hold for Product Classification
  • Purchase Order Lines on Hold for Sanction Screening
  • Purchase Order Lines on Hold for Control Screening
  • Purchase Order Lines by Authorization
  • Purchase Order Lines by Control Code
  • Purchase Order Lines by Exception Code
  • Purchase Order Lines by License Code

Sales Orders Tab

This tab contains import information in the following sections.

  • Extended Amount by Importing Country
  • Extended Amount by Month of Import
  • Extended Amount by Transport Mode
  • Sales Order Lines by Authorization
  • Sales Order Lines by Control Code
  • Sales Order Lines by License Code
  • Sales Order Lines on Hold for Control Screening
  • Sales Order Lines by Exception Code
  • Sales Order Lines on Hold for Product Classification
  • Sales Order Lines on Hold for Restricted Party List Screening
  • Sales Order Lines on Hold for Sanction Screening
  • Sales Orders by Ship To Country
  • Sales Orders by Month of Import
  • Sales Orders by Transport Mode

Shipments - Exports Tab

This tab contains export information in the following sections.

  • Export metric gauges
    • Transactions on hold
    • Items missing - ECCN US
    • RPLS hits
  • Transaction count by week
    • Transaction count
    • Export week
    • Export year
  • Transaction count by type
    • Transaction count
    • Transaction type
  • Top 5 control codes by transaction line count
    • Transaction line count
    • Control code
  • Top 5 exception codes by transaction line count
    • Transaction line count
    • Exception code
  • Top 5 licenses assigned by transaction line count
    • Transaction line count
    • License type

Shipments - Imports Tab

This tab contains import information in the following sections.

  • Import metric gauges showing:
    • Transactions on hold
    • Items missing - HTS US
    • RPLS hits
  • Transaction count by week showing:
    • Transaction count
    • Import week
    • Export year
  • Transaction count by type
    • Transaction count and transaction type
  • Declared value by week
    • Declared value
    • Import week
    • Import year

Declarations - Exports Tab

This tab contains import information in the following sections.

  • Export declarations by month of export
  • Export declarations by declaration type
  • Export declaration lines by month of export
  • Export declaration lines by declaration type
  • Extended Amount by Declaration Type
  • Extended Amount by Month of Export
  • Cost Breakdown by Declaration Type
  • Cost Breakdown by Month of Export

Declaration - Imports Tab

This tab contains import information in the following sections.

  • Import declarations by month of import
  • Import declarations by declaration type
  • Import declaration lines by month of import
  • Import declaration lines by declaration type
  • Extended Amount by Declaration Type
  • Extended Amount by Month of Import
  • Cost Breakdown by Declaration Type
  • Cost Breakdown by Month of Import

Related Topics

Data Flow to Global Trade Intelligence

About Global Trade Intelligence

Accessing TI and/or GTI Dashboards