Global Trade Intelligence

Data Flow to Global Trade Intelligence

Note: You need OAS and ODI to use Global Trade Intelligence (GTI). All the dashboards and detailed reports are rendered using OAS and the data is extracted using ODI.

The data from Global Trade Management flows to the operational database. The ETL (Extraction, Transformation and Loading) process extracts the data from Global Trade Management or replicated database, transforms and loads this data to a separate HD database schema. This is done using ODI (Oracle Data Integrator). You can manually execute or schedule the ETL process using process management. You can view the data loads and data load rejects using the Data Management page. You must be a DBA to access both these pages.

Load Data to HD

All of the Global Trade Management objects included in Global Trade Intelligence are automatically loaded into the historical database (HD). These objects include:

  • Item
  • License
  • License Line
  • Party (contact)
  • Product Classification
  • Restricted Party
  • Trade Transaction
  • Trade Transaction Line
  • GTM Declaration
  • GTM Declaration Line

Unload Data from HD

You can unload (soft delete) data from the Global Trade Intelligence historical database (HD). When data is deleted from GTM/OTM, you can mark that record as deleted in the Global Trade Intelligence HD. The record remains in the HD, but it is filtered out using the GTI_DEFAULT VPD profile.

There are several PUBLIC automation agents and agent actions intended for use with Global Trade Intelligence to enable this functionality.

Agent Actions

To mark data as soft deleted, you use the generic MARK OBJECT FOR DELETE ON HD agent action that is available for the following GTM agent types:

Note: Customs Shipment and Customs Shipment Line have been renamed as Declaration and Declaration Line, respectively in GTM. However, this change will not impact the Agent Type drop-down list. "GTM Shipment", "GTM Shipment Document", and "GTM Shipment Line" will continue to be displayed as options in this list.

The MARK OBJECT FOR DELETE ON HD agent actions insert a record into the DEL_OBJ_FROM_HD table when the object is deleted from Oracle Transportation Management/Global Trade Management. This action must be added to an automation agent listening for the OBJECT - REMOVED agent event. These agent actions are similar to the Unload Object from HD functionality available via power data.

PUBLIC Automation Agents

PUBLIC automation agents are provided which use these agent actions. You should activate these PUBLIC automation agents. It is important to keep these PUBLIC automation agents in the PUBLIC domain so that they can work with domain in any GTM domain.

The PUBLIC automation agents that ship with GTI are listed below:

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