Cooperative Routing


This page is accessed via Cooperative Routing > Setup > Fleet.

Cooperative routing fleet data is defined by the user to model resources that are used to service cooperative routing routes. A fleet represents a private or dedicated fleet or resources that have the same home depots. The start depot does not need to be the same end depot. A fleet can also model a set of common carrier resources that are committed servicing cooperative routes. Fleet data is independent or project or scenario, except that the actual count of available resources is defined with the respect to the scenario. A fleet can have associated cooperative routing constraints. If so, fleet constraints override any scenario constraints.

Defining a Cooperative Routing Fleet

  1. Enter a unique code for the fleet in the Fleet ID.
  2. Enter a Domain Name for this fleet.
  3. Enter a Source Depot Location. All routes assigned to this fleet will begin at this location.
  4. Enter a Destination Depot Location. All routes assigned to this fleet will end at this location.
  5. Enter a Constraints Set ID. If entered, constraints that have values for this fleet, override the constraint values in the scenario.
  6. Enter a Per Distance Cost for the fleet. The distance cost is per unit volume, i.e., it is a per shipment distance cost. It is added with the other cost components.
  7. Enter the Unit which is the defined unit distance per distance cost.
  8. In the Free Distance field, enter the number of miles which are not charged by the per distance cost. The distance cost component for a route is 0 if the route distance is less than the free distance; otherwise it will be (route distance - free distance) * per distance cost.
  9. Enter additional cost fields:
    1. Fixed cost: The fixed cost is per unit volume (i.e., it is a per shipment cost). It is added with the other cost components.
    2. Min Cost: is a fixed cost. It is per unit volume (i.e., it is a per shipment cost). It is not itself a cost component but a cost constraint. If all cost components sum in a cost less than the minimum cost, the cost will be changed to the minimum cost.
    3. Per Day Cost: This is the daily cost. It also is per unit volume (i.e., it is a per shipment cost). The daily cost is for each calendar day. It is added with other cost components.
  10. Enter an Equipment Group Profile ID to define equipment group compatibility for this fleet. If there is no equipment group profile for this fleet, every equipment group, and thus every commodity, will be compatible with this fleet.
  11. Enter a Region Group ID to define the allowable range for this fleet. If there is no region for this fleet, every region is compatible. A region whose representative location falls in the fleet region can be visited by this fleet.
  12. Click Finished.

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