Cooperative Routing


This page is accessed via Cooperative Routing > Route Analysis > Routes.

A cooperative routing (CR) route is a product of the cooperative routing solver process. A CR route may also be user-created. It represents a sequence of lane volume forecast legs assigned to a fleet, describing how fleet resources, beginning at the fleet start depot and ending at the fleet end depot, can drive those forecast legs more cheaply than the market cost. If the fleet start depot and end depot are the same, the route is a loop.

A CR route includes the deadhead (empty transport) drive from the fleet's start depot to the source of the first forecast leg, the deadhead drive distance from the destination of one forecast leg to the source of the next forecast leg, and the deadhead drive from the destination of the last forecast leg to the fleet's end depot.

A CR route has an associated volume. The route's volume indicates how much of each forecast's leg volume is assigned to the CR route. A route may cover less than the entire volume of a forecast leg. Multiple routes from the same scenario may cover the same route; however, the total route volume for all the routes from the same scenario that share the same forecast leg cannot feasibly exceed the volume of the forecast leg.

A route cannot feasibly violate the constraints defined in the CR constraints of the fleet (or if the fleet does not have any, then the scenario's constraints. However, you can create or modify CR routes in such a way as to make them infeasible; in this case, they will be marked as infeasible.

CR routes are created by the CR solver. They can also be manually created or modified. You can commit the CR route.

Routes that are created manually or edited need to be processed with the route action Process CR Route.

Adding a CR Route Manually

  1. Enter a unique code for the Route ID.
  2. Enter a Scenario ID for the route. A route belongs to a scenario and the scenario to a project.
  3. Enter a Project ID.
  4. Select a Domain Name.
  5. Enter the Fleet ID.
  6. Enter the Volume chosen for this route. This means that the CR route will cover this volume for the forecasts on each of the legs.

Reference Numbers

  1. Select a Reference Number Qualifiers.
  2. Enter a Reference Number.
  3. Click Save for each reference number you enter.

Leg Details

  1. Enter a Leg Number. This indicates the order in which forecasts are serviced by the route. For the start fleet depot, this will be 0.
  2. Enter a Lane Volume Forecast ID. This is null for fleet depots.
  3. Click Save for each leg number you enter.
  4. Click Finished.

Viewing CR Route Data

  • Route ID: Identifier for the route.
  • Scenario ID: Scenario for the route. A route belongs to a scenario and the scenario to a project.
  • Project ID: Identifier for the associated project for the scenario.
  • Domain Name: Domain for the route.
  • Total Distance: This is the calculated distance of the CR route, including forecast distances and deadheads. This is calculated from forecasts, forecast regions, and fleet depot locations. This is recomputed when fleet or route legs are modified.
  • Loaded Distance: Sum of distances for forecasts in this CR route. It is recomputed when fleet or route legs are modified.
  • Deadhead Distance: Sum of distances for deadheads in this CR route, including deadheads between forecasts and deadheads from and to the fleet depot locations. It is calculated from forecast regions, and fleet depot locations. Recomputed when fleet or route legs are modified.
  • Deadhead (%): Calculated percent for deadhead distance/total distance. This is recomputed when fleet or route legs are modified.
  • Cost Per Unit Volume: CR route cost for a unit volume. This is recomputed when fleet or route legs are modified.
  • Total Cost: Calculated cost for the total volume on the CR route. This is calculated as the cost per unit volume * total volume. This is recomputed when total volume, fleet or route legs are modified.
  • Duration: Duration of the CR route from the start to the end.
  • Feasible: This check box indicates if the route is feasible. System-generated routes are feasible but a user-generated route or user-modified route may be infeasible. This is recomputed when total volume, fleet or route legs are modified.
  • Savings Per Unit Volume: This is the savings per unit volume for the CR route over the market cost of the lane volume forecasts on the route. This is recomputed when fleet or route legs are modified.
  • Savings (%): Percent of savings as portion of total market cost. This is recomputed when volume, fleet or route legs are modified.
  • Needs Processing: The system marks this as a reminder if the route has been manually edited, but not processed. Process it via CR route actions.
  • Confidence Factor (%): Confidence factor for this CR route based upon CR volumes, disregarding commitments. This is the minimum of the confidence factors for the CR volume on the forecast legs. This is recomputed when total volume or route legs are modified.
  • Committed: Indicates whether the user has chosen to commit this route. Actions allow committing and uncommitting routes.
  • Committed Confidence Factor (%): Confidence factor for this CR route based upon committed CR volumes.
  • Fleet ID: Fleet that is selected to drive this route.
  • Volume: Volume chosen for this route. This means the CR route will cover this volume for the forecasts on each of the legs.
  • Original Volume: The volume originally chosen by the CR Solver. This is for information only.
  • User Edited: The data for this route was manually edited.
  • Reference Number grid: Shows the reference number for the CR route and a reference number qualifier if exists. If a route template has been created from the route, a reference number of Route Template displays along with the Template ID.
  • Leg Number grid: Displays the leg number, indicating the order in which the forecasts are services by the CR route and the forecast ID.

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