Cooperative Routing

Lane Volume Forecast

This page is accessed via Cooperative Routing > Lane Aggregation > Lane Volume Forecast.

Cooperative routing lane volume forecast data is the product of the lane volume aggregation process. A lane volume forecast is a forecast based on the statistical analysis of the lane volume aggregate data points for a source/destination region, volume, and commodity. The lane volume forecast is periodic. For example, for a weekly period with two shifts/day there will be one record for Monday/shift 1. This record represents the forecasted volume for any given Monday.

The forecast contains the forecasted volume and statistical information about the associated aggregate data that provides the forecast, such as mean, median, minimum, maximum, and standard deviation.

You may create or edit lane volume forecasts or import them via the Integration Manager. If you create forecast, the associated aggregate data is not, and thus no statistical data.

  1. Enter a unique code for the Forecast ID.
  2. Enter the project to which this forecast belongs in the Project ID field.
  3. The Aggregate ID field shows the aggregation during which this forecast was created. It is blank for user-created lane volume forecasts.
  4. Enter the Domain Name to which this forecast belongs.
  5. Enter the Source Region for the forecast.
  6. Enter the Destination Region for the forecast.
  7. Enter the Equipment Group Profile for the forecast.
  8. The Start Day of Week is automatically populated when you save the aggregation, unless the cycle definition is not a multiple of 7 days. In that case, it remains blank.
  9. Enter the Start Day. This is a number field and indicates the day position in the cycle.
  10. Enter the starting shift in the Start Shift field.
  11. Enter the Average Start Time. This is the departure time and should be within the first shift.
  12. Enter the End Date of the aggregate. The End Day of Week is automatically populated when you save the aggregation, unless the cycle definition is not a multiple of 7 days. In that case, it remains blank.
  13. Enter the End Day. This is a number field and indicates the day position in the cycle.
  14. Enter the ending shift in the End Shift field.
  15. Enter the Average End Time. This is the arrival time and should be within the last shift.
  16. Enter the Forecasted Volume which is the number of shipments for this forecast.
  17. In the Avg Market Cost field, enter the average market cost for the forecast per unit volume. This field is optional but if this value is not available, the Cooperative Routing server tries to cover this forecast with a fleet as if the market cost was very high, but this forecast will not contribute to cooperative routing savings for the route. It is important to understand that this is a cost for each shipment rather than a cost for all the shipments in the forecast.
  18. Enter the Average Distance for the forecast. If you do not populate this, Oracle Transportation Management takes the system-determined distance between the source and destination regions and fills the distance.
  19. The Transit Time field is system populated. It is the transit time from the forecast start to the forecast end. If you update the start or end time, this will be recomputed.
  20. The system computes the following Mean Volume, Median Volume, Min Volume, Max Volume and Standard Deviation fields. you can edit these fields.
    • The Mean Volume is the computed mean of the non-outlier aggregates that make up this forecast.
    • The Median Volume is the computed median of the non-outlier aggregates that make up this forecast.
    • The Min Volume is the computed minimum of the non-outlier aggregates that make up this forecast.
    • The Max Volume is the computed maximum of the non-outlier aggregates that make up this forecast.
    • The Standard Deviation is the computed standard deviation of the non-outlier aggregates that make up this forecast.
  21. The Confidence Factor field is the computed probability of the forecasted volume. User-created forecasts do not have a confidence factor. If the forecasted volume is changed, the confidence factor is updated when saved.
  22. Select the Active for CR Solve check box so this forecast will be brought into the cooperative routing solver.

LV Forecast Refnum Details

  1. Enter the Reference Number and Reference Number Qualifier fields.
  2. Click Save for each reference number you add.

LV Forecast Remarks

  1. Enter the Remark Qualifier and Remark Text fields.
  2. Click Save for each remark you add.

LV Forecast Shipment Category Details

If entering a new item in the list:

  1. Enter the Shipment Category to indicate the shipments of this category that went into the creation of this forecast.
  2. Enter the Percent. This indicates the percent of shipments making up this forecast that are of this category. This includes shipments that went into making outlier aggregates. For forecasts generated from shipments, the shipment categories come from the shipment reference numbers.

    Note that these will not necessarily equal 100 percent. as some shipments may not have a category and also this information can be modified.
  3. Click Save for each shipment category you enter.
  4. Click Finished.

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