Cooperative Routing

Lane Volume Aggregate

This page is accessed via Cooperative Routing > Lane Aggregation > Lane Volume Aggregate.

Cooperative routing (CR) lane volume aggregate looks at volume going from region to region for a specific time. It uses historical data. You can see historical data for Mondays. The lane volume forecast uses the lane volume aggregate as input but instead of being for date it's for a specific day. So for the lane volume forecast, you can then say that for any given Monday, what you expect the volume to be from one region to another. The lane volume forecast becomes the input of the solver.

The CR lane volume aggregate contains the aggregated shipment volumes by source/destination region, time bucket and commodity. The lane volume aggregate time buckets are not periodic. For example, for a weekly period with two shifts per day, Monday-shift 1 is a different record from Monday shift 2. The status of a lane volume aggregate indicates if it is an outlier. The lane volume aggregate is associated with the lane volume forecast for which it is a data point.

Note: You may create and modify lane volume aggregate data, with the understanding that the new or modified aggregate data may not correspond to the underlying shipment data.

Adding a Lane Volume Aggregate

  1. In the CR LV Aggregate field, enter a unique ID for the aggregate. This is system-generated for aggregates created during aggregation.
  2. Optionally, enter a Forecast ID of which this aggregate is a part. This is system-generated for aggregates created during aggregation.
  3. Enter a Project ID to which this aggregate belongs.

    Note: The Aggregation ID is blank for user-created aggregates.

  4. Enter the Domain Name to which this aggregate belongs.
  5. Enter the Source Region for the aggregate.
  6. Enter the Destination Region for the aggregate.
  7. Enter the Equipment Group Profile for the aggregate.
  8. Enter the Start Date of the aggregate. The Start Day of Week is automatically populated when you save the aggregation, unless the cycle definition is not a multiple of 7 days. In that case, it remains blank.
  9. Enter the Start Day. This is a number field and indicates the day position in the cycle.
  10. Enter the starting shift in the Start Shift field.
  11. Enter the Average Start Time. This is the departure time and should be within the first shift.
  12. Enter the End Date of the aggregate. The End Day of Week is automatically populated when you save the aggregation, unless the cycle definition is not a multiple of 7 days. In that case, it remains blank.
  13. Enter the End Day of Week. This is a number field and indicates the day position in the cycle.
  14. Enter the ending shift in the End Shift field.
  15. Enter the Average End Time. This is the arrival time and should be within the last shift.
  16. Enter the Total Volume to indicate the number of shipments for this volume.
  17. Enter the Average Market Cost and the currency. This is the average market cost for the aggregate per unit volume. If this is blank, then this aggregate is not included in the market cost calculation of the lane volume forecast.
  18. Enter the Average Distance for the aggregate. If this is not provided during creation, the system fills the distance by taking the system-determined distance between the source and destination regions.

    Note: The Transit Time field is system-generated and is the transit time from the aggregate start to the aggregate end. If you update and save a start or end time, this will be recomputed.

  19. User Edited is read only and will reflect if the user has edited the record.
  20. Select the Outlier check box if you want to indicate that this aggregate is an outlier.

Shipment Category

  1. Enter a Shipment Category for the shipments in the aggregate.
  2. Enter the number of shipments of that category in the Count field.

    Note: If you edit this, the count may not correspond to the shipment history.

  3. Click Save for each shipment category you enter.
  4. Click Finished.

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