Operational Planning

Review Instance Details

This page enables you to view details of route instances. This page is accessed via Operational Planning > Cooperative Route Management > Route Instance. Then select the action Review Instance Details.

You can drill down into any shipment to see the full details.

  • Route Instance ID: Shows the unique identifier for this instance. You can click the ID and drill down for more details.
  • Start Date/End Date: The Start Date corresponds to the early departure time of the first leg. The End Date corresponds to the late arrival time of the last leg. They just display as date, not date and time.
  • Deviated: Indicates a deviation in the instance leg, either falls outside the region, time infeasible or not compatible with leg constraints.


This section shows the planned statistics for the instance. For details on the fields, see the Route Instance - Statistics tab.


This section shows the actual statistics for the instance. For details on the fields, see the Route Instance - Statistics tab.


This sections shows the legs on the instance. Click the Leg ID to view details or click edit to open the Route Instance Leg page.

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