Operational Planning

Route Template Leg

This page shows the details of route template legs. This page is accessed via Operational Planning > Cooperative Route Management > Route Template. From Route Template, click the New Leg button to add a new leg. Legs can only be added, edited or deleted in the route template manager before instances are created for the template.

This page can also be accessed via Operational Planning > Cooperative Route Management > Route Instance Leg but from here you can only view existing legs.

  1. If you want, enter a leg ID in the Leg ID field or allow the business number generator to generate it.
  2. The Leg Number is the sequence of the legs within a template. It starts at 1. For example, say Template BUF-PHL-LOOP has two legs, leg BUF-PHL-LOOP-001 (Leg ID) is from BUF to PHL, the leg number is 1. The second leg, BUF-PHL-LOOP-002 is from PHL to PHL, the leg number is 2. However, it is possible for leg BUF to PHL (leg number 1) to have an ID of BUF-PHL-LOOP-002, and leg PHL to BUF (leg number 2) can have an ID of BUF-PHL-LOOP-001.
  3. Enter an Equipment Group Profile here if it is different from the one on the template. A value here will override the value on the template.
  4. Enter a Start Region. The region must have a representative location which is optional in the region table. If a region does not have a representative location, it cannot be included in any leg of the route.
  5. Enter a Start Distance Threshold. This is the radius distance from the representative location of the start region. If necessary, select a different UOM.
  6. Enter an End Region. The region must have a representative location which is optional in the region table. If a region does not have a representative location, it cannot be included in any leg of the route.
  7. Enter a Distance Threshold. This is the radius distance from the representative location of the end region. If necessary, select a different UOM.
  8. The Early/Late Departure/Arrival Time field determines the start and end date of the generated instance. All departure times must fall within the instances start and end dates. The early departure time for the first leg and the late departure time for the last leg are required.
  9. The Time Phased Planning Threshold field is the duration between the system time and the instance leg's early departure time. If within this threshold, and no shipments fall within the regions of the instance leg, Oracle Transportation Management will try to match shipments that are outside the region but within the threshold.
  10. The Min/Max Time to Next Leg field indicates the minimum or maximum duration between the current leg's shipment end time and the next leg's shipment start time.
  11. The Match Shipment to Leg field indicates whether this leg should be matched to a shipment and if so, how to match. The allowable values are "Always", "When available" and Never". When a leg is marked "Never", planning will never match a shipment to this leg.
  12. The Warn for Missing Leg field indicates whether an alert should be sent out when the leg is marked missed.

Location Incompatibility

This section allows you define locations that are NOT compatible. Enter the Location ID and Activity for the incompatibility.

Order Compatibility

This section allows you define orders that are compatible. Enter the Order Reference Number Qualifier and the Order Reference Number to define the compatibility. Click Save after adding each compatibility.

Shipment Compatibility

This section allows you define shipments that are compatible. Enter the Shipment Reference Number Qualifier and the Shipment Reference Number to define the compatibility. Click Save after adding each compatibility.

Reference Numbers

Use this section of the page to assign reference numbers to the route template leg.

If you want, you can define reference sequence numbers to define the display order of reference numbers and reference number qualifiers.


The Remarks section provides a place for you to log any extraneous information you may want to keep with the route template leg.

Involved Party

Use this section of the page to assign Involved Party contacts to the route template leg.

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