Operational Planning

Route Instance

This page is accessed via Operational Planning > Cooperative Route Management > Route Instance.

Route instances are repetitive trips. They indicate a linking of lanes that have enough recurring volume of shipments to form a good route for a fleet or dedicated vehicle. Route instances can be created manually by a route template action or by using the Process manager.

If a cooperative routing execution shipment is declined by a tender, the shipment is unassigned from the route instance and the shipment is put on a common carrier based on the commitment if the parameter Plan Shipment with Carrier Commitment = True. When a tender is withdrawn or declined for a route execution shipment, the shipment can be automatically retendered to a common carrier. It does not have to be manually unassigned from the route instance first.

Rating Route Instances

You can rate a shipment as work (SAW) based on the route template and leg information without putting the SAW on the route instance. Shipment reference qualifiers are used to facilitate rating. A mandatory reference qualifier for the shipment exists: IS ROUTE EXECUTION SHIPMENT. This must be set to yes (Y). If there is no template ID and no leg ID, and this reference qualifier exists, then this shipment is treated as a cooperative routing execution shipment even though it is not matched to any route instance.


Most fields are populated from the template or when generated. When created, the status defaults to Active.

Field Name


Route Instance ID

The route instance ID is the template ID plus a suffix to indicate a unique instance. The suffix is sequential numbers.

Route Template ID

From the template. Not editable.


This is not editable. It can only be changed via an action.


Perspective can be buy or sell. Copied from the template.

Start and End Date

The Start Date corresponds to the early departure time of the first leg. The End Date corresponds to the late arrival time of the last leg. They display as date, not date and time.

Allow Overlapping Shipments

This is copied from the template but can be overridden on the instance.

Equipment Group Profile ID

Copied from template.

Closed Loop

From template. Indicates if the truck must return to the start location to complete the loop.


Indicates a deviation in the instance leg, either falls outside the region, time infeasible or not compatible with leg constraints.

Start and End Depot Location ID

The beginning and end of the instance.

Service Provider

Copied from the template and is read only.

Transport Mode

Copied from the template and is read only.


This sections shows the legs on the instance. Click the Leg ID to view details or click edit to open the Route Instance Leg page.

Reference Numbers

Use this section of the page to assign reference numbers to the route instance.

If you want, you can define reference sequence numbers to define the display order of reference numbers and reference number qualifiers.


The Remarks section provides a place for you to log any extraneous information you may want to keep with the route instance.

Involved Parties

Use this section of the page to assign Involved Party contacts to the route instance.

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