Operational Planning

Route Template

Route templates provide a quick way to create route instances for cooperative routes. Route templates can be created manually (accessed via Operational Planning > Cooperative Route Management > Route Instance Template), via integration or they can be created from a CR Route using the action Convert to Route Template.

Newly created templates are set to Inactive by default. Once instances are generated, only the Expiration Date can be edited. If there are instances further out than the new expiration date, those instances must first be deleted.

  1. Enter a unique identifier for the template in the Route Template ID field.
  2. The Creation Source field is automatically populated depending on how the template is created: integration, user interface or via Cooperative Routing.
  3. The Perspective for the template.
  4. Enter the Effective Date and Expiration Date. The effective date needs to be a Sunday and the expiration data a Saturday.
  5. Enter the Start Depot Location and End Depot Location.
  6. Enter a Service Provider.
  7. Enter the Equipment Group Profile.
  8. Enter the Transportation Mode.
  9. The Number of Instances is the volume from the Strategic tool if it was converted.
  10. Select the Allow Overlapping Shipments check box allows shipment times to overlap, if selected.


These fields are based on data copied from the strategic piece of cooperative routing.


Click the New Leg button to add legs to the route template. The Route Template Leg page opens.

Reference Numbers

Use this section of the page to assign reference numbers to the route template.

You can define reference sequence numbers to define the display order of reference numbers and reference number qualifiers.


The Remarks section provides a place for you to log any extraneous information you may want to keep with the template.

Involved Parties

Use this section of the page to assign Involved Party contacts to the route template.

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