Shipment Management

Create Shipment (Consol)

This page is accessed via Consol Actions (accessed via Shipment Management > Group Management > Consols).

Use this action to manually create an empty consol shipment that can be used to book orders.

Charter Voyage Stowage / Flight

The resulting consol shipment has a Source/Destination Location equal to the charter voyage Source/Destination Location and the shipment has two stops with no ship units. The shipment Start Time is equal to the Voyage Departure Time and the shipment End Time is the same as the Voyage Arrival Time. Two shipment reference number records are created for the consol shipment, one by voyage, and one by stowage mode with the following qualifiers:

  • CHARTER_VOYAGE: its value is the Voyage ID.
  • VOYAGE_STOWAGE_MODE: its value is the Voyage Stowage Mode ID.

There are no orders on the empty consol shipment and no shipment equipment. Use the Build Buy Shipment on Primary Leg action to place orders on a consol shipment.

Note: You can also create a consol shipment automatically when you create a consol from a charter voyage.

You can locate the new consol shipment in the Shipment Manager by searching on its Consol ID.

Ocean FCL

On the Consols manager page, select an Ocean FCL consol type. Then click Actions > Shipment Management > Change Consol > Create Shipment.

Use this action to create stops for the Ocean FCL consol shipment with Port of Load and Port of Discharge (pickup and delivery stops). If Receipt Location ID and Delivery Location ID are also set on the consol then OTM will consider them as additional pickup and delivery stops. If you set the value either for Receipt Location ID or Delivery Location ID then OTM will create three stops. If all the four fields are specified on the consol then OTM will create four stops for the shipment.

About Arrival Time and Departure Time of shipment stops:

  1. If you specify Receipt Location ID, this will be the first stop of the shipment. The Expected Departure Time on the consol is required and is copied to the Planned Arrival Time and Planned Departure Time of this shipment stop.
  2. Port of Load: If you specify Receipt Location ID then Port of Load will be the second stop of the shipment. On this stop, all the planned/estimated/actual arrival/departure times will be null. If Receipt Location ID is not specified, Port of Load will be the first stop of the shipment. In this case:
  • If you specify Expected Departure Time on the consol, it is copied to the Planned Arrival Time and Planned Departure Time of this shipment stop.
  • If Expected Departure Time on the consol is not specified, OTM finds the stop on the voyage that matches the port of load and copy its planned/estimated/actual arrival/departure times to the corresponding fields of the shipment stop.

If all three (planned/estimated/actual) arrival values of the stop are null, OTM goes through the Departure Time of this stop in the following sequence (actual, estimated, planned) and copies the first not-null value to the Estimated Arrival Time.

If all three (planned/estimated/actual) departure values of the stop are null, OTM goes through the Arrival Time of this stop in the following sequence (actual, estimated, planned) and copies the first not-null value to the Estimated Departure Time.

  1. Port of Discharge: If you specify Delivery Location ID then Port of Discharge will not be the last stop of the shipment. On this stop, all the planned/estimated/actual arrival/departure times will be null. If Delivery Location ID is not specified, Port of Discharge will be the last stop of the shipment. In this case:
  • If you specify Expected Arrival Time on the consol, it is copied to the Planned Arrival Time and Planned Departure Time of this shipment stop.
  • If Expected Arrival Time on the consol is not specified, OTM finds the stop on the voyage that matches the Port of Discharge. Copy its planned/estimated/actual arrival/departure times to the corresponding fields of the shipment stop.

If all three (planned/estimated/actual) arrival values of the stop are null, OTM goes through the Departure Times of this stop in the following sequence (actual, estimated, planned) and copies the first not null value to the Estimated Arrival Time.

If all three (planned/estimated/actual) departure values of the stop are null, OTM goes through the Arrival Times of this stop in the following sequence (actual, estimated, planned) and copies the first not null value to the Estimated Departure Time.

  1. If you specify Delivery Location ID, this will be the last stop of the shipment. The Expected Arrival Time on the consol is required and is copied to the Planned Arrival Time and Planned Departure Time of this shipment stop.

 If you select the One Shipment per Container check box, OTM creates one shipment for each container specified on the consol. If you deselect this check box, OTM creates one shipment for all the containers specified on the consol. By default, this check box is not selected.

Note: The One Shipment per Container check box will display when the Consol Type is OCEAN FCL.

Use the Equipment Groups section to create shipment equipment record for each equipment specified on the consol. You can create one equipment for each count. For example, if the value specified in the Quantity field is three for the 40FT Containers equipment group, OTM will create three shipment equipment records.

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