Landed Cost

Value Qualifiers Setup

GTM uses value qualifiers to model different components of the estimated landed cost such as charges (e.g. freight, insurance, etc.), duty and taxes, and other values required to be calculated in the process (e.g. FOB Invoice Value, Insurance, International Freight, Domestic Freight, Bank Processing Fee, Harbor Maintenance Fee, etc). You have to setup the following:

  • Value Qualifier
  • Value Type
  • Value Category
  • Value Set

Value Qualifier

Value qualifiers are used to model the price of the product, any cost, duty or tax as well as any other value required to calculate the landed cost. For example, FOB VALUE and INVOICE VALUE.

Value Type

Value type is a sub-categorization of the value qualifier from the business perspective. This classification is used to group resulting values when executing the Landed Cost Simulator. For example, the value type of the value qualifiers FOB VALUE and INVOICE VALUE is PROCUREMENT.

Value Category

Value category is a categorization of the value type from the business perspective. This classification is used to group resulting value types when executing the Landed Cost Simulator. For example, the value category of value types COMMISSION and MARKETING is PROCUREMENT.

Value Set

Value set is a group of values that will be used for landed cost calculation.

GTM provides two value sets by default:

  • BASE VALUE SET: Group of values like INVOICE VALUE, INSURANCE, FOB VALUE, INTERNATIONAL FREIGHT, DOMESTIC INLAND FREIGHT, etc. required to calculate the base amounts for determining the customs duty and taxes.
  • ELC VALUE SET: Once the duty and tax is determined, this value set can be used to assign the Estimated Landed Cost (ELC) value qualifier.

Note: The best practice would be to add value sets according to your own business needs.

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