Master Data

Value Formulas

Note: This power data is deprecated as of version 6.4.3 and will be removed in a later release. Instead, use the power data Value Set to define the value qualifiers and power data Formula Expression to calculate the values of the defined qualifiers.

This page is accessed via Master Data > Power Data > Configurations > Value Formulas.

Use this page to define values that are added to customs documents in order to meet regime requirements. Value formulas are included in the types of control categories used for compliance rules.

Value Formula ID

  1. Enter a name for the qualifier in the Value Formula ID field.
  2. Select a value qualifier from the Target Value Qualifier drop-down list.
  3. Enter a description.
  4. Select the domain in which this value formula will be active from the Domain drop-list.

Value Formula Detail

In this section, you define the specific details of your new value formula.

  1. Select a qualifier from the Value Qualifier ID field.
  2. Select an operator: + means the item will be added to the shipment invoice; - means the item will be subtracted from the invoice.
  3. Click Save to record the value formula details. You can add multiple value formulas but remember to click Save after entering each one.
  4. Click Finished.

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