Master Data

Product Classification Hierarchy Codes

This page is accessed via Master Data > Power Data > Product Classification > Product Classification Hierarchy Codes.  

Use this page to define a product classification code's position in a product classification hierarchy.

  1. Enter a classification hierarchy ID in the Product Classification Hierarchy ID field.
  2. Enter an ID in the Data Version ID field.
  3. Enter the product classification code in the Product Classification Code field.
  4. Enter the Root ID in the Root ID field.
  5. Enter the hierarchy code to which this product classification code will be assigned in the Hierarchy Code field.
  6. Enter the ID of the parent hierarchy in the Parent Hierarchy ID field.
  7. Select the domain where this hierarchy will be placed from the Domain Name drop-down list.
  8. Enter a language in the Language field.
  9. Enter a description of the product in the Description field using the language you selected in the previous step.
  10. Click Save. You can continue to add as many languages as necessary.
  11. Click Finished.

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