Master Data

Quantity and Value Configurations

This page is accessed via Master Data > Power Data > Configurations > Quantity and Value Configurations.

This page is designed to help you create/edit configurations which may be used to add information to consolidated transactions. By assigning charges to various qualifiers, such configurations will total amounts to be charged for various categories and total them and then display the totals in the Transaction Manager section.

Quantity and Value Configuration

  1. Enter an ID for the configuration in the Quantity and Value Configuration ID field. When you consolidate transactions, you will be able to choose this configuration or any configuration created on this page.
  2. Select a configuration type from the Configuration Type drop-down list. There are several selections available.
    • Shipment Creation: Use this type if you want to have the system sum up by qualifier across all transaction headers for transactions being consolidated into shipments.
    • Header to Header: Use this configuration type if you wish to total qualifier values for different qualifiers and display the total against another specified qualifier. For example, you have 2 qualifiers on the header: SHIPPING CHARGE and HANDLING CHARGE. The system will sum up these values and display the totaled information against the qualifier TOTAL CHARGES on the header.
    • Line to Header: Use this configuration type to total qualifier values on each of the lines and display the total against the same qualifier in the header. For example, you may have a shipment with multiple lines and each line has a qualifier named IMPORT TAX. The system will sum up the value of each line containing the qualifier and then display the totaled information on the shipment header with an identifier of IMPORT TAX.
  3. Select the domain in which this configuration will be available from the Domain drop-down list.
  4. If needed, enter a description of the configuration in the Description field.

Quantity and Value Configuration Details

Use this section to define configuration details.

  1. Select a configuration type from the Configuration Type drop-down list. Your choices are Quantity Qualifier and Value Qualifier.
  2. Enter a source qualifier (that is, the name of the source qualifier whose amount is to be added to the total) from the Source Qualifier field. Note that your available choices are defined by the configuration type you selected in Step 1.
  3. Enter a target qualifier in the Target Qualifier field. This is the name that will be assigned to the total(s) generated when the configuration is applied to the consolidated transactions.
  4. Click Save. You can enter multiple quantity value configuration details. Remember to click Save after entering each one.
  5. Click Finish.

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