Master Data

Restricted Parties

This page is accessed via Master Data > Power Data > Restricted Parties > Restricted Parties.

Use this page to add new parties to your list of restricted parties.

Once the data content is downloaded from the external content provider and processed successfully, you will see new or modified restricted party lists under a particular data version. You can view the details of the restricted parties downloaded in the Restricted Party page. You can also create your own internal list or red flag list of restricted parties using this page.

Adding a New Restricted Party

While there are a large number of fields in the Restricted Party page, you are required to enter a value in only the Data Version ID field. This ID identifies the data subset to which the new restricted party will be added. It is important to note that the information you enter here - such as name and address details - may be used for restricted party screening. If you do not enter a Restricted Party ID, GTM will generate one for you.

Note: Make sure you always add additional restricted parties such as red flag lists to the data version that is marked as current and select the In Use check box. This is the default setting for the In Use option. Since the screening process runs on the data version that is marked as current, this will ensure any restricted parties you add are considered during screening.

Any information you record on this page will generate a screening match if the party being screened has similar information based on the configuration of your service parameters. For example, if you designate a last name of Frederick and a state of Texas, any party which matches those criteria will be identified as a restricted party.

Only restricted party records in the Public domain or the domain you are using will be used for screening purposes.

Parent Restricted Party

If the new restricted party is associated with another already restricted party (typically in a parent/child relationship) use this section to add that association.

  1. Enter an existing restricted party ID in the Restricted Party ID field.
  2. Click Save.
  3. Continue adding as many parties as required.
  4. When you have no more parties to add, click Finished.

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