Restricted Party Screening

Restricted Party Screening (Ad Hoc)

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Ad hoc Restricted Party Screening allows you to screen the data of any party without creating a party in GTM. You can provide all the information about the party on this screen. On this screen, information in all of the fields is compared to restricted party information already on file. The more fields you can complete, the more accurate the screening will be. Any field containing "unknown" will be ignored. You can also provide a service preference to perform the screening.

Any information you provide on this page will generate a screening match, based on the service preference used if there is a restricted party with similar information. Once the screening is completed, the Restricted Party Screening – Potential Matches results page will show the list of restricted parties matched. For every Restricted Party match, GTM shows the Match Factor, indicating the percentage of Match. It also highlights the matching characters if ‘Disable Highlighting’ option is not selected on the Service Parameters page. You can also set the gtm.deniedparty.highlight property to toggle the highlighting feature.

Note: The application is configured to automatically purge and archive the Restricted Party List Screening ad hoc audit results after 60 days.

Screening Criteria

Enter a first name, last name, and/or company name into the respective fields.

Additional Screening Criteria

Type address information into the respective fields. The address, city, province, country, and postal code are all looked at during the screening process.

Reference Information

Use this section if you are screening a specific transaction, a specific source system, or if you prefer to screen using a specific service preference.

When you have finished entering the information you wish to screen, click Match. The Restricted Party Screening - Potential Matches window opens with the results of the screening.

Note: If your screening criteria are an exact match to an excluded party, no screening will be performed. If any restricted party in the results is a complete match to an excluded party, the party will not appear in the returned results.

Note: The maximum number of matches that are returned is determined by the gtm.rpsservice.maxresponse property. The property's default value is 500.

Note: If you do not designate a service preference, the screening will be run using a default service preference.

Note: You can set up a default service preference for ad hoc Restricted Party Screening on the GTM Logic Configuration page.

Note: The audit details of ad hoc screening are displayed on the ad hoc Restricted Party Screening audit page.

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