
Set Indicator: Trade Transaction

This page is accessed via:

  • Transactions > Trade Transactions > Actions > Utilities > Transaction Line > Set Indicator
  • Transactions > Trade Transaction Lines > Actions > Utilities > Set Indicator

Indicators are icons that can be assigned to business objects in search Results pages and other lists to mark the condition or state of a business object. You can use indicators to mark the history, status or any other condition of a business object.

There are two ways to set the indicator for a business object:

  • By using the Set Indicator action, or
  • By specifying the Set Indicator action in an automation agent.

Note: To add or remove the Indicator column from a search Result page or to change its position on the page, edit the appropriate screen set in the Content Manager.

  1. Select a trade transaction line in the Pick Trade Transaction Line field.
  2. Select an indicator from the Indicator drop-down list.
  3. Click Submit.

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