Tariff Eligibility Screening

This page is accessed via:

  • Order Management > Material Management > Items > Actions > Tariff Eligibility Screening
  • Classification > Items > Actions > Tariff Eligibility Screening
  • Master Data > Items > Actions > Tariff Eligibility Screening
  • Master Data > Item Origins > Tariff Eligibility Screening

Based on the country of origin of the selected item(s)/item origin, the Tariff Eligibility Screening action provides you with a list of trade programs and related tariff rates.  

Tariff Eligibility Screening

  1. Enter a country code in the Country of Import field.
  2. Click Next. The Tariff Eligibility Screening page displays a list of eligible trade programs and tariff rates.
  3. Select one or multiple tariff rates from the  Eligible Tariff Rates list.
  4. Click Save. Item Qualification Details is saved successfully.

Note: You cannot select General Rates to assign to an item. Only rates related to eligible trade programs can be assigned.

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