Brokerage and Forwarding

Job Status

The Status Type and Value fields display the current state of a job. Default Status Types and Values are automatically assigned when the job is created. Job status is accessed from the Job manager.

You can create a status type filter to define for each user. Then use Manage User Access to associate the User Access Type of Status Type Filter with a particular user. Click the arrow which appears at the top of the Status window to view the statuses, not just the ones displayed by the filter. Bold statuses are ones that appear in the filter. The filter hides the statuses of the regular ones.

External Status Types and Values associated with the order base are also populated from information created in Power Data.

Every new job is assigned the following Status Types:

  • JOB AGENT REVIEW: identifies the job status for shipments that have various SHIPMENT AGENT REVIEW statuses.
  • JOB BILLED: identifies whether customer bills have been created for the job. The status value will be set to BILLED once you generate at least one bill for the job using the Generate Bill action.
  • JOB OPEN: identifies whether the job is considered open or active and closed. You can change this status to closed using the Change External Status action.

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