Brokerage and Forwarding

Non-Freight Related Charge Reference Numbers, Remarks, and Involved Parties

Use this page to record the following additional attributes for a Non-Freight Related Charge (NFRC).

Reference Numbers

Use the Reference Numbers section to create qualified numbers as additional information for the charge.

Two default reference numbers are automatically created with qualifiers of Bill of Lading and Oracle Transportation Management Identifier. The value of the Bill of Lading reference number is a concatenation of the service provider ID (assigned) plus a sequential number. The Oracle Transportation Management Identifier value is the NFRC global ID.

Note: The qualifiers that are available for an NFRC are the same as those for a shipment. Use the Shipment Reference Number Qualifiers link from the Qualifiers Power Data menu to edit or create new NFRC qualifiers.


Use the Remarks section to record remarks as additional information for the charge.

Involved Parties

Use the last two sections of this page to assign involved party contacts and/or locations to the NFRC.

Note: You can also have involved parties automatically populated when the NFRC is created from a Non-Freight Related Charge rule.

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