Logistics Network Modeling

Scenario Work Assignment Optimization

This page is accessed via:

  • Logistics Network Modeling > Modeling Project > Actions > Scenario Work Assignment Optimization
  • Logistics Network Modeling > Modeling Scenario > Actions > Scenario Work Assignment Optimization

With this action you can select a project or a scenario and run the scenario Scenario Work Assignment Optimization. Any previous Scenario Work Assignment Optimization Plans along with the shipments and any output data associated with the scenario are deleted before re-planning.

If you run this action from the modeling project, you also see a comparison of Modeling Scenario IDs so you can compare results.

After submitting the process, you can click View Log to see its process log, any processing errors, and other diagnostic information.

Scenario Work Assignment Optimization Results

In the top grid, besides the Work Assignment Planning ID, Modeling Scenario ID, you see the number of shipments selected, and planning milestone statuses.

Scenario Work Assignment Comparison

This section gives the details for the scenario work assignment specifications for the scenarios selected. If more than one scenario was selected, they are listed side-by-side so you can compare them. If there is no Group By defined and only one work assignment specification ID is defined with the number of periods equal to 1, then only 1 work assignment results. Otherwise, there will be more than one. See the  Modeling Work Assignment help topic for an explanation of the fields.

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