Fleet Management

Work Assignment Planning

For work assignment planning and optimization, this page is accessed via:

  • Shipment Management > Buy Shipment > Actions > Fleet management > Manage Work Assignment > Optimize Work Assignments
  • Fleet Management > Process Management > Optimize Work Assignments
  • Fleet Management > Planning Results > Work Assignment Planning

For Logistics Network Modeling scenario work assignment optimization, this page is accessed via:

  • Logistics Network Modeling > Modeling Project > Actions > Scenario Work Assignment Optimization
  • Logistics Network Modeling > Modeling Scenario > Actions > Scenario Work Assignment Optimization

Note: You can also access Work Assignment Planning from Bulk Plan, when the Fleet Aware Bulk Plan parameter is set to true. This parameter allows the creation of any work assignments in a bulk plan. For more information, see Fleet and Bulk Planning.

Select multiple shipments and a parameter set to achieve work assignments for shipments. This process considers the resource scheduler parameters configured in the parameter set. Oracle Transportation Management (OTM) considers Resource Schedule Instances to determine which shipments need to be strung together to form optimal work assignments.

When you perform Work Assignment Planning, you can enter a unique ID for the work assignment and informational attributes are provided about the work assignment results such as:

  • Start and end time of the work assignment planning process
  • Number of shipments selected for work assignment planning
  • Number of shipments that were assigned for better shipping opportunities
  • Distance and duration of shipments
  • Number of resource schedule instances available
  • Number of work assignments created
  • Total weighted cost and actual cost of assigned shipments

Refer to the Optimize Work Assignments Action page to see the list of shipments which are not considered when you perform the Optimal Work Assignments action.

Note: Terminate action enables you to terminate the selected work assignments. Includes time and reason for termination.

Results Tab

You can use Work Assignment Planning to review the results of any work assignments, regardless of how you initiated it.

The fields displayed are based on the multiple shipments you selected.

Work Assignment Planning


Work Assignment Planning ID

The ID is automatically generated using the default format in the Business Number Generator.

You can use the Work Assignment Planning ID to search for shipments that are part of the plan using the Shipment Manager and Fleet Manager.

Shipment Query Name

The name of the Saved Query that was used to select the shipments for the Work Assignment Planning if you performed Optimize Work Assignment using the Process Manager.

Parameter Set ID

The set of parameters that was used to process this work assignment planning. Click View Overrides to view parameters set differently from the defaults.

Domain Name

Shows the domain you are working in.


Shows the status.

Last Updated

Time when the process began.

Start Time

The time when the work assignment planning process began.

End Time

The time when the work assignment planning process completed. If the End Time is blank, then processing is still in progress. Click the Refresh button at the bottom of the page until an End Time appears to review the results.

Shipments Selected

Displays the number of shipments considered in the work assignment planning.

Shipments Assignable

Displays the number of shipments which are assignable in the work assignment planning.

Shipments Assigned

Displays the number of shipments that are assigned in the work assignment planning.

Note: If you ran the Scenario Bulk Plan or the Scenario Work Assignment Optimization actions the Shipments Built link opens the Modeling Shipment finder results and view screens.

Shipments Failed

The number of shipments failed as a result of the work assignment planning.

Total Slack Duration

The total slack duration of all work assignments.

Slack time is time between the end of a shipment and the start of the next shipment that is not empty transit time. For example, shipment 1 ends at 09:00 and shipment 2 doesn't start until 11:00 due to a pickup window on the order. If the transit time from the last stop of shipment 1 to the first stop of shipment 2 is only 30 minutes, the other 1 hour 30 minutes  between the shipments would be considered slack time.

Total Rest Duration

The total rest duration of all work assignments

Total Transit Duration

The total transit duration of all work assignments

Total Transit Distance

The total transit distance of all work assignments


Applicable Instances - Number of resource schedule instances applicable

Newly Generated - Number of resource schedule instances newly generated

Work Assignments

Created - Number of work assignments created

Note: If you ran the Scenario Work Assignment Optimization action the Created link opens the Modeling Work Assignments finder results and view screens.

Minimum - Minimum number of shipments in Work Assignments of all work assignments saved so far

Maximum - Maximum number of shipments in Work Assignments of all the work assignments saved so far

Average - Average number of shipments in Work Assignments saved so far


Costs before Work Assignment

Shows total weighted cost and actual cost of all assignable shipments before work assignments creation

Costs after Work Assignment

Shows total weighted cost and actual cost of all assignable shipments after work assignments creation

Modeling Project ID / Modeling Scenario ID

These fields are populated if the work assignment optimization was run via the logistics network modeling action of Scenario Work Assignment Optimization. They show values for work assignment optimization invoked from a modeling project or modeling scenario.

Note: The metrics and values in the screen do not correspond to work assignment optimization but are the result of the scenario planner initiated work assignment optimization (as expected).


Metrics Tab

The first section summarizes metrics derived from the total work assignments.

Work Assignment Planning Level Metrics


Available Instance Counts

The total number of resources calculated as sum of the counts on each resource schedule instance. For example, if 5 RSIs have count of 5 each, the total available resources are 25.

Used Instance Counts

Displays the number of resource used instances (Resource Schedule Instance); this is same as number of work assignments created.

Minimum Shipments

Minimum number of shipments per work assignment.

Maximum Shipments

Maximum number of shipments per work assignment.

Average Shipments

Average number of shipments per work assignment.

Minimum Cost

Minimum cost per work assignment.

Maximum Cost

Maximum cost per work assignment.

Average Cost

Average cost per work assignment.

Minimum Transit Duration

Minimum total duration per work assignment.

Maximum Transit Duration

Maximum total duration per work assignment.

Average Transit Duration

Average total duration per work assignment.

Minimum Slack Duration

Maximum slack duration per work assignment.

Maximum Slack Duration

Minimum slack duration per work assignment.

Average Slack Duration

Average slack duration per work assignment.

Minimum Rest Duration

Maximum rest duration per work assignment.

Maximum Rest Duration

Minimum rest duration per work assignment.

Average Rest Duration

Average rest duration per work assignment.

Minimum Total Distance

Minimum total distance per work assignment.

Maximum Total Distance

Maximum total distance per work assignment.

Average Total Duration

Average total duration per work assignment.


The second section displays Utilization Metrics.

Work Assignment Planning Utilization Metrics


Average Resource Utilization

Shows the average percentage of the resource count used during planning. Each RSI has count of resource schedule instances available. So if 3 RSIs have count of 5 each which were used during planning and 3 resource schedule instances from first RSI were used to create work assignments, then the average percentage of RSI count is calculated as:

(((3/5)+5+5)/3 ) *100

Average Transit to Total Time Utilization

Shows how much available time was utilized on the work assignment - computed per work assignment first and then average of those values.

Average Slack to Total Time Utilization

Shows how much of the work assignment duration was slack.

Average Rest to Total Time Utilization


Shows how much of the work assignment duration was rest.


Performance Tab

Work Assignment Planning Level Metrics



Shows the status.

Last Updated

Time when the milestone process began.

Total Time

Amount of time consumed by the completed process.

Start Time

Time when the milestone process began.

End Time

Time when the milestone process ended.


Milestone Metrics


Planning Milestone ID

Lists the process or milestone. These are pre-defined. Additional ones cannot be created.


Shows the status.


Displays how long that process took to run.


Compared to total run time.


Displays the progress of the milestones which can be in process, submitted, or completed . For example, it may show 6 out of 8 shipments are assignable.


Shows the algorithm used, if one was used.

Error Count

Shows exceptions.  If there is a number in this column, the number is a hyperlink. Click the hyperlink to see the error message.

Warning Count

This column shows number of warnings about certain parameter settings or excessive logging. If there is a number in this column, the number is a hyperlink. Click the hyperlink to see the message; for example, "Excessive Logging" or "Potentially Excessive Runtime". The message is also a hyperlink. Click the link for further details.

Note: There are work assignment planning properties that enable you to adjust warning settings. See glog.workassignment properties.




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