Logistics Network Modeling

Change Source Location Use Case for Network Modeling

Different options are available for setting up logistics network modeling based on the scenario that you want to model. This use case, we'll look at a scenario regarding order sourcing which uses data rules to model the scenario.

This scenario will help you to analyze the cost impacts of changing the source location on the orders to a different location. You may want to consider shifting the manufacturing unit or distribution centers (DC) to a different location and would like to model the change in your transportation network and figure out the cost impacts. You can set up different scenarios in the network modeling project and analyze the results of these changes. For example, you may want to change the distribution center from Baltimore to Philadelphia. You could also model if you changed it to Boston - and then compare all three results. We'll compare three scenarios:

  • Baltimore source location - This is the base scenario. No changes needed.
  • Philadelphia source location
  • Boston source location

The scenario data changes are performed using data rules. The order release source location values are modified in bulk using a data rule in the scenario.

Creating the Change Source Location Use Case Project

Create a modeling project. You can create one project and then three scenarios each using a different source location, one using Baltimore, one using Philadelphia and one using Boston. The scenario will inherit header level information from the project.

Create modeling scenarios:

The first scenario will use the existing source location of "Baltimore" so no changes needed.

The second scenario will use a source location of Philadelphia. Define data rules to perform the scenario changes to change source location on orders to "Philadelphia". You will need to create both a data rule definition and a data rule Instance.

Create a data rule definition:

  • Select the table name associated with the data change. Select "Order Release" for this scenario.
  • In the Data Rule Parameters grid, provide the columns that need to be changed and define a parameter name for each column. Select the column name “Source_Location_Gid” for this scenario and provide a parameter name – say “Source Location Change”.
  • Optionally, provide the description for each column defined and if needed also provide the fixed values. The fixed values should be provided in comma separated format. It will be used during the creation of data rule instance to set the value for the column change.

Create a data rule instance:

  • Enter the data rule definition ID you used. The table name of the data rule instance will be automatically populated with the table name from data rule definition.
  • Click on “New Data Rule Instance Parameter” to configure a data rule change. A new Data Rule Instance Parameter screen will popup.
    • Select the Parameter Name from the drop down. This is the parameter name defined in the data rule definition. Select the Parameter “Source Location Change” in this case.
    • The Column Name associated with the Parameter Name will be populated automatically.
    • Select the operand to use from the list of feasible operands for the column. Select “Set” for this case.
    • Provide the new location ID to be used in the data rule; for example “PHL_DC”.

 Using the Modeling Scenario Data Rules grid , associate the data rule instance to the modeling scenario. This is where the rule needs to be applied and also defines the order release objects on which these rule needs to be applied.

  • Enter the Data rule instance created earlier. 

Note: Repeat the above to create another scenario for the Boston source location (or as many as you want to model).

Review the project. In the Modeling Scenarios section. You will see each of the scenarios.  

Run the project action Scenario Bulk Plan to perform the bulk plan for the scenarios. Select the scenarios and click Submit.

View the Results on the Scenario Bulk Plan Comparison screen.

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