Logistics Network Modeling

Setting Up Logistics Network Modeling

To use Logistics Network Modeling and perform what-if analysis, you must first do some set up. Your setup will depend on what scenarios you want to model.

  • Modeling Project: A project holds some high level information and the contains one or more scenario definitions.
  • Modeling Scenario: A scenario holds the actual information that is necessary to make data changes and run plans on the modified data.
  • Network Modeling Power Data:
    • Modeling Bulk Plan Specification: This enables you to define multiple modeling bulk plan specifications and each bulk plan specification can potentially run multiple scenario bulk plans, all within the context of one scenario.
    • Data Rule Definition: Data rules provide a way to define a change to an existing object in database without copying all the data. This is needed if using data rules in scenarios.
    • Data Rule Instance: A data rule instance is one component of data rules. This is needed if using data rules in scenarios.

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